Amber Smoke

“Only at the moment when her mortal heart ceases to beat will her destiny ignite and the strengths of the Oracle become free. This will be the future, or your beloved Tartarus will decay beyond repair, and you will be responsible for its extinction.” Pythia’s gaze held Alek’s as she faded into nothing. A roar of laughter echoed in her absence.

Confused, Alek collapsed back into his chair.

“The Fates have decided. The young woman’s cord of life is being cut,” Maiden said, covering his hand with hers.

“Her mortal existence will end,” Mother explained, cupping his free hand.

“However, you will be there to intercept and rewrite her future,” Crone said, looking to her sisters. She took their hands, closing the circle.

Alek remained still, stunned, and uncertain. He watched as each of his mothers settled, and with a combined hum, they opened their eyes and mouths in unison. From their eyes poured an amber smoke. It swirled into Alek’s nose and filled his chest. He writhed in his chair. The Furies held his hands tighter, pinning him to the stone table with strength only found in immortals.

In unison their luminous lips formed words that hit Alek’s ears with a boom. “We have breathed into you a piece of each of us, which you must give to the heir of Pythia. Fill her with these fractured pieces of our souls so they may become whole and return life to the lifeless.”

The Furies deflated and flopped back in their chairs like cast-off marionettes. Overwhelmed by the power crackling within his chest, branded to his lungs, Alek struggled to suck in air and get to his feet. The smoky souls that infiltrated his body were too much. He groped the air for anything to steady his shuddering body. Finding nothing and unable to call out, he crumpled to the floor and surrendered to the soft blackness overwhelming his vision.


“Eva, stop messing with it and turn around,” Lori said impatiently.

Eva dropped her hands to her sides and stared at her reflection in the mirror. The top hugged her slender waist, accentuating the curve of her hourglass figure. “It fits great in some places, but not so great in others. I really want this to work, though. I have the perfect skirt to go with it, and it would look great at the party.” She gave it one last tug before turning around to face her mother.

Lori scrunched her nose. “You look like you’re about to audition for a beer commercial.”

Eva let out a sigh and turned back to the mirror. “It’s because I have these giant boobs.” She tried unsuccessfully to stuff her cleavage into the shirt.

“It’s our family curse. Luckily, after you have kids someday in the future, the very distant future, you can do what I did and have them reduced.”

“Like I’ll ever have time to have kids. School is already killing me, and the semester just started. Plus, it’s Bridget’s mission to fill up my social calendar and make sure we’re on the board of every nonprofit that will take twenty-three-year-old members. And to make matters even worse, I’m busy beating off every ridiculous boy-man who thinks I’m on the seven-year college plan just to get a husband.”

Lori chuckled. “You’re going to get carpal tunnel.”

Eva’s cheeks reddened. “That is not what I meant at all. I mean, like, literally beating them back. But not literally. I haven’t hit anyone, yet.” She leaned closer to the mirror and picked away a few clumps of mascara.

“I was lucky and met your dad in college. Don’t discount any of those boy-men just yet.”

Even though it had been just the two of them for the past decade, talking about her dad still made Eva uncomfortable. “So this top is a no?”

“A definite no. Why don’t you try that pretty green dress?” Lori pointed to the rack of clothes. “It’ll look really good with your skin tone.”

Eva peeled off the snug top and walked across the large dressing room. “This one?” She slipped the dress off the hanger and held it out in front of herself.

“It is going to look great. A lot better than trying to squeeze yourself into clothes that are too small. It’ll outline your curves without throwing them in someone’s face. You don’t want people to say hi to your boobs before they even notice the rest of you.”

“I guess. I just want to look as old as I am, instead of getting carded for movies.”

“In ten years you’ll wish you were still getting carded.”

Eva centered herself in front of the mirror. “But this is a party. I don’t want to look like I’m going to church.”

“You don’t want to look like a big ol’ ho bag either. Just try it on. I think you’ll be surprised.” Lori crossed her legs and leaned back in her chair.

Eva threw her long brunette hair to the side as she stepped into the dress.

“Who all is going to this party?” Lori asked.

“A few girls I hang out with sometimes, and Bridget, of course. Other than that, I’m not really sure,” she said, wiggling the dress up her body.

“What about any guys you’re interested in? I know that you’re busy, but there has to be someone you have your eye on.”

“There might be, but I don’t want to talk about it.” She guided the soft straps over her shoulders.

“Why not?”

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