
Pretty, but not user-friendly, at least for human eyes.


Kheelan scanned quickly, looking for any reference to the legend. Always and Future Lore and Legends of the Sidhe . . . beginnings, cast from heaven, breeds resulting: elemental sprites, air spirits, ocean fae . . .tribal formations . . . kings, queens and descendants . . . emergence of gremlins in the technological age . . . shape-shifting into human form . . . human encounters . . . Samhain wars… There! Legend of the Halfling Female at Samhain.


Procreation with humans, necessary for repopulation because of continuing war casualties between the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, has been met with often disappointing results. Most of the resulting progeny (with the notable exception of the MacLeods of Scotland) are not aware of their true birthright and power. The first of this mixed breed to be acknowledged as Fae-worthy was foretold by Nostriamela, in 1675. Her Talent of Future Predications is well documented.


In her words: “a descendent of a Fae and a human witch shall sprout her wings in the Samhain of her nineteenth year when her latent powers awaken. She is The One, the only one, able to touch the celestial crystal and bring it life. She will be brought into the sacred Faery Realm where she will place her hands upon it. An explosion of light shall burst forth and glow. By this, all will know the Seelie Court possesses the true relic of our former existence and all manner of the Unseelie (trolls, spriggans, phouka, etc.) shall quake before this relic from The Time Above. Knowing the Seelie Court has awakened its power, the Dark Fae will comprehend they cannot prevail against the Good Fae. Eventually, they will have to concede defeat in their race for dominion over Humans.”


Nostriamela’s details are sketchy, as is the nature of all future seeings, and the future shifts and changes with every path chosen in the astral and earthly plane. But she was firm that this opportunity stands for one night, the night of Samhain when all is possible and the veil is thinnest between humans and Fae. Once the sun comes over the horizon of the Halfling’s eighteenth Samhain, the power will disappear with her. The celestial crystal may never have another opportunity to be activated and the Dark Fae will slowly increase in number and strength. It may only take a few centuries thereafter for them to reign over the Seelie Court. Once that happens, humans will be the next race they target for dominion, beginning with witches who have a small measure of effect on matter and energy.


The One will be recognizable by her flaming red hair and unique rainbow aura. As rare as the rainbow aura occurs, there is also a true test to determine The One. She will be able to interpret the ancient pixie fairy language, a feat no other can perform.


Kheelan closed the book. With cunning borne from years of necessity, he carefully returned all the books to the desk drawer and turned the key, making no sound. He stood to put the key back in Finvorra’s pants pockets and ran into a solid mass.


“Give me the key,” Finvorra demanded in a hard voice.






Chapter 6



Fairy Dancing




“The Tower. The Devil. The Two of Swords reversed.”


Glenna’s voice held a note of ominous weariness.


“Is your life one great big tragedy after another?” Skye asked. “Just once, I’d like to see you draw The Sun or The Star in that tarot deck.”


“So would I.” Glenna sighed theatrically, enjoying her dark misfortune. Her long, black hair hung down the left side of her face like a curtain. She tapped the cards spread on the counter, an angry tableau of future troubles. “The first card shows a major catastrophe. The Devil foretells entrapment and temptation and the Two of Swords means I have a disloyal friend or ally.” Glenna raised her head and regarded Skye suspiciously.


“Don’t look at me. We’re co-workers, not friends or allies.” Skye’s temples throbbed from lack of sleep and she was in no mood for Glenna’s annoying morning prophecy of doom.


Last night she had replayed over and over her meeting with Kheelan and seeing the fairies. Exciting, but scary too. Even though this wasn’t her first brush with other worlds, it was unsettling. Strange beings and alternate universes? No thank you. All she wanted was a normal life and to be Tanner’s girlfriend. In spite of everything else swirling around her, Skye cringed remembering his brush-off kiss. Even her job was no longer a fun, safe haven, but a place where ominous things happened one floor beneath.


Glenna gathered the cards in a huff; her silver charm bracelet banged the counter.


“Is this new?” Skye asked, fingering the dangling heart charm. It had a garnet chip at the top and an inscription, G & M.


Debbie Herbert's books