Bronto's Revenge (Barbarian Lust, #2)

After one more deep, forceful thrust, his organ pulsed and hot liquid squirted her insides.

She held on tight as he again began pumping in and out. They were slow, even strokes that eased to a snail’s pace then eventually stopped. “Bronto?”

When he lifted his face she wiped sweat off his brow. The crease along his forehead softened.


“Are you all right?” she asked, mocking his words from earlier.

He kissed her. “You brought me back to life, if that’s what you’re asking.”

Chapter Five

The sound of children’s laughter forced Bronto from his deep sleep. His eyes popped open to a morning sky gaping through the ventilation hole in the roof. Was he dreaming? He did not just hear kids laughing. Nah, it wasn’t possible. Then he heard it again. The contagious, innocent giggles capable of making any man smile.

What were the kids doing in this camp? He broke into alert mode and fully awoke. Then he heard women shouting and calling the kids by name. He threw the fur aside, wiggled his arm from beneath Ivy’s head and jumped to his feet.

He barely had his loincloth hooked when he yanked open the doorway flap and dashed outside.

Yes, he’d definitely heard children laughing and they were running through the camp closely on the tails of…holy shit. Some of the kids were fully dressed and others wore leather wraps, the equivalent of American diapers. He rubbed his eyes and refocused. They were chasing baby dinosaurs that were no larger than a football.

As he watched in amazement, Vulcan charged from his hut into the yard, followed by Wisteria. “What’s going on?” he shouted above the giggles and squeals.

“Chieftain, remember the infestation I mentioned? It appears it has arrived.” Bronto grabbed hold of a three-year-old boy running by. “Whoa, little man,” he said, scooping the toddler into his arms.

Vulcan shook his head. “Infestation? What the hell are we supposed to do with them?”

“You tell me. They look harmless enough.” Even so, the mothers appeared somewhat leery of the creatures and stood off to the side, shouting at their kids to come back. Jade, Ruby and Pearl watched in horror but none of the women made an attempt to grab a kid and go. Zypher, Rocko and Trice each toted a child, apparently searching for their rightful owners.

Wisteria giggled and stepped between Bronto and Vulcan. “I can’t believe the dinosaurs are playing with the children.”

More than likely the dinos didn’t feel threatened by the little varmints who weren’t much bigger than they were.

Vulcan glanced at her as if she’d lost her mind. “It appears so, but what’ll happen when a child pisses them off?”

“Or they get hungry,” Bronto added.

Vulcan must not have thought of that as an option. “Round up the kids so their mothers can take them home,” he ordered. As he strolled toward three children who were running circles around a trapped dinosaur, Wisteria walked to the forest border and began picking leaves from a cycad plant.

Bronto shook his head and smirked. The baby dino didn’t appear frightened but it glanced at the kids as if thinking, What the fuck?

“What’s going on?” Ivy asked at his back.

He glanced over his shoulder just as her delicate fingers rested on his lower spine. That simple touch set his balls on fire and he felt the familiar ping in his cock he’d experienced at the onset of a hard-on. Jesus, not now. Not while an escaped group of kiddos was on the loose. “Good morning,” he said, greeting her with a smile.

“Hi.” She stepped beside him and glanced around the yard. “My gosh. Are those the babies we saw yesterday?”

“I’m sure they are.”

A woman approached, arms extended. Bronto handed her the little boy, presuming she was his mother. If not he’d end up where he belonged. Every one of the little tykes resided in the secondary camp.

“Ivy, we’ve got to get these kids out of here,” he said. “Will you help, please?”

She nodded and followed him into the yard where he scooped up two more toddler-sized boys who waddled around like the dinosaurs, and he tucked one under each arm.

After the laughter and shouts died down and all kids were reunited with their families and sent home, he scoped the area for any stragglers. What he found instead was Wisteria squatted amongst the hoard of dinosaur babies, feeding them leaves from the palm of her hand and Vulcan storming toward her from the opposite side of the yard.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Ivy said.

Bronto dismally shook his head. “Your sister is definitely unique, love. Come on.” He took Ivy by the hand. “Let’s save her from the chieftain’s wrath.”

They reached Wisteria just in time to see her pouty lips quiver and hear her say, “We need to keep them safe from other predators.”

“No,” Vulcan said adamantly, crossing his arms at his chest, displaying authority as he glared down at her.

Jennifer LaRose's books