
I wonder how long it takes before it’s too late to reattach the wings to his back. If it was a human body part, it would be past the expiration date already. But who knows about angels? And even if the angel surgeons or magicians or whatever manage to reattach them, I wonder if they’ll be useable or just decorative, the way a glass eye is just decorative so that people can look at your face without cringing.


A cold wind teases my hair, making it brush against the back of my neck like icy fingers. The forest is a mass of shifting shadows. The whipping of the leaves sounds like a thousand snakes hissing above me. I look up just to make sure there aren’t really snakes above me. All I see are redwoods looming under the blackening sky.


Raffe touches my arm. I practically jump out of my skull but manage to stay quiet. He hands me my pack. He keeps the wings and the sword.


He nods in the direction of the camp and walks in that direction, following the soldiers. I don’t understand why he wants to head back to camp when we should be running the other way. But the forest has me so creeped out that I’m not inclined to linger alone, nor am I eager to break our silence. I slip on my pack and follow.


I stick to Raffe as close as I can manage without having to explain why I’m hugging his back. We reach the edge of the woods.


The camp is quiet under the mottled moon shadow under the camp’s canopy. No lights glow from the windows, although if I look hard enough, I can catch a glimpse of metal glinting in the moonlight in some of the windows. I wonder how many rifles they have trained through the glass, seeking targets?


I don’t envy Obi having to maintain order in those buildings. I’m sure panic in a confined space can be pretty ugly.


Raffe leans over to me and whispers so low I can barely hear him. “I’ll watch to make sure you get safely into the building. Go.”


I blink stupidly at him, trying to make sense of what he is saying. “But, what about you?”


He shakes his head. It seems reluctant, for all the good that will do me. “You’re safer in there. And you’re safer without me. If you’re still set on finding your sister, head for San Francisco. You’ll find the aerie there.”


He’s leaving me. Leaving me at Obi’s camp while he goes on to the aerie.


“No.” I need you, I almost blurt it out. “I saved you. You owe me.”


“Listen to me. You are safer on your own than with me. This is no accident. This sort of ending…” He gestures toward the massacre. “It happens too often to my companions.” He runs his hand through his hair. “It’s been so long since I had someone to watch my back…I’d fooled myself into believing…things could be different. Do you understand?”


“No.” It is more of a rejection of what he’s telling me than an answer to his question.


He stares into my eyes for a moment. His eyes are so intense.


I hold my breath.


I swear he’s memorizing me as though his mental camera is firing, capturing me in this moment. He even inhales deeply as though filling up on my scent.


But the moment passes when he looks away and leaves me wondering if I imagined it.


Then he turns and melts into the darkness.


By the time I take a step, his form has completely merged with the darker shadows. I want to call out to him but I don’t dare make that kind of noise.


Darkness closes around me. My heart hammers in my chest, telling me to run, run, run.


I can’t believe he left me. Alone in the dark with a demon monster.


I clench my fists, digging my nails into my skin to help me focus. No time to feel sorry for myself. I’ve got to concentrate if I’m going to survive long enough to rescue Paige.


The safest place to spend the night is the camp. But if I run to the camp, they won’t let me go until they’re ready to move. That could be days, weeks. Paige doesn’t have weeks. Whatever it is they’re doing to her, they’re doing to her right now. I’ve already wasted too much time.


On the other hand, what are my options? Run through the forest? In the dark? Alone? With a monster that tore apart half a dozen armed men?


I frantically beat my brain for a third option. I come up with nothing.


I’ve hesitated long enough. Being found by the monster as I stand frozen in indecision is the stupidest way to die that I can think of. Rock or hard place?


I steel myself to ignore the creepy sensation crawling up my back. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, hoping to calm myself. It doesn’t work.


I turn away from camp and plunge into the forest.










I can’t help but look to see if there’s anything I need to worry about sneaking up behind me. Not that a monster capable of tearing apart armed soldiers would bother sneaking. I wonder why we didn’t evolve with eyes in the back of our heads?


Ee, Susan's books