Braving Fate

He strode toward her, concern in his dark eyes, and swept her up.


She gasped as he pressed her against the wall, his strong hands gripping her upper arms gently. The heat and roughness of his palms burned into her skin, and she thought inanely of the towel that threatened to slip off. Her sanity wavered under the intensity of his gaze. She barely knew him, but her body didn’t agree with that sentiment.


“Are you all right, lassie?” His voice was rough with worry, his dark brows drawn over eyes that burned with some intense, unrecognizable emotion. Anger, lust, something else? Whatever it was made it almost impossible to drag air into her failing lungs.


Kiss me. Rational Diana slipped to the back of her brain. She raised her hand to his chest, biting her lip when the muscles tightened beneath her palm.


“Diana,” Cadan whispered roughly, emotion in his voice that she couldn’t recognize. Maybe he couldn’t either.


He cupped the back of her head with a callused palm, lifting her face to his. She pushed futilely against his chest. No, I shouldn’t want this.


But she couldn’t make herself speak the words. Didn’t want to speak the words.


He drew her to him, her token resistance a fly that he swatted away. His eyes darkened, a storm within them, and he glared at her before crushing his mouth to hers.


A moan escaped her as she felt his mouth close warm and firm over hers. She struggled to resist, but when his tongue pressed against the seam of her lips, she parted them, eager for the heat of his invasion.


His tongue stroked hers, sending a lightning bolt of pleasure through her body straight to her *.


“Ah, lassie, you taste sweet,” he murmured against her lips.


She stood on her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, sinking her hands into his hair. Her movement caused him to groan, a dark sound of delight that made her shiver. Encouraged, she bit his lower lip, laving it with her tongue as she held it fast.


He gripped her hair with his fist, tilting her head for better access, and wrapped one strong arm around her waist to yank her against him. The move pulled her up against his chest until she could feel the ridges of muscle in sharp definition. He took control again with his mouth and his hands. The things he could do with his tongue made her shiver and the strength left her legs.


Finally. She was darkly thrilled to have her hands on such a magnificent male. She’d wanted this for so long, but had never found anyone who made her feel anything more than vague apathy. But he, stranger though he might be, felt like what she’d been waiting for.


Running her hands down his strong neck, she tentatively began to explore the muscular contours of his shoulders and chest. How could he possibly be built like this? It wasn’t natural. Normal humans didn’t have such a perfect combination of muscle and lean strength. Her hand inched toward the hem of his shirt, intent upon feeling the heat of his skin against her flesh.


Cadan shuddered. “That’s it, love.”


He trailed his lips lightly across her cheek to her throat. She gasped as she felt his warm mouth close over the sensitive spot at the curve between her shoulder and neck. Heat shot through her veins, and she felt a throbbing deep in her center.


She cried out softly as his teeth sank lightly into her flesh, careful not to break the skin. It felt like a lightning bolt joined the spot with her clitoris, and she arched into him.


“You like that, do you?” His voice rumbled in her ear, and she shuddered. How had he found that spot so quickly? She didn’t even know she had it. But now that she did, she didn’t want him to ever stop kissing and biting.


He didn’t seem to want to stop either. She could feel his strong arm supporting her back and the erection bulging against her stomach and wondered what it would be like to reach between them to cradle him in her palm. She licked her lips and ran her hands over the muscles beneath his shirt at his lower back instead, too shy to touch what she was really interested in.


The hand that fisted her hair shifted and moved south, squeezing her hip briefly before running down her thigh. He gripped her leg and hoisted it up next to his hip. The movement almost put her core level with his shaft and she wriggled, not caring that she was whimpering in his ear.


She felt aching and empty and she wanted to ride the bulge of his cock.


Please, she almost whispered, but the words wouldn’t come. She was losing her mind, every second that she was trapped between him and the wall turning her into a mass of feelings and need with no coherent thought. She felt helpless, a bird trapped in a cage of pleasure.


Fight it, something in her whispered, you barely know him.