Cat’s Lair

CATARINA woke with her body unbearably hot. Her breasts felt swollen and achy. There was a terrible burning between her legs. It was absolutely impossible to stay still. Her body writhed along the cool sheets. It was impossible to stop, even with the knowledge that she was pressed up against Eli Perez. His body had somehow become wrapped around hers, his knee intimately between her legs and his hand shaping her breast.

She tried to breathe away the fire, but the tension in her only coiled tighter. Eli was hot, his skin burning through hers. She realized that sometime in the night he had shed his boots and clothes. He wore only a thin pair of drawstring sweats and he was pressed tight against her buttocks. He felt… delicious.

Her heart beat hard and her breathing became ragged. She craved him. His touch. The feel of his fingers on her skin. His mouth on her. She needed to taste him. Taste his kiss. His skin. To feel his heavy erection in her palm, in her mouth, deep inside of her. The craving grew until thunder roared in her ears.

She tried to still her mind. To pray. To fight the chaotic, unbelievable burn that scorched her. That demanded. Craved. Flames seem to burn her skin and the material of the sheet actually hurt her skin. She had to stay still, but it was impossible. She needed, and he was right there. She couldn’t fight that terrible, desperate burn one second longer.

She turned, and crawled up his body. Crawled. She needed his body tight against hers so she could feel the throb of his cock against her mound. He reacted with a groan and his erection grew harder and thicker. Perfect. Just the feel of him there fed the fire burning between her legs and she kissed his chest, sliding her mouth over to his nipples and then down to his flat belly. She traced each rib with her tongue.

Her clothes hurt her skin and she reached with one hand to tear her tank from her body, pull it over her head and throw it away from her.

The itch rose, a terrible wave, but this time it was worse, igniting tiny flames in every nerve ending. Her sweats burned through her pores. “Get my sweats off. Oh, God. Hurry. You have to get them off.”

She heard the plea in her voice. She needed the material off of her, but she couldn’t stop tasting his skin. He was an addiction now, one she couldn’t give up, one she needed to survive.

“Kitten.” His voice was raw with need. “This isn’t a good idea.”

She could barely hear him with her blood roaring in her ears. She moved lower, shoving at his sweats, her fist wrapping around his cock while she dipped her head lower to run her tongue over that velvety smooth head. The moment her lips touched him and she drew the taste of him into her mouth she needed more. Much more.

One hand pushed at the material causing her actual pain, the other remained tight around his shaft, squeezing gently. His hand covered hers and he drew her hand up and then down, showing her without words what to do.

“Okay, baby, okay. We’ve got this,” he said softly, and his hands hooked into her sweat bottoms and pushed them off her body.

She kicked to get them free of her legs and he tugged them away. The relief was tremendous, but the craving for him worsened. “I need this, right now. I need this. Tell me what to do.”

His hands shaped her bottom for a moment, sliding over her firm muscle and then he wrapped her hair in his hand. “Take me in your mouth, sweetheart. Use your tongue.” His fist in her hair pushed her head down.

Catarina obeyed him instantly, taking him into the scalding heat of her mouth. Eli nearly lost control right then. She didn’t need to know what she was doing, her body instinctively did it for her. Her tongue slid over and under, she suckled, tightening the suction around him and then sliding her mouth up and down all the while working him with her tight fist.

The breath slammed out of him. She was so hot she burned against him. He could feel his leopard roaring and leaping and his own body was so hard, the demand more urgent than he’d ever experienced. There was one fleeting thought to try to stop her, but that was gone in the fierce, raging fire licking at his body.

“Please, please,” she begged against his shaft, the soft words vibrating through the sensitive organ so that he threw his head back and with a low growl pulled her off of him.

Before she could protest, he rolled her over and took savage possession of her mouth. His. She was his whether she liked it or not. There would be consequences to this, but he could no more stop himself than he could shoot himself. He kissed her hard, over and over, his tongue ruling her mouth.

He dropped his hand to her breast to first cup the soft weight and then to roll her nipple between his finger and thumb, tugging aggressively. Her body arched and the breath hissed out of her. Instantly he covered her breast with his mouth, pulling soft flesh deep inside. She tasted like heaven. Her body felt like sin. Those lush, sweet curves every bit as soft and perfect as he suspected.

He worked first one breast and then the other, using the edge of his teeth, the heat of his mouth and his fingers to drive her up fast. She sobbed against his shoulder, chanting the same little ragged plea.

Christine Feehan's books