Bengal's Quest

Del Rey merely grinned at the accusation.

“Interesting,” Kiel drawled at that point. “For all the rumors of calculated deception against this director, he treats the rest of you like favored family members.” He chuckled at his own comment. “Hell, Director, and here I was concerned about the rumors of volcanoes, interrogations where enemies lost skin, and unspeakable tortures. While you’re giving out birthday presents, mine’s next week. I’d like to be released tonight as a present, if you don’t mind.”

The Jackal hit the floor a breath later, sprawled back, his arms outspread, compliments of Jonas’s fist as a snarl of fury filled the air.

Jonas motioned to the enforcers behind him to remove the unconscious body before turning his attention to the other Jackal.

“You have any requests?” he snapped.

That Jackal lifted a brow mockingly. “Not at the moment.”

Both Jackals were dragged from the house, Kiel held by the back of his jacket, his head lolling to the side.

“First thing in the morning, Lobo,” Jonas stated before following the enforcers from the house. “First thing.”

The director and his little entourage of force were gone as quickly as they’d arrived, leaving the Coyote alpha, Ashley and Emma staring at the doorway broodingly.

“He’s an acquired taste,” Ashley drawled, her accent thickening. “Better in small doses rather than large ones.” Then she gave a soft, charming little laugh at her own observation before tossing Graeme a bright smile. “He’s quite funny when he gets all irritated like that, isn’t he?”

And here, everyone said he was insane, Graeme thought in amazement. Those who made the accusation had yet to see the various inner workings of Breed socialization. It was complete madness with a high quantity of pure insanity.

Good God, what was he getting himself into?

? ? ?

Cat was still awake when the bedroom door pushed open forcefully to reveal a less than pleased Graeme as he stalked into the bedroom. Snapping it closed, he turned the lock, crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her.

Staring back at him, she was sitting on the bed, the black training suit she’d worn earlier exchanged for soft cotton shorts and T-shirt. She wasn’t going to let Graeme’s glare intimidate her.

“Before you even begin chastising me for whatever you have on your mind to chastise me for, I’d like to know how Raymond Martinez and two Jackals managed to get past security and into my room to inject me with that damned drug.”

She should have heeded her own restless senses earlier in the evening, a mistake she wouldn’t make again. But still, their ability to slip past security concerned her. The glare eased from his face as he reached to rub at the back of his neck.

“Martinez placed a nano-nit into the security system while he was here with his son.” Disgust filled his voice. “The bastard. It was unfortunate for them that I found the anomaly in the surveillance feed that tipped me off to a problem. I caught the intrusion as it happened. Otherwise, Martinez would have never had a chance to kick you.”

As he spoke, Graeme moved closer to the bed, his powerful body filled with a tension that seemed to tighten by the moment.

Staying in place, Cat watched him carefully, feeling her own body tighten, the tension that filled him affecting her as well.

“How’s your wrist?” Settling next to her on the bed, he reached out and lifted her arm to stare at the location of the break.

“Skin splint?” His gaze narrowed on the ultrathin brace nearly impossible to detect. “I’ve only seen those once.”

“Dane Vanderale,” she said, answering the question she sensed in the comment. “When I was fifteen I broke my leg and refused to let anyone know. Dane was in the area at the time and must have seen me. That night he slipped into my room, left several skin splints, jars of salve for wounds and other supplies he thought I might need.”

If it hadn’t been for Dane, she didn’t know what she would have done. The supplies he’d left had literally saved her ass several times.

Graeme slid his finger over the skin splint. “After my escape from the labs the second time, I developed an infection I hadn’t expected. I was in some African jungle when I was found, and taken to the Vanderale’s. Such a brace was used to stabilize several breaks I’d acquired.”

He said it so simply, but she sensed far more behind the explanation.

“You did a very bad thing tonight, Cat,” he stated before she could question him further as his fingertips trailed up her arm. “I’m not rational when I’m like that. You could have been hurt.”

“You’re just as inclined to hurt me now as you are at any other time.” She tried to keep her breathing even, her heartbeat steady, but it was impossible.