Burning Desire

“A high honor.”



He looked back into her eyes. There were no more words as they stared at each other. He rubbed his thumb against her skin. Her eyes dilated and her breath quickened.


“I should go,” she said.


“Why did you really come?”


“I told you. I wanted to explain myself.”


“Then explain,” he urged. Anything to keep her with him until he could come up with a reason for her to stay.


Her throat moved as she licked her lips. “I’m sorry for everything. I should’ve listened to you from the very beginning.”


“They were your family. You should’ve been able to trust your family.”


“It was you,” she said and lowered her eyes to his chest. “You made me see there was so much more out there. I came to realize the only one responsible for my life was me, and I had to make the decisions, not my family.”


“Good for you.”


Shara shivered. His voice was deep and rich, almost a whisper against her skin he was so close. He moved nearer until their bodies touched. She was having a hard time putting thoughts into words with him so near. All she wanted to do was lift her face and place her lips on his.


“I…” She trailed off as a gust of wind moved over them and blew his long hair out of his face.


He was naked, the heat of him making her weak. And hungry. Her hands were on his arm, but she wanted to caress his chest with the dragon tat, his shoulders, his back. All of him.


“Aye?” he urged as his face lowered until their lips were breaths apart.


She rested her head back against the boulder and fought for breath to fill her lungs. “I was Dark. I knew you wouldn’t believe anything I said after what Balladyn did, and I wanted to help.”


“So you put yourself in danger?”


He had such a sexy voice, and that brogue. It sent chills over her skin and made desire pool low in her belly. She nodded, unable to form words.


“You could’ve died.”


Shara met his gaze. “For you. I would have for you.”


A low growl rumbled from his chest as he pushed his body against her, his arousal pressing into her stomach. “Doona ever do anything so foolish again.”


She opened her mouth to respond, only to have him kiss her. It was violent, ravenous and yet sensual and alluring. His hand released her neck to slide around to cup her head.


Kiril couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted to strip her right there and fill her. What stopped him were his brethren flying around and watching them. He kissed down her throat as she dragged in lungfuls of air. Her arms wound around his neck as her fingers delved into his hair.


“That was part of what changed me,” she said between breaths.


Kiril lifted his head to look down at her. “And what was the other part?”


Silence stretched as she debated whether to tell him. Kiril wasn’t going to let her off that easily. He kissed her again, slowly and thoroughly until she was limp in his arms.


“Tell me,” he pleaded.




His heart missed a beat. Could it be possible? Did he dare to hope?


“Say something,” she whispered.


He cupped her face, holding the long strands of her black hair back. His gaze snagged on the silver lock of hair that he wound around his finger. “You stole my heart, Shara. Whether you’re Dark or Light, I must have you.”


“Many will still consider me Dark.”


“I doona care. I marked you as mine.”


She ran a finger along his jaw. “Yes, you did. Do you really want me?”


“I made a call to a friend who is able to locate anyone, anywhere. He was coming in the morn so I could find you. Aye, you silly Fae, I want you. Now. Forever.”


Tears spilled from her eyes as she threw her arms around him and held him close. “I didn’t dare believe.”


“Believe,” he said and kissed her shoulder.


“I love you, Kiril.”


He pulled back and looked into her silver eyes. “And I love you.”









Shara looked out over the scenery while she rested her head on Kiril’s chest, his fingers idly running over her back. The night had gone by entirely too fast as they made love again and again atop the mountain. The difference was that this time, she didn’t have to say farewell.


“You do know they saw us,” Kiril said, laughter in his voice.


Shara smiled as she heard the flap of dragon wings somewhere behind them. “Yep.”


“They better no’ have looked too closely at you.”


She bit back a smile when she heard the possessiveness in his voice that caused a thrill to run through her. Shara rose up on her elbow to look at him. She trailed a finger along his strong jaw to his chin. “I fear this is all a dream, and I’ll wake at any moment. Or worse, a trick by Balladyn who has gotten into my head.”


Donna Grant's books