Bronto's Revenge (Barbarian Lust, #2)

“Rub your clitoris, love.”

“Bronto, I—”

“I can’t balance myself on one arm to do it.” He lowered his face and brushed his lips against hers. “It’ll feel good no matter who’s fondling you.”

“But I don’t know what that is,” she said, her face smoldering.

He transferred his weight to one arm and maneuvered his free hand between their bodies. “This,” he said, gliding his finger in circles around the sensitive bud between her womanly folds, “is your clit.”

The tingles were instant. Her breath caught and she snapped her eyes shut. Without further instruction she moved his finger aside and began stroking herself. She dipped her fingertip into the wetness surrounding his cock and dragged it to the nub. The slippery assistance intensified the sensation and she rocked her bottom off the ground.

“Just like that,” Bronto encouraged while he began a subtle thrust of his hips. Sweat beaded along his brow and his arms trembled while holding his weight. “Give yourself what you need.”

She nodded because she couldn’t speak. Touching herself as he pumped his cock in and out of her provided more pleasure than imaginable. She felt nearly as naughty as when she’d imagined Bronto touching his shaft. Did he capture the same thrill she experienced?

Funny, she didn’t feel awkward or modest or ashamed. She only hoped Bronto received some type of pleasure from witnessing her actions.

She increased speed, rubbing her finger around and around, which shifted the pace of her hips. She lifted her rear end and grinded her body against his. His measurable strokes turned forceful and quick. She moaned, arching her neck. His lips played over the tender skin and sucked. A sizzling pressure built in her tummy and raced to her chest. Over and over he pumped into her, each stroke forcing her to the bursting point. She rubbed the nub harder and harder. The more it swelled, the more intense the feelings grew. She rolled it and pinched it and pressed until her insides exploded.

“Bronto,” she whimpered, overcome by pleasure.

She couldn’t stand any more friction and retracted her fingers. He briefly took hold of them and placed them in his mouth, sucking her leftover juices. And mercy, a thrill raced through her blood. The hot, moist, cushiony contact was more than she could bear. Her belly jerked and inner walls clenched his cock.

He released her fingers and lowered his mouth to hers. She tasted herself on his lips. She hadn’t expected that but it was the most intimate moment of her life. His tongue slid between her teeth and moved to the rhythm of his hips. Faster and faster. Deeper and deeper. Then he groaned, rammed his shaft deep and stilled as his seed saturated her insides.

Little by little he withdrew his penis. She clamped his bottom and tried forcing him back in. “Not yet. Put it back. I ache without it.” She now knew precisely what Wisteria meant when she’d said it hurt to pull it out. She wasn’t lying because the emptiness caused a bitter pain.

He reached between their bodies and worked his cock back inside her. For a long time he remained propped on his elbows gazing into her eyes. “Ivy?”


“Are you sure you’re up to this, love?”

Her breath caught as his penis grew, stretching her vaginal walls. “Yes.”

“Good, because this man hasn’t finished with you yet.” He ran his finger along the outline of her cheek. “We have a week’s worth of time to make up and I have the urge to manage it by morning.”

Just then female whimpers echoed from outside.

Bronto stiffened. Ivy glanced around the hut, focusing on the fire’s shadow dancing along the far wall. “Did you hear that?” she whispered.

“I sure did. Shhh.” He dressed in his loincloth and stood. “Stay right there,” he said as he picked up his rifle and strolled to the door.

“No,” she blurted in a low voice. “I’m going with you. What if it’s an alien and it’s trying to lure you outside?”

“You’re right.” He nodded and held out his hand. “Come on.”

She dashed to her feet so fast it took a moment for the painful stretch of her belly to register. But it did with breath-stopping pain. She bit on her lower lip until the throb eased then she adjusted the frock around her thighs and walked to the doorway.

“Stay behind me, love. If I tell you to run, get inside Vulcan’s hut as fast as you can.”

Nodding, she gripped his fingers and followed him outside, staying as snug as possible to his back. This was creepy and scary and she trembled in fear.

The moonlight offered enough lighting to give them a clear view of the surroundings. The forest was completely dark, though, and she felt as if numerous eyes were on her. And they probably were because many men stood guard in the trees. Gosh, she hoped it was the guards who were unnerving her.

Jennifer LaRose's books