Cat’s Lair

Oh, God. Why did she have to find everything about him scorching hot? She gave a soft protest, “Eli.” Her stomach did a funny flip. He could make her want him with one touch. One look. He terrified her the longer she spent time with him. What had she done? How had she made such a stupid commitment?

“You don’t get to take yourself back. You gave me you last night,” he said, his eyes burning fiercely.

She could see the leopard in him, a ferocious, feral animal, lurking close to the surface, needing his mate to submit to him.

“I’m not taking me back,” she whispered, awed by the power she felt running through him. His body was hard and hot, his strength barely contained.

“Then what the hell are you doing?” he demanded.

She counted her heartbeats. She heard her pulse pounding in her ears. One hand was a flimsy defense, there on his chest. She could feel his defined muscles coiled with tension beneath her palm.

“I’m… ah… taking a time-out.”

He let his breath out in a slow hiss of annoyance. His hand never loosened in her hair, preventing her from moving her head. “A time-out?”

She moistened her lips, and for the first time, she really looked at him. Looked into his eyes. Immediately she found herself caught and held there, a prisoner in all that gold. She swallowed hard. “I’m not taking anything back, Eli. I’m just overwhelmed. I don’t know how to act. I’m still just a little freaked out and I’m sorry if that upsets you.”

He stared down at her with the unblinking, focused stare of the leopard for what seemed an eternity. His face softened, although the grip on her hair didn’t. “Kitten. You can’t hide from me like this. If you’re freaked out, you talk to me. If you’re overwhelmed, you tell me. I’m not the kind of man to guess what’s going on with my woman. You have to come right out and tell me.”

She swallowed hard again. “Okay.”

“I’m going to kiss you good morning,” he said softly. “That’s all, just kiss you. That shouldn’t scare you. You’ve kissed me before, so why does it freak you out this morning?”

“We never stop at just kissing, and I need to process. You confuse me, Eli. I can’t think when you’re kissing me or your hands are on me, and I seem to do the craziest things.”

His lips whispered against hers, the lightest of touches, but he might as well have sent a flaming arrow straight between her legs.

“I love how honest you are, Cat,” he said softly, his mouth on hers.

The way he did that, talked right into her mouth was just as hot as if he’d kissed her. Well… maybe she was wrong about that because then he was kissing her and the ground shifted out from under her feet. The room spun. Her body melted into his. She didn’t even feel his hand loosen in her hair. Her arms slid up his chest and curled around his neck to bring his head closer. He kissed her and then he devoured her as if she was all he wanted for breakfast.

Eli broke the kiss and looked down into her dazed eyes. His heart stuttered in his chest. She was beautiful to him. Not just the outside packaging, but the way she gave herself to him when he touched her. The way she answered him so honestly, even if she was revealing things to him she’d prefer to keep hidden.

Her lips were parted just the slightest bit, looked swollen from his kisses, moist and soft and inviting him back. He didn’t try to resist the invitation, even though he’d promised her he would only kiss her. He knew she wore nothing beneath the shirt, because he’d asked her not to wear anything else. His woman always did what he asked, because for some reason, if it mattered to him, it mattered to her. Even when it was difficult for her.

Like this morning. Overwhelmed by her commitment to him, but not taking it back. He lifted his head again and ran his hand gently over her face. “You okay now, baby? We need to talk more?”

A hint of amusement crept into the dark blue violet of her eyes. “Is that what you call that? Talking?”

“It’s how I do my best talking. That said good morning to my woman. That said you’re safe with me. Did you feel it?”

“I don’t know. I’m still trying to put out the fire you started. You always scramble my brain.”

But she was smiling. Looking at him. Before she’d been afraid to even chance a look. Eli stepped back away from her before it was too late. He prowled across the room, paced back and forth to release the energy built up in his body. He was a man who needed sex. Lots of sex, but now, with her so close to him, he needed it all the time. His leopard was a handful on the best of days, but with Eli’s body painfully hard for what seemed like every minute of the day, his leopard was roaring for Catarina’s submission.

“I’m making another coffee,” he announced. “Do you want one?”

“Sure. That would be nice,” she ventured.

She just stood there, her back to the counter, her long hair gleaming like a waterfall after midnight, her eyes still a little dazed and if she didn’t move, he was going to sit her up on the counter, put his mouth between her legs and have her for breakfast.

“Baby.” He sighed the endearment.


Christine Feehan's books