Apocalypse Happens (Phoenix Chronicles, #3)

“How else?”

I had no idea. How did one seem more human? If I knew, I’d have tried it long ago. I’d always been considered odd, even before Ruthie had touched me and made me even more so.

“Megan doesn’t know?”

“That I’m her bodyguard? No.”

“Keep it that way.”

Megan had told me in no uncertain terms that she didn’t need any help. She was wrong, so I’d ignored her. But I wouldn’t put it past her to make life hell for Quinn if she discovered he was the babysitter.

“Have there been any Nephilim sniffing around?” I asked.


Man, I hated that word.

“When you say ‘legion,’ ” I continued, “I don’t get a clear picture.”

“Dozens, mistress.” He straightened, puffing out his extremely nice chest. “They’re all dust.”

“Uh—nice job.”

I thanked God again that I’d sent someone to watch over Megan. Thanked Him three times that Summer had actually listened, and that she’d sent someone who knew what he was doing.

“The more Nephilim I kill, the more hours each day I can remain in this form,” he said. “Soon I will be completely a man.” He glanced up at the window again. “Although I do not protect her for my benefit. I would protect her even if I lost my humanity instead of gaining it.”

Hmm. Interesting.

“Any clues as to why they’re after her?” I asked.

“They aren’t after her, but you.” Quinn’s gaze met mine. “They think you’ll come back to see your friend. Visit your home.” He spread his huge paws—I mean hands. “The grave of your foster mother.” He peered around nervously. “You should go.”

“You’ll watch over Megan and the kids.”

He put his hand over his heart. “With my life, mistress.”

“Call me Liz.”

“Liz. I’ve ended more Nephilim here than I ever managed when my seer was alive.”

“Your seer died?”

“In the recent purge.”

Jimmy turned away, but not before I saw the pain flash across his face. He still thought it was his fault.

Technically it was. Jimmy could dream walk—stroll through a person’s mind while they were sleeping and pluck secrets from the mist. That he’d been compelled to steal the names and locations of the federation’s members from Ruthie’s head by his vampire father did not make what Jimmy had done hurt him any less. That so many had died because of it—that Ruthie had—was something he might never get over.

“You need a new seer?” I asked.

“I work here now.” Quinn shrugged. “I’ve no need of anything else.”

Good. One less thing. If I ever got my own power back, became the seer I was supposed to be before everything went to hell—or before hell came to me—I’d take him on. I’d lost a few DKs in the purge too. I had openings.

The dead bolt on the back door clicked. All three of us froze, glancing first at one another and then at the door as it began to open.

The next instant, we were behind the thick shrubs that separated Megan’s yard from the yard to the north. I hoped the neighbor didn’t have a yippy dog that would announce our presence.

Megan stepped onto her porch, her gaze searching the shadows. She wore a pair of Max’s old department sweatpants, cut off above the knee, and a shamrock green tank top that read: Murphy’s.

She looked exactly the same—short and cute, with curling red hair and dark blue eyes, a few freckles on her darling pert nose. Her arms were round but toned—from lugging around three kids, their stuff, trays of food and drinks—her legs solid and sleek. Twelve hours a day on your feet will do that.

“Liz?” she murmured.

I bit my lip, forced myself to remain silent. If she knew I was here, she’d want to spend time with me, talk awhile. I wanted that too. I missed her so damn much. But I couldn’t hang around, couldn’t risk any Nephilim seeing me with her, knowing how much I cared. So far I’d been lucky. But luck never went my way for very long.

Megan sighed. Her shoulders sagged. I felt like a shit. I promised myself I’d call as soon as I could and do my best to reassure her that everything was fine.

Jimmy tapped my shoulder. I turned my head, and he jerked his at Quinn. The gargoyle stared at Megan with an expression I recognized—complete fascination and utter devotion.

“He loves her,” Jimmy whispered. “Nothing will ever hurt her while he’s here.”

For an instant I closed my eyes and remembered what it was like to know that Jimmy loved me that way and what it had been like to destroy that love for the sake of the world.

Sucked, but I’d do it again.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about a gargoyle being in love with my best friend and my partner’s widow, but Jimmy was right.

That devotion would keep Megan alive.