Burning Desire

Suddenly he released her arms and took a step back. She slowly lowered her arms to her sides, confounded that he hadn’t made another move to kiss or touch her.


Shara was swiftly losing her confidence. Her emotions had been on a roller coaster since they’d made love. Arriving tonight, she had been uncertain, but sure that she had to tell him what she knew.


Then he pushed her against the wall with passion burning so bright he was on fire with it. Except … he then released her. Was she wrong about the attraction between them? Perhaps she wasn’t the one doing the seducing. She might have been the one seduced and tricked.


No. She refused to believe that. Kiril was different from a Dark Fae. He wouldn’t demean himself with such tactics when he had other ways of getting what he wanted.


Doubt, however, lingered and grew in her mind.


“Leave,” Kiril said in his deep voice, the desire banked and causing his face to be emotionless and cold as stone.


Leave? Was he insane? Where would she go? She couldn’t go home and couldn’t return to Balladyn. Ah, but he knew that.


And didn’t care.


How could she have been so wrong about Kiril? She scooted along the wall away from him until she moved into the entryway. It wasn’t until she took another step back that she saw his expression shift again.


His green eyes sparked once more, his gaze … ravenous.


“Doona do it, Shara. Doona run,” he whispered.


She glanced down at his hands to see them fisted at his sides, his body practically vibrating as he fought to remain in place. Desire coiled deliciously through her.


With just a thought she could vanish before his eyes and reappear somewhere else thousands of miles away. But that wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted Kiril—his hands, his mouth … his body.


She turned and ran through the house, around furniture and through doorways until she caught a glimpse of the pool through the windows.


It had stopped raining, leaving the night blanketed in almost complete darkness with the heavy layer of clouds. With the ruckus in town, Balladyn and Farrell both would have gathered their men.


Which meant no one was watching the manor.


Shara burst through the door, the humid night air sucking what little breath she had from her lungs. She started to go around the pool when strong arms wrapped around her middle and jerked her off her feet.


She had a split second to hold her breath before she hit the water. Beneath the water, Kiril unceremoniously turned her around and yanked her against him.


Her heart missed a beat when she felt his arousal against her stomach before his lips claimed hers. Shara wrapped her arms around his neck and floated beneath the cool water as she was kissed senseless by the only male who could turn her body molten with just a look.


A Dragon King.


They broke the surface, treading water, as he ended the kiss. She clung to him while he maneuvered them to the side of the pool where he trapped her between it and himself. Shara noticed that he had taken off his jacket and his shoes, leaving his white shirt to mold to his rock-hard body. She couldn’t wait to run her hands over all that sinew, to feel the muscles move and bunch beneath her hands once more.


His hands roughly wrenched up her skirt as her hands fumbled with undoing his pants. He shoved them down his hips and was inside her in the next instant.


The breath left Shara in a rush. She sank her nails into his shoulders, shuddering at the feel of him filling her while she locked her ankles around his waist. How could she have even thought of allowing any other man to touch her?


As impossible as it seemed, she was Kiril’s. He could play her body with masterful hands, honeyed words, and skillful lips. No one else could bring her to the edge of an orgasm with just a look.


Neither moved. He gazed at her, pleasure and ecstasy there for her to see. They were the same emotions filling her.


There were no words, because none were needed. The craving, the hunger to claim each other hung heavy between them. It spoke more clearly than words ever could.


He held onto the edge of the pool and used that for leverage as he rocked his hips. She slid a hand into his hair and buried her face in his neck. With every thrust the rhythm quickened, driving him deeper each time.


Water splashed around her. Their breaths were harsh and ragged, their bodies gliding easily against the other. Shara wanted to stop time and live in this moment for eternity.


She was so focused on remembering every second of Kiril and how he felt inside her, that the orgasm took her by surprise. She jerked, the scream locked in her throat it was so fierce.


A smile formed when she realized Kiril had climaxed with her, each feeding off the other, dragging the pleasure out until both were boneless and clinging to the other.



Perth, Scotland


Ulrik looked up from his paperwork at his desk when the Dark Fae appeared before him. He set aside his pen next to the six mobile phones, the accounting for the Silver Dragon forgotten as he focused on the Dark.


Donna Grant's books