Burning Desire

Kiril rubbed the back of his neck, debating how much to tell Phelan. No other Kings could be there to watch his back—or remind him he was treading on dangerous ground with Shara. But Phelan could.


“Aye. I went looking for her. I had to.”


Phelan let out a slow breath. “She ensnared you already?”


“It only took one look at her.”


“Damn. Have you slept with her?”


Kiril paused a beat too long.


Phelan let out a string of curses as he paced away. When he turned back to Kiril, his face was hard as stone. “How deeply are you in? I’m going to stay regardless if you accept my help or no’. The more I know, the more I can assist you.”


The fact Kiril knew he needed aid told him just how far he had treaded on risky ground with Shara. He wanted to believe everything she said, but it could all be a lie to lure him into a trap—a trap that would be useless since he didn’t know the location to whatever it was Con had hidden.


Kiril considered Phelan’s words for long moments before he said, “I’m in too deep.”


“That’s what Rhys thought. Let me help in whatever way I can.”


Kiril looked around him to see the many tourists stopping to see the cliffs. “Where is your car?”


“I doona have one. Fallon jumped me here.”


Of course Fallon would teleport Phelan. It was the quickest mode of transportation, damn them. “How are you going to get back to Cork?”


“I’ll figure it out. Does this mean you’ll accept my help?”


Kiril didn’t spot any Dark observing him, but that didn’t mean they weren’t there. “They watch me always. We can no’ be seen together again.”


“How do I contact you if I need to?”


“We’ll figure it out as we go. I bought an estate no’ too far from Cork. Doona come there. I go into the city every evening for dinner and then to the Dark’s pub an Doras.”


Phelan nodded and turned so his back was to Kiril. “Understood,” he murmured and walked away.


Kiril walked to different spots along the tourist location, and just as he hoped, others spoke to him as well. He thought his plan was working until he saw two Dark out of the corner of his eye standing behind a tour bus.


There was no way the Dark could know about Phelan. Kiril pivoted and started toward the bus. If the Dark knew what he planned they would teleport away before he could reach them. The tourists milling about didn’t help, but their attention was on the majestic scenery, not him.


Kiril stopped to talk to the bus driver as he covertly swiped one of the canes set against the outside of the bus. He then walked around the tour bus and spotted the two Dark. They were facing each other, one with his back to Kiril, talking.


He threw the cane, pegging the Dark who faced him squarely in head, knocking him to the ground instantly. Kiril moved with lightning speed to get behind the second Dark as he began to turn around.


Kiril grabbed the Dark around the back of the neck. Before he could break the Dark’s neck, the glint of sunlight off the blade of a push dagger caught his attention. Kiril leaned to the side to avoid the small but lethal blade and grabbed the Dark’s hand that wielded the weapon while continuing to apply pressure around his neck.


Kiril kicked his feet out from underneath him, dropping him to the ground on his arse. He had more leverage since he was kneeling and used that to his advantage as he used his strength to turn the Dark’s hand toward his own chest. Kiril ground his teeth together and gave a shove, sending the push dagger right into the Dark’s chest. The Dark jerked, his eyes widening as the life drained from him.


Kiril pulled out the push dagger and looked at the blade to realize it wasn’t just any weapon. It was a weapon from a Light Fae, forged in the Fires of Erwar. It was a weapon that would kill a Fae—any Fae.


He flipped the dagger in the air and caught it deftly as he stalked to the second Dark and plunged the blade into his throat before he had time to wake. After tucking the push dagger in his pocket, he pulled in a deep breath and called forth his dragon magic. As the breath passed his lips, it was pale blue, making ice coat his lips.


When his breath touched the two Dark, they were frozen instantly. Kiril heard the approach of footsteps and punched both of the icy corpses, shattering them into millions of tiny pieces. He stood and walked to the back of the bus, a smile on his face as the strong sea wind lifted the shards of ice and scattered them.


There was no trace of either Dark, and neither had then reported back about Phelan. Not to mention Kiril had worked off some of his aggression. It was a win-win in his book.


He returned to his car and started the drive to his estate feeling much more in control of things.




Donna Grant's books