At the Gates of Darkness (Demonwar Saga Book 2)

‘Wait,’ said the Warlock.


‘Why?’ asked Jim. ‘Either we want him dead, or not. Which is it? Our friends are stupefied and our enemy is overcome. As I see it, our problems could be resolved with two quick kills.’


Amirantha whispered, ‘Ah, if only it were that simple.’ He pointed to the confused cannibal. ‘Why is he so perplexed?’


‘Because his master lies prostrate and he has no idea what to do,’ said Jim. ‘I don’t know a lot about magic, but I know that sometimes the real price is unanticipated. If that evil bastard on the altar has made a mistake, why not take advantage and end this?’


‘We can’t end it like this,’ said Amirantha. ‘Not yet. His minion is confused because there aretwo beings within his body!’


‘Two beings?’ whispered Jim. ‘What does that mean?’


‘It means my idiot brother has summoned a demon who tried to take over his body. Now they’re struggling for control.’


‘Is that why he’s lying there motionless?’


‘Apparently. Neither one has enough control to command the body and fight off the other.’


‘What should I do?’


‘Regarding Belasco, nothing, for the moment,’ said Amirantha. ‘As for that sharp toothed fellow, can you kill him without bringing harm to our friends?’


‘At any time.’


‘Do so now, if you don’t mind, then cut the others loose. I will probably need Magnus and Sandreena’s help with whatever happens to Belasco.’


Jim faded into the shadow and for a moment Amirantha felt as if he were alone in the tunnel. Then there was a blur of motion on the left wall and the wailing Shaskahan went ridged and slumped to the floor. Jim pulled back the hood of his cloak and stood over Belasco, and then motioned for Amirantha to enter. The kingdom spy then moved to unfetter his companions.


Magnus and Sandreena were both tied with the silver netting, while Kaspar was bound and gagged in a more conventional fashion. Kaspar gasped for breath when Jim pulled the gag from his mouth. ‘Gods! I thought I was going to suffocate they pushed that so far back.’ He cleared his throat and said, ‘Help me up. My knees are not what they once were and I have been too long in one position.’ Jim gave him a hand and said, ‘What did they do to Magnus and Sandreena?’


Both magic users remained mute, wide eyed, and staring into space. Kaspar said, ‘They became like that when the nets were cast on us. They removed mine, but kept those two under them the entire time.’


Jim nodded. ‘Slavers nets. They use them in Durbin when they’re trying to snag a magic user. The really fine ones are costly, and not only dampen magic, but render the magician tractable.’


‘Help me get them out,’ said Jim.


Kaspar was stiff legged for a minute and then applied himself to removing Sandreena’s bindings, while Jim cut through the netting holding Magnus. When they were free, both went limp; Kaspar caught Sandreena and lowered her to the floor gently, while Jim did the same for Magnus. Jim said, ‘Now we wait for them to recover.’


‘How long will it take?’ asked Kaspar.


Amirantha stood over the prone figure of his brother, whose eyes were trained on him. He said, ‘The effects should wear off shortly.’


The body on the altar didn’t move his lips, but a voice sounded in the air. ‘Is that you, little brother?’


Amirantha said, ‘It is, big brother.’


‘You don’t find me at my best,’ came the hollow reply.


‘I never have.’ Pulling out a dagger, he said, ‘Is there any compelling reason I shouldn’t end this now?’


‘Besides my reluctance to die any time soon, you mean?’


‘You’ve shown so little inclination to grant me that consideration, I hardly feel moved to give it to you.’


‘Fairly stated,’ said the disembodied voice of Belasco.


Suddenly another voice, loud, raspy and harsh, commanded, ‘Kill him, and I will make you powerful beyond your wildest dreams, Warlock!’


‘There’s another reason,’ said Belasco. ‘If you kill me, Dahun will be free. I’m the only thing keeping him from entering this world.’


Amirantha glanced at Magnus and Sandreena who were blinking as if slowly coming out of a trance. Knowing that he needed to buy a little more time, Amirantha said, ‘If Dahun is in you, what is that contraption on the surface about?’


‘Ah, that would be telling,’ said Belasco with an evil chuckle.


‘What madness have you undertaken now, brother of mine?’ said Amirantha, prodding Belasco’s shoulder with the point of his dagger.


‘That hurt!’ said Belasco petulantly.


‘Injure me at your peril!’ shouted Dahun’s voice. ‘I will accept a clean kill to set me free, but torment will earn you repayment a thousand times over.’


Kaspar said, ‘Not very reassuring, is he?’


Raymond E. Feist's books