At the Gates of Darkness (Demonwar Saga Book 2)

Amirantha shouted, ‘We’re alive, if barely.’



A moment later, the two magicians entered the chamber and Pug said, ‘It’s over.’


‘The demon’s gone?’ asked Jim, blinking, trying to clear his vision.


‘Everything’s gone,’ said Magnus. ‘The pit is filled, the ground is flattened, and the stones are scattered for miles. It’s as if this place never existed.’


‘Good,’ said Jim. ‘That means no explanations to the Keshian government.’


Belasco groaned again as he sat up. In a gravelly voice he asked, ‘It’s over?’


‘Yes,’ said Amirantha. ‘And your day’s grace to find a safe haven begins this moment.’


Moving gingerly from the altar stone, the magician stood on uncertain legs for a moment, then he said, ‘I’ll go.’


He began walking in a halting fashion, stopped, took a deep breath, then repeated, ‘I’ll go.’


He was almost to the door when Amirantha said, ‘Wait.’


Turning, Belasco said, ‘What?’


‘Give me your word one more time.’


‘You already have it,’ he said with a contemptuous snarl.


‘Again, say it again.’




‘The oath.’


Belasco was silent for a long minute, then said, ‘Very well. By the old woman’s blood—’


Amirantha shouted, ‘Kill him!’


Pug, Magnus, the elves, and even Sandreena hesitated, looking at the Warlock as Pug said, ‘What?’


Jim Dasher, however, didn’t hesitate. The dagger that had not left his hand since coming into this chamber now flew straight across the room, and took Belasco in the throat. The magician’s eyes grew round, and he reached up as if he could staunch the blood flow with his fingers.


Crimson gushed from his mouth and nose as he tried to speak, then his strength gave way and he fell to his knees. With blood pouring down his face, neck, and chest, he fell over on his right side.


‘Why?’ Pug asked.


‘Because that wasn’t my brother,’ said Amirantha.


‘What?’ asked Sandreena.


‘Belasco would never recite the oath incorrectly. It begins, “By the blood of the old woman of the moons”, not “By the old woman’s blood”.’ Pointing a finger at the corpse on the floor he said, ‘That was no longer my brother. That was Dahun.’


‘It was the demon king?’ said Gulamendis.


‘Yes,’ said Amirantha. ‘When we were being so clever, he was outwitting us. He manipulated everything we did. We believed there was a struggle between him and his host, because he wanted us to. Belasco remembered the oath correctly, but when the time came, Dahun cast him out into the demon body emerging from the Fifth Circle. It was a foregone conclusion that you two,’ he pointed to Pug and Magnus, ‘would destroy Dahun’s body; Belasco had no ability to use the demon’s magic. He was an easy target.’


Magnus said, ‘It required a lot of magic to destroy that construction, but before that, there was no real fight.’


Pug said, ‘But why? Why go to all this trouble to come here, just to possess your brother?’


‘I can only speculate,’ said the Warlock.


Jim said, ‘Well, we’re going to be back on Sorcerer’s Isle soon, so let’s leave it to discuss then.’


Pug said, ‘Agreed. Now, let us leave this gods forsaken place and go home.’


No one in the room objected.






EPILOGUE - Aftermath





The mood in the room was subdued. Despite their victory over the demons, they had lost lives.


Pug said, ‘With Belasco dead, I hope our days of conflict with your family are over, Amirantha.’


The Warlock smiled. ‘Assuredly. My brothers’ service to the dark agency who caused so much harm is beyond my ability to amend, but I will do what I can to help, Pug.’


‘It’s welcome. It’s clear we have very little understanding of the demon realm.’


The two elven brothers were speaking softly, and Gulamendis said, ‘My brother is going to return to E’bar, Pug, to see if we are able to help our people,’ dryly he added, ‘and find out if we’re at all welcome.


‘I’d like to remain here for a while, and study with Amirantha.’


‘Of course,’ said Pug. ‘You are both welcome here at any time.’ He looked at Laromendis and added, ‘Your task may prove difficult, if I understand what your Regent Lord and his Meet plan. But if we must, we shall endeavour to extend our hand and offer friendship.’


Laromendis smiled. ‘Remember, we are a long-lived people, Pug. Give Tomas a few more years to come to terms with the Regent Lord, then we’ll introduce you.’


Raymond E. Feist's books