Cat’s Lair

“I think it would be improbable that would happen, but I think any of us can walk away if we decide we don’t want what we have.” He stepped into her space again, his fingers on her chin, tilting her head so she could look into his eyes, eyes that were pure cat. “As to whether or not I would turn into Cordeau without you, I can’t honestly say.” He dropped his hand abruptly and turned and walked out of the room.

Catarina found herself shaking. She walked to the kitchen chair with her coffee, sat down and drew up her legs. What had he meant by that strange statement? He couldn’t possibly turn into Rafe. Eli might be leopard, but he wouldn’t be a part of the DEA if he wanted to commit the kinds of crimes Rafe did. Rafe’s organization spanned three states. He had a large network, and it was growing every day. She just couldn’t see Eli running guns or keeping prostitutes in line or creating a drug empire. Killing maybe, the rest of it no way.

How could she want a man so much when she didn’t trust him? She was very honest with herself. Eli wasn’t Ridley but she was still very attracted to him. Their chemistry was off the charts. Still, sex wasn’t making love. People hooked up all the time for great sex, didn’t they? Couldn’t she just view it like that? He knew about the little hussy inside of her. She could bide her time until her leopard made her appearance, use Eli for great sex and then if things went bad, just walk away.

She sipped at her coffee, surprised to find it was warm, not hot. She’d always been good at figuring things out. She just had to get past the horrible hole in her heart. She still felt as if she’d been ripped to pieces, shredded inside and left empty. The problem was, she only felt that way when she was alone, when Eli wasn’t right next to her, and that, she knew, was a very bad sign.

With a little sigh she got up and checked the fridge and cupboards and then found Eli’s pots and pans. She liked the kitchen and the views it had. She could look out the wide windows while she cooked and watch the wind playing through the trees. It was beautiful country. She had chosen to come to Texas because she was certain the state was so large Rafe wouldn’t be able to find her there.

This countryside was beautiful, with far more trees than she expected. Eli said his leopard could run free here. She wondered what that would be like. What it would feel like. She suddenly had the desire to run free as a leopard, just to experience it. She was afraid, because she’d seen Rafe’s leopard and she knew the animal was even more dangerous than the man.

Even as a teenager, Catarina realized the leopard drove Rafe hard and it took a great deal of discipline and energy to keep that part of him under control. The leopard’s traits were definitely infused in the man and now, after seeing Eli and knowing what was inside of him, she knew his leopard drove him as well.

She paused in the act of stirring her sauce to press a hand to her stomach. Her leopard drove her as well. She’d been violent with Eli twice. More, she had practically forced him to have sex with her. She gained just a little sympathy for Rafe. Her sauce bubbled and she quickly began to stir it again. Leopards, like people, had to have their own personalities, and some had to be more difficult than others. More prone to violence. More alpha.

She glanced toward the open archway leading toward the master bedroom. The water had gone off. Eli would be with her again soon. His leopard was pure alpha, the same as Rafe’s leopard had to be. She couldn’t imagine the two men coming together in any kind of agreement. They would each view the other as a threat and would feel the need to neutralize that threat.

She fixed two plates, arranging them artistically, because for her, it wasn’t just about really good food, but good presentation as well.

Remembering the look on Eli’s face when he’d said that about losing her made her heart beat faster. He walked in when she was setting the plates on the table. He looked good. He smelled good. And when he smiled at her, he took her breath away.

She sank into the chair across the table from him, pulled up her bare feet and sat tailor fashion. “I hope you like it. I made us a skillet breakfast with hash browns and country ham biscuits. The beignets just came out of the oil and are very hot, and you have fresh coffee.”

Eli flashed another smile and something inside her responded with a warm glow. “You have no idea what a treat it is to smell food cooking in this house. I bought the place and nearly burned it down the first time I ever used that stove.”

“Someday I’m going to have my dream stove, Eli,” she said. “I’ve always wanted a Viking.”

He paused to eat two bites of the egg scramble. “This is heaven. Every time you get in a kitchen you produce a miracle for the taste buds.”

She laughed. “‘Miracle for the taste buds’? You didn’t just say that, did you?”

He shrugged and kept eating. “Sometimes even corny crap is the only thing a man can say because it’s the fucking truth.”

“You swear a lot.”

“Does it bother you?”

“How could it? I grew up in Rafe’s home and all his men used foul language.”

Christine Feehan's books