Burning Desire

“There’s a verra good chance Rhi is gone from us.”



Phelan’s gaze slid away to stare off at nothing. “You think Balladyn turned her.”


“I didna say that,” Con said in a kinder voice. “I’m merely stating that she was held for a while.”


Rhys briefly squeezed Phelan’s shoulder. “We willna know anything until we see her again.”


“If we see her, you mean.” Phelan’s blue-gray eyes were filled with apprehension.


Kiril looked at Con, waiting for him to reply. When he didn’t, Kiril said, “It might take some time, but if she’ll return for anyone, it’ll be you, Phelan.”


“And if she returns, but isna the same?” Phelan asked. “If she’s Dark?”


Rhys shook his head. “She willna be. No’ Rhi.”


The fact Con didn’t utter a word was deafening. Kiril knew Con wouldn’t say anything else as long as Phelan was around. Then again, he might try to keep it from the rest of them as well.


Phelan turned his back to them. “Let’s go home.”


He took two steps and was gone. Rhys glanced at Kiril before he followed Phelan, but Kiril held back.


“What did Ulrik say to you?” he asked.


Con stared at him with hard eyes. “Nothing worth mentioning. He was running his mouth.”


“And Rhi?”


“Doona count on her help in the future.”


Kiril squeezed his eyes closed for a moment. “You think she’s now Dark?”


“I think she willna be the same. It doesna help that Ulrik has her.”


“You mean there’s a chance she’ll stay with him.”


Con gave a small shake of his head. “I’m merely saying it’s a possibility.”


Kiril pivoted and walked through the doorway with Con on his heels. As soon as they returned to Earth and the gardens at Blackwood Manor they encountered a full-on battle. Both pulled up short.


“Where the fuck have you been?” Phelan asked angrily as he growled, showing his fangs and using his claws to slash a Dark Fae’s head off.


Con let out a rumbling growl and glanced at the gathering rain clouds that didn’t quite block the sun. “Phelan, keep this contained.”


“Already done,” the Warrior stated.


There was a loud roar as Rhys dove from the sky in the form of a yellow dragon. Kiril took off running toward a group of Dark who were gathering their magic to direct at Rhys.


Kiril jumped into the air, shifting as he did, and slammed his left wing into the group, severing their heads. He spread his wings and sailed straight to the sky, only to turn and glide as he surveyed the battle.


A flash of light glinted off the metallic gold scales as Con roared loudly and swept through a group of Dark. Kiril drew in a deep breath and let loose a volley of icy breaths with Rhys blowing fire next to him.


Soon flames engulfed the house while Dark were frozen in place before being shattered into a million pieces by Phelan. The Dark scattered as they tried to decide to fight or save the house. Con didn’t give them a choice as he caught several in his grip and crushed them.


Phelan was doing his part on the ground as he dodged their magic and killed any Dark who was stupid enough to get close to him.


Kiril spotted more Dark coming toward the house. “We need to leave. Now.”


Rhys swooped down and grabbed Phelan before he flew into the swollen rain clouds. Kiril made a pass over the house as he searched for any sign of Shara. Lightning forked through the sky, followed closely by a loud rumble of thunder that rolled on for several seconds. Con soared past him, his tail hitting Kiril on his wing.


“It’s time we returned to Dreagan,” Con said.


Kiril spotted Shara’s father, who stood still, his gaze on the dragons, amid the Dark scrambling around him. Kiril titled his wings and turned to follow Con and Rhys.


“Well, that was fun,” Rhys said, sarcasm dripping from his words.


Con said, “We should’ve remembered where we would return to.”


“We got away and made a dent in them.” Rhys laughed. “I didna like being surprised with it, but I did enjoy killing those ass wipes.”


Kiril didn’t join in the laughter. “We were lucky. If more Dark had been there, things could’ve gotten bad.”


“But it didna,” Rhys said.


Kiril glanced over at his friend and saw a part of his hind leg was charred. “You didna say you were injured.”


“I’m fine.”


“Fine?” Con asked angrily. “If everything is fine, they why are you no’ healing?”


None of them mentioned that there was only one being who could kill—or seriously injure—a King.


“You three are doing that mental-talking thing, aye?” Phelan asked in a shout as he looked up at them.


Donna Grant's books