
Deborl shoved me away as he stood. “Take her to the temple wall. I’ll put her with the others.”



My captors hauled me up, carrying me awkwardly so I couldn’t fight or flail. Every time I struggled, their grips got tighter and my existence grew fuzzier.


People banged against me as Deborl’s friends carried me through the crowd. No matter how I fought, they kept hold, and nothing I did led to freedom. We left the worst of the crowd soon, and moved between tents. I saw cobblestones, shoes, and trash on the ground. Never my captors’ faces.


Until they slammed me against the temple wall, and then I looked up to see Wend. Lidea’s partner. Anid’s father.


I choked. “You?”


“I do love Lidea,” he said, “but the newsoul is not right. He’s not natural.” Wend backed away, but before I could think about running, I found the blue targeting lights on my chest. The others had laser pistols aimed at me.


“Why not?” I asked. “Other animals live and die and are never reborn.”


“We have souls,” Wend said.


One of the others chuckled. “Some of us, anyway.”


I wanted to be horrified at how Wend felt no attachment to Anid, that he didn’t care at all that Anid’s existence was partly his doing. But I remembered Li, and how she hated me, how she resented me because I represented everything that terrified her most: the unknown.


“We have Janan.” Deborl came around after us, drawing the silver temple key from his pocket. “Janan gives us every life.”


“What about phoenixes?” I couldn’t stop staring at the key as he pressed the symbols I’d only guessed at.


“Janan is only for humans. For souls.” Deborl sneered and nodded at Wend. “Get her.”


Wend grabbed my arm as a door misted into existence on the temple. Did they all know about the temple? Was that how Wend knew what symbols Cris and I had been talking about? And how they knew what to take from Sam’s house?


Deborl dragged open the door, and reality hit me. They were going to throw me in.


I struggled, squirming away just long enough for someone to shoot the cobblestone in front of me. Stone sizzled as Wend grabbed me back.


“I’d like to break your bones and gouge your eye before putting you in there.” Deborl shoved me into the doorway; I stood half in and half out of the temple. “That way you can feel the pain you put Meuric through. Unfortunately, I only have time for this, but it will do.”


He reached back, and Merton slapped a laser pistol into his hand. To shoot me? To burn me just enough so I suffered forever inside the temple? I didn’t have a key this time. There’d be no way out.


I searched for a path between the men. Deborl, Wend, Merton, and strangers were too thick. There was nowhere to go.


The targeting light flashed on my shoulder.


Wend lurched forward and shoved me.


Just as gray veiled the outside, I saw Deborl turn and shoot Wend. For saving me the pain of being injured inside the temple?


Wend’s body crumpled.


I fell backward into the temple.












I TUMBLED INTO the white chamber, all painful glow of everywhere-light and the deafening throb of Janan’s heartbeat. I skidded to a stop in the middle of the floor, clutching my head and groaning.


“Ana?” The heavy air smothered the deep voice. The human voice.


I looked up to find Cris and Stef sitting together on the far side of the chamber. Their clothes were ripped, and scrapes crisscrossed their hands and faces.


“Oh. I’ve been trying to find you two.” I struggled to stay upright. “For days.”


“Days?” Cris climbed to his feet and started toward me. “What do you mean?”


“You’ve been missing.” I took a deep breath and tried not to think about where I was, but souls began to whisper and cry. The truth was impossible to forget. It was all around me: the incredible nothing that should have swallowed me, too.


“Not days, though. Deborl and some of his friends grabbed me,” Stef said, following Cris, “but that was just this morning.”


I shook my head, but decided not to burden her with the truth just yet.


“Do you have your SED?” Without my permission, she dug into my pocket.


“It doesn’t work here,” I warned, and checked to see where we were. Not that it made a difference. Most places in the temple looked alike, all big white chambers and archways. Whispers and murmurs rippled, souls cried. There were no words for how much I didn’t want to be here.


“How do you know?” Stef tapped the SED screen like it’d do magic.


Cris offered me a hand up. “I could have sworn they shoved us into the temple, but there’s no door.”


“This is the temple. Sorry. I’ve been here before.” I bit my lip. “This is my third time.”


They both stared at me, confusion bright. “How is that possible?” Cris asked.


Jodi Meadows's books