Cat’s Lair

He’d given her two orgasms but her body was so greedy that she needed more. She was on fire. An inferno. The growling demand nearly sent her over the edge. She loved his voice. Loved it when he narrowed his eyes and focused with ferocious, furious intent. Her body always responded, going hot, blood rushing through her veins. She came alive.

Her hands gripped the headboard tightly. She needed to hold on to something. Anything. Because what she was about to do was enormous to her. That last piece of her. The one she’d kept for herself. The one she protected. He was demanding it. He knew. Somehow he knew, and he wanted all of her. He wanted the last piece of her that she’d been guarding. Holding safe.

She moistened her lips. “I do, Eli. You know I do.”

“You do what, Catarina? Say it, damn you. Do you think I’m going to accept less than all of you? Say it out loud. Right now. And know what it means.” His voice had gone harsh. Low and harsh. Velvet soft, but filled with iron. Steel. He wasn’t going to back down and his mouth and hands kept the fire inside her roaring.

Catarina knew she was going to give him what he wanted. What he demanded. There was nowhere to hide. He didn’t let her. She felt stripped down. Bare. Completely vulnerable, and it had nothing at all to with the way he held her body open to him. She could easily give him her body. Even maybe her heart. But he demanded her soul.

His teeth nipped. A sharp, stinging pain. All the while those golden eyes blazed into hers. Intense focus. A leopard’s stare when he claimed his prey.

She swallowed again and let go. Let herself fall. “I love you, Eli. You know I do. I love you with everything in me.”

She watched his eyes when she said it. He looked merciless. Ruthless. The moment the words were out in the open between them, those eyes went soft. Melted. She saw absolute, raw vulnerability and the flood of love there. She’d never seen him like that, or imagined him like that. Naked for her to see into him. Her stomach clenched. Her channel spasmed, and her heart turned over. She needed to hold him, to put her arms around him and get as close as possible. She wanted to cry seeing the look on his face because in her wildest dreams, she never imagined he really felt that way toward her. That soul-searing deep.

“That’s my Kitten,” he whispered softly. “So brave.”

She couldn’t stop the warm glow that spread at the thought of putting that look on his face, of giving him something that obviously meant everything to him.

Eli moved then, fast, coming over top of her, blanketing her completely, pinning her under him. His mouth went straight to her breast, his hand slipping between her legs to position himself at her entrance. She tried hard to push herself against him, to impale herself on his gorgeous, erect shaft, but his weight made it impossible to move. He held her there, watching the helpless pleasure on her face. Loving that.

“Eli, honey, I want to hold you. I want to be able to touch you.” She whispered it, half desperate to feel his skin with her hands.

Without hesitation, he reached for the key on the nightstand and deftly stretched one arm up to unlock the cuffs. He tossed them aside along with the key and caught her wrists to look at them quickly.

She didn’t care about her wrists. She wanted him inside of her. She wanted to feel his hot skin under her palms so she wrapped him up as quickly as she could, as tightly as she could. Her arms. Her legs. She hooked her ankles around his hips, her breathing ragged, while her nipples rubbed tight against the heavy muscles of his chest.

She ran her hands up his chest to his shoulders, over and then down his back, taking him in, pulling him closer. She couldn’t get enough of him.

“Honey, you have to be inside me,” she whispered against his chest, her tongue licking at his skin. He tasted wild. Masculine. Like rain forests. Her fist clenched in his hair for a moment, pulling his head back. She felt wild with pleasure, with hunger. “I need you inside me, Eli.”

His eyes glowed like those of the leopard he was. Hot. Golden fire. Piercing her soul. He was hers, as wild and primitive as a man could be. A shifter. Dangerous and dark, but he loved her. And he could bring her to ecstasy.

His cock slammed deep into her, driving hard, forcing her delicate, tight muscles to give way for his intrusion. At first, like it always did, her feminine channel resisted, but there was no holding back against such a force.

She knew he thought he held her prisoner, just as Rafe had done, but she knew she could get away from him. He would never hurt her. He would never kill to force her to stay. “You saved me,” she whispered. “Eli, honey, you saved me.”

Christine Feehan's books