Burning Desire

She set down the pail behind the counter and grasped her purse. When she straightened, there was a smile on her face. She had perfected it after years of learning to deftly hide the pain within her. “Good night.”



“I’m only trying to help.” Cassie stood in the doorway, blocking her exit. “I never meant to hurt you.”


“You didn’t,” Lily answered honestly. She rubbed her wrist. “It’s just been a long day.”


Cassie nodded and moved to allow her to pass. She was walking past when Cassie sucked in a quick breath. Lily didn’t have to look to know that she had seen the scar on her back.


“My God, Lily. What happened?”


She turned away quickly so that her back was no longer visible to Cassie. “It was an accident a long time ago.”


“Of course. My apologies,” Cassie said hastily.


Lily removed her purse from her shoulder and fixed her shirt to hide the scar. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”


“You bet.”


Lily’s legs felt as heavy as lead as she walked to her car. Would her lies never be finished? Would she never outrun her past?


She was so tired of reliving those years. If only she could have left the memories behind when she got away, but they were buried too deep in too much pain. It was why they revisited her every night in her dreams.


And it was one of a thousand reasons why she could only look at a man like Rhys and daydream of what could never—would never—be.









Shara stood in the middle of Balladyn’s chamber and waited for what was to come. He wanted her, but she wasn’t sure if he would wait until the Claiming to take her or not. Shara hoped he waited, because she wouldn’t be able to fake her enjoyment of him touching her. Not after she knew what true pleasure was in Kiril’s arms.


“Strip,” Balladyn demanded.


Shara raised a brow. “Why would I do that?”


“Because I want to see you.”


The longer he stared at her, the more anxiety filled her. “After the Claiming.”


“You wanted me, remember,” he said as he lounged on the bed leaning on one elbow. “You sought me out. I know it wasn’t for my charm. You wanted what my power could grant you—a chance to get away from your family.”


Shara shrugged. “That’s true. You’re the only Dark that wouldn’t worship every word my father spouted. You would make the rules.”


“I do make the rules, Shara. For everyone.”


“I thought that was Taraeth.”


Balladyn smiled slowly. “Have you seen Taraeth since the human lopped off his arm? He’s not the same. It won’t be long before I’m ruling.”


“Everyone knows you’ll take Taraeth’s place.”


“You have the cunning mind to be a perfect partner for me.” He sat up and looked her up and down. “Yesterday I thought it was what you wanted, but that was before I knew you were sent to seduce the Dragon King.”


Shara wisely kept silent. This made her all too aware of how little she knew of Balladyn. She had heard stories, but that was different than the man himself. For the first time, Shara wondered if she had gotten herself in too deep.


“Did you bed him?” Balladyn asked.


Shara held his gaze, refusing to talk.


Balladyn came off the bed in a blur of movement to put his face to hers. “Did you sully yourself as Rhi did with a Dragon King?” he yelled.


For a split second, Shara almost returned his yell with a “Yes!” But somehow she kept her wits about her. Balladyn might have been an impressive warrior for the Light, but his mind wasn’t fully intact now. Whatever the Dark did to him to turn him had taken part of his mind.


Shara tried to teleport out, only to hear Balladyn’s laughter as he walked slowly around her.


“Do you really think I would allow anyone other than myself to be able to appear or disappear in my chamber?” He shook his head, his eyes alight with malice. “You’re not going anywhere, Shara. I told you, you are mine.”


She tried to gather her magic, but nothing was happening. Shara turned and started running for the door when she was hit with a blast of magic from behind, slamming her into the door.


The wind was knocked out of her as she crumpled to the floor, leaving her powerless as Balladyn stood over her. With one twist of his hands, his magic divested her of her clothes.


Shara gasped in a breath and kicked out at him. If only she had managed to connect with his balls. She merely succeeded in angering him. She was beyond caring at that point. All she wanted was to get away, to get out of his chamber so she could teleport somewhere safe.


It became apparent a moment later how great Balladyn’s magic was as he had her in the middle of the room with her arms held above her, hanging so that her toes only skimmed the floor.


Was this how a human felt? So helpless and powerless? She was filled with fury … and terror. Her magic wasn’t anything to sneeze at, and yet she couldn’t bring forth a pinkie full of it thanks to Balladyn.


Donna Grant's books