Burning Desire

“I should’ve never brought you here.”



Phelan released Rhi and sat beside her. “You didna bring me. I came of my own accord. This isna on your shoulders.”


“And if you get caught? You, a prince of the Light? You’ve no idea what they would do to you. It would be a drop in the bucket compared to what they’ve done to Rhi.”


Phelan bent his knees and placed his elbows on them as he dropped his head into his hands. “Rhi gave me a family I didna know I had. She searched me out and never gave up on me. How can I do any less for her?”


“You were fighting an evil Druid, Phelan, no’ locked in a Dark prison. There’s a difference.”


His head lifted as he speared Kiril with his blue-gray eyes. “Would Rhi see a difference?”


“Probably no’,” Kiril said and sighed. “Rhi has always been different from other Light Fae. She does her own thing, makes her own decisions, and risks her life without thought for those she cares about.”


“Who was her Dragon King lover? I know it wasna you.”


Kiril twisted his lips. “It wasna for my lack of trying. Hell, all of us wanted her. All of us. Fae are stunning creatures, but there was always a special light inside Rhi that set her apart, even from the queen. But Rhi had eyes for only one King.”


“You willna tell me his name, will you?”


Kiril shook his head. “It’s no’ my story to tell. If Rhi wants you to know, she’ll tell you.”


“Why the big secret? It happened a long time ago.”


“Because of the story itself. After … everything, we thought to never see Rhi again, and we didna until we began to interact with the Warriors.”


“She was with me then.”


“Exactly. Had it no’ been for our alliance with you and the other Warriors, I doona think Rhi would have ever helped us again. Which means, she wouldna be in this prison.”


Phelan looked at her. “Balladyn wanted revenge. He would’ve found her one way or another.”


“Aye.” Just as it was inevitable that Ulrik and Con clash.


“What do we do now?”


Kiril dropped his arms and glanced at the door over his shoulder. “We get out and regroup. There has to be another way to break those damn chains, and we’ll find it.”


“Do you really think Con will risk Dragon Kings for Rhi? He hates her,” Phelan stated, his gaze hard as he looked at Kiril.


“It willna be Con’s decision. I’ll return, and I know others will as well.”


That mollified Phelan, because he gave a slight nod and rose to his feet. “It seems wrong to leave her, but we willna be doing her any good if we’re caught.”


“Wiser words were never spoken,” Kiril said.


They walked side by side to the door, but as Phelan reached for the handle, Kiril thought about Shara. He put a hand on Phelan’s arm to stop him.


Phelan compressed his lips for a moment. “I wondered when we’d get to her.”


“You think it’s all an act?”


“I doona know. You’re the one who knows her best. Do you trust her?”




“That’s enough for me.”


Kiril prayed he wasn’t wrong about Shara. If he was, he had just forfeited the life of a Fae prince. It was one thing when it was only his own life he had to worry about, but now he had to consider Phelan’s as well.


“If you’re caught, the Warriors will come looking for you,” Kiril said. “As strong and powerful as all of you are, you’ve never fought the Dark Fae.”


“The Dragon Kings have. Tell me, Kiril, if you’re caught, will Con and the others leave you in here? Or will they come for you?”


Kiril grinned. “They’ll come.”


“Because that’s what brothers do.”


“All right. I get the point,” Kiril said with a shake of his head. “I’ll go for Shara. Stay close, but doona allow yourself to be seen.”


Phelan’s brow furrowed deeply. “I’m no’ afraid of being caught by these fuckers.”


“You should be.” Kiril pointed to Rhi. “Look at her. That would be you. Do you want Aisley to find you like that?”


There was a pause as Phelan briefly closed his eyes. “Nay.”


“Stay close,” Kiril repeated, “but hidden. If I’m taken, get out of here and back to our realm. Go to Dreagan and tell them everything.”


“If they capture you, Balladyn will be expecting more Kings.”


Kiril slowly released a deep breath. “That’s why you need to tell them no’ to come.”


“Have you lost your mind?” Phelan demanded angrily.


“Nay. I’m being practical. One of us caught is bad enough, but if they get their hands on more…” He let his voice trail off. There was no need to spell it all out.


“I want it noted that I loathe this plan, but I see your point. Just doona get captured.”


“No’ my intention,” Kiril said as he dropped his hand and Phelan opened the door.




Rhys hadn’t liked Cork the first time he visited, and he didn’t like it any better now. “I feel as if I need to scrub my skin with acid to get this dirty feeling off,” he mumbled as he walked down the streets beside Con.


Donna Grant's books