Bronto's Revenge (Barbarian Lust, #2)

“Don’t let the knife out of your sight.” He released her then grabbed the rifle from the crate and dashed outside, shoving her behind his back. For being under attack, it was awfully calm.

Zypher stood with his M16 aimed at a thick section of forest near the horses, directly across from the huts. Tyran was squatted by the pen, and Vulcan, Rocko and Trice covered the southern section. Grunt wasn’t in sight but that wasn’t a bad thing. No way in hell would anyone hand him a firearm. He’d likely shoot his own people, starting with Rocko. That left at least thirty additional men spread throughout the inner trees and surrounding the secondary camp. Considering the perimeter’s broad range, a lot of sections remained uncovered. “Zypher, where are they?”

“They fled into the forest. The bastards seemed to fall from the sky.”

“Where are the women?” Bronto asked. Hopefully he wouldn’t say underground. Unless someone stood guard directly over the door, the aliens could easily get inside the shelters.

Zypher nudged his head over his shoulder. “Vulcan’s hut.”

Bronto walked backward, sheltering Ivy until they reached Vulcan’s dwelling. He kissed her desperately but briefly then opened the door. Pearl, Ruby, Wisteria and Jade sat huddled around the fire, holding hands. Birmon lay tucked under his wings on Wisteria’s lap.

“Ivy!” Wisteria yelped as she set the creature aside, jumped up and pulled Ivy into her arms.

Bronto assessed the inside of the hut, making sure the walls were properly secured to the ground. “Ladies, don’t sit in front of the doorway. Move into a corner.”

Ivy broke away from her sister. “He’s right. An alien reached inside his hut and grabbed my leg. It tried pulling me out the door.”

Jade scurried to her feet. “Bronto, is that true?”

Why would she question it? Had she hoped Ivy was overexaggerating? “Yes.” He glanced at the blood on Ivy’s leg and nodded, instructing Jade to look at the claw marks. “Will you help her clean up?”

Jade observed Ivy’s ankle. She then looked at the stream of water trickling along the inside rock wall and then at the small waterhole. “We will,” she replied, moving toward Ivy.

“Ladies, stay close together. There is safety in numbers. Is anyone armed besides Ivy?”

“I have my weaving knife,” Jade replied while reaching into her pocket.

He nodded in approval then glanced longingly into Ivy’s eyes. She blew him a kiss right before he stepped outside and closed the door.

He’d dreaded when this day would come. They were as prepared as they could be but he suddenly felt as if it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough. Caging the baby dinosaurs as bait to pluck the aliens from the forest one at a time was a great idea but it seemed too easy. The damn species were too smart to fall for that plan.

Running a hand through his hair, he parked his ass near Zypher and visually searched the trees. “How many are we talking? Any idea?”

Zypher shook his head. “At least ten so far.”

“One took an interest in Ivy. Do you know where it went? It’s missing a hand.”

“Yeah,” Zypher replied, his gaze focused straight ahead. “I’m looking at it.”

Bronto raised his M21 and glanced through the scope. The green SOB stood partially hidden behind a pine tree, holding its injured arm against its chest. Blood dripped from the severed stub and ran along its forearm. A long, red, split tongue hissed in and out of its mouth like a snake. “He’s mine,” Bronto said as he took aim at its heart and disengaged the trigger. The kickback from the blast knocked Bronto’s shoulder but the bullet hit the target and the alien dropped.

Suddenly rapid gunfire exploded as the species charged from all directions, racing into the camp. The women screamed, obviously frightened by the blasts and commotion. He couldn’t blame them. He at least had a ringside view of what the hell was going on.

An alien darted between the tree branches as it raced toward the horses. Its arm sprang into the yard and it clamped on to Zypher’s legs. It yanked, pulling his feet out from under him, and Zypher’s back slammed the dirt.

Bronto plugged a bullet between its eyes. It fell near Vulcan’s black stallion. The horse reared on its hind legs then landed, crushing the alien’s skull.

The women’s screams surpassed a hysterical level. Bronto swung around and assessed the leather walls for stray bullet holes. There weren’t any he could see from his angle, nor was it possible for the species to sneak behind him and Zypher to breach the doorway.

“Bronto!” a female shrieked. “Bronto! Vulcan!”

Jennifer LaRose's books