Burning Desire

Phelan didn’t miss the frown upon the Light Queen’s brow. He didn’t have a chance to question it since Usaeil herself cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention.


“I’ve got someone else I must see inside the fortress,” she declared.


Con glanced around. “If you’ve no’ noticed, Usaeil, we’re standing in the middle of a Dark Fae lawn. I’m no’ going to argue with you over this.”


“That’s right,” she said ardently. “We don’t have time. You get Kiril, Rhys will get Rhi, and Phelan will find Shara.”


Phelan understood then. “While you confront Balladyn.”


The Queen of Light smiled as she tossed back a lock of midnight hair over her shoulder. “He was once my greatest warrior.”


“What was he to Rhi?” Con asked.


Usaeil hesitated a moment. “They were like siblings. Balladyn was there after…”


There was no need for her to finish. All of them understood she was referring to when Rhi and her Dragon King lover ended their relationship.


Phelan looked at Rhys and Con. It could be either of them. Yet, Phelan had seen Rhys with her. She interacted with Rhys like an old friend, not a lover.


Con, on the other hand, Rhi hated with a passion. And he returned the sentiment. There was too much hate for there to have been anything more, no matter how long ago it might have been.


“What’s the plan then?” Phelan asked.


Con looked at Usaeil, and the two of them smiled cruelly. It was Con who said, “First, Usaeil will draw out Balladyn…”









Shara couldn’t stop shaking. She was cold all the way to her soul—cold because she knew whatever slim chance she might have had with Kiril had evaporated like a puff of smoke.


“Whatever made you think you could walk away from me?” Balladyn asked.


“It was all a ruse, just like you said.” She cut her eyes to him. “I’m a very good liar.”


His gaze grew hard. “That you are, but I think you truly did consider me.”


“Maybe for an instant, before I realized what I’d be getting into.”


“It doesn’t matter. I’ve decided no one else but you will do.”


She turned her head away from him. She knew it would infuriate him, so it was no surprise when his fingers clamped painfully on her jaw and jerked her head back around.


“I do love your spirit,” he said, his red eyes alight with madness.


“Why not choose from one of hundreds of females who crave to be your mate?” Shara asked after she wrenched her head out of his grip.


“Because they aren’t you. You are my match in every way. Once you realize you were made to be mine, you’ll come to accept that your place is ruling beside me. We have eternity for you to come to that understanding.”


“That won’t happen.” At least she prayed it didn’t.


“It will.” He gave a firm nod. “I suspect it’ll take only one or two tasks before we get more silver in your hair. That’s all it will take to get that Dragon King out of your head once and for all.”


She blew a piece of hair out of her eyes. “Ah. So that’s what this has to do with. It’s not me. It’s the fact that I interacted with Kiril. Just as Rhi had a King lover.”


“Rhi should’ve never gotten caught up in that world!” he bellowed, his chest heaving. “I told her it was wrong. I told her it would end badly.”


“Let me guess. You were there when your predictions came true.”


“I was,” he stated with a small smile.


Shara wanted to wrap her arms around herself and try to get back some heat, but she refused to show Balladyn that tiny degree of fear. “Rhi needed you then. You did something good.”


“I vowed to her family to protect her always.” Balladyn looked at the ground, anger radiating from him. “I failed by letting her become involved with the Dragon King. She deserved better than him. Rhi was precious, important.”


That’s when it hit Shara. “You were in love with her.”


His gaze slid to hers as he peeled back his lips is a sneer. “A mistake that was rectified when the Dark took me.”


“No,” she said with a shake of her head. “You still love her. That’s why you’ve held onto your revenge. It’s why you want to turn her Dark. Then you can have her.”


His face slackened into a smile. “If that’s true, why would I go through with the Claiming with you?”


She swallowed hard as her future came to her in crystal clarity. “To gain advancement through my family connections. To be with a female who was born Dark and not turned. Even if I do become the woman you want and rule beside you, the moment Rhi turns Dark, you’ll kill me. Then claim her as your own.”


One black and silver brow lifted. “You’re much smarter than I gave you credit for, Shara. You’ll make a fine match for me during our time together.”


He walked away, his boot heels sounding on the stones. Shara barked with laughter that stopped him in his tracks. He slowly turned to her. “You find something amusing?”


Donna Grant's books