Cat’s Lair

“Eli?” she asked again, turning her face up to his, trying to read him.

Day four of their conditioning training was going very well. He couldn’t fault Cat for anything. She did every single thing he demanded of her – and he pushed her. He pushed her hard. They ran together long distances and did wind sprints. He worked self-defense moves with her and sparred with her. He didn’t ever take it easy on her. If anything he was harsh. She never complained.

“Just stay close,” he warned.

She’d climbed her first boulder and her hands were sore, the skin was torn off a couple of her fingers. She didn’t say a word. They spent several hours a day on the gun range, firing a variety of weapons, and she was a very good shot. Still, he refused to let up. He pushed her so hard, that every night she looked exhausted. She fell asleep in the large tub and he took her out, dried her off and carried her to bed.

Right now she looked upset. Hurt. Great. He was going to walk her right up to three men – three single shifters – with her looking vulnerable. His mean temper was getting meaner and becoming a problem.

She kissed him in the morning. She didn’t wrap her lips around his cock. She kissed him. Now, watching the three men staring at her, he was damned sorry he didn’t wear her out another way. He should have spent more time making certain she knew who she belonged to. He should have spent a lot more time ensuring he was tired out from claiming her every way he could. His leopard was riding him so hard he could barely talk without growling. Now, he could only stand and be gracious when he wanted to snarl and roar.

He walked up to the fence and halted on his side of it, clamping his arm around Catarina, his fingers pressing into her bottom. She trembled. He forced his hand to smooth out and gently rub, trying to convey he wasn’t angry with her, just the situation. She wouldn’t have understood even had he tried to explain it to her.

“Cat, this is Joshua Tregre, Elijah Lospostos and Trey Sinclair. They work security for Jake Bannaconni.” He knew Trey from the rain forest. The man had recently come to work in the States for Bannaconni.

Eli heard the growl in his voice, that warning that came from every male shifter when his woman was close to the Han Vol Dan. Fortunately for all of them, Catarina’s leopard was being very stubborn, hiding away from her, otherwise she would have set off every male in the vicinity.

He felt Catarina’s body jerk. She actually tensed, moved closer to him, her eyes suddenly downcast.

“Catarina and I have met before, haven’t we?” Elijah said, his voice gentle.

Eli narrowed his eyes, his gaze settling on Elijah. When they’d talked a few days earlier, Eli had mentioned Rafe Cordeau, and Elijah had admitted his family had done business with him. Elijah’s family was mired deep in the international drug trade. He wasn’t surprised that Elijah and Cordeau had crossed paths, but he was shocked and not too happy that Elijah and Catarina had already met.

“Funny, you didn’t mention that the other day when I brought up Catarina.” Eli kept his voice neutral. Elijah was a good friend of Drake’s and he’d worked with Drake’s crew for a long time.

“I was at more than one meeting my family had with Cordeau,” Elijah said. “But only once at his home. That’s where I met Catarina.”

Cat didn’t say anything, but again he felt a small shudder run through her body. “He isn’t one of them,” Eli was compelled to say. “His family is part of a cartel, but Elijah is not in that business. He isn’t a friend of Cordeau’s. You’re safe here.”

She didn’t speak. She didn’t look at any of them. Clearly she thought she’d perfected the art of disappearing into her surroundings by simply remaining silent and not looking at any of them. He knew better. She was a beautiful woman. She had lush curves and gleaming silk for hair. It was pulled back and clipped at the nape of her neck, but there it was messy, and sexy and impossible to ignore.

His cat snarled. Raked at his belly. “What’s the word on the street?”

He knew that’s what he’d been called to the fence for. Elijah had heard something and was passing on information.

“Cordeau’s pulled out all stops, called in all favors. He’s hunting, Eli. He’s pushing all the way to the lowest ranking member of his network from those on the streets to favors from other crime bosses. He’s even hitting up the cops on everyone’s payroll. I heard someone in your branch as well; he’s threatening everyone he knows to get information. There’s a hefty reward. I heard it was up around a million. People would kill their own mothers for that kind of money.”

Eli nodded. He’d expected nothing less from Cordeau. He would have done the same thing if he had the money and resources and he’d lost Cat to another man.

Christine Feehan's books