Amber Smoke

“You must know that Pythia is watching.”

“Yes, she helped me before when I was in the Mortal Realm.”

“If given an opportunity, she will assist again and speak to Eva on your behalf. Pythia will not let the new Oracle be lost in the dream world for too long. She will always be there for her.” Maiden’s smile glowed, and Alek felt a renewed sense of hope.

“Thank you. At least now I will know that I’ve done everything within my power.”

Her skirt brushed against him as she stood, releasing her syrupy citrus scent. “Anything for you, my son.” She leaned over and kissed the top of his head before exiting the hall.

“Use Pythia’s energy to reach Eva in her dreams. A simple enough task.”

He removed the talisman from around his neck and held it in both hands. He straightened his posture and grounded his legs to the earth beneath them. Alek closed his eyes and caressed the crystal’s smooth surface with his thumb. He pictured a smiling Eva, awake and well.

“Pythia, I hope you are listening. I am in need of your help. Again.” He inhaled a large cleansing breath and spoke without reservation.

Wind carries the truth.

Seek, listen, know with your soul.

Look within, stay strong.

A tunnel of air encircled him and brought with it the scents of the Furies. Maiden’s saccharine aroma returned, filling his nostrils, sharpening Eva’s image. Then Mother’s gentle lavender vanilla soothed him while Crone’s woodsy-sage scent cleansed the worry from his mind.

Your sleep must now end.

Destiny awaits your touch.

Awaken, Eva!

The wind ceased and Alek remained still. “Pythia?” He waited for her unsettling laughter, but only silence hummed against his ears.

Alek put the talisman back around his neck and dipped his fingers into the small pool. Ripples blurred the loop of images playing.

“Please, let my efforts be rewarded,” he whispered.

? ? ?

“Found who?” Eva spun around. “Where are you?”

“Quiet!” The room flickered a brilliant gold as the bodiless voice punched out the word.

Eva flinched.

“With time, you will learn there is no need to fear me.” The woman’s voice was smooth and nourishing. “We are of the same cloth. Sewn into the fabric of this world as foretellers of truth and protectors of the weak.”

Air blew through the room, carrying with it the invigorating scent of citrus.

“Can you feel him calling to you, pulling you home?”

Eva brushed the twirling hair out of her face. “Who?”

Another gust swept the room, adding hints of vanilla and lavender.

“Your fates are intertwined. You must not deny your warrior’s heart.”

A third blast of wind encircled Eva with an earthy scent.

“He is the only force great enough to offer protection from the madness that lurks within your new power. Without him, it will steal pieces of your mind until you are scattered and lost like so many of us who came before you.”

Eva shouted against the air roaring through the empty room. “You have the wrong person. I don’t have any powers.”

Laughter trickled through gusts of wind and Eva closed her eyes.

“Open your eyes, new Oracle. Find your warrior. Discover your abilities. Your new life awaits!”


“Eva, can you hear me? Eva, try to relax. Everything is okay.”

“Mom?” Eva croaked.

“She stepped out for just a moment, but she’ll be right back. My name is Maya. You’re in the hospital. I’m a nurse. Can you open your eyes for me?”

Eva slowly unpinched her eyelids.

“There we go. Now this is going to be a bit bright, so bear with me.”

Light from the nurse’s small flashlight flooded Eva’s vision, taking her back to the white room and the chilling laughter. “I saw that before, that light. It was in my dream.”

“Don’t try to get up.”

“That light,” Eva emphasized, “I saw it.”

“I’m not surprised. I’ve been coming in with it and checking on you like clockwork.”

Eva groped blindly at the thin, scratchy blanket. “Do you have my glasses?”

“Oh, yes. Here they are.” The nurse placed the plastic frames in her palm.

“Is everything okay? With me, I mean.” She looked around, taking inventory of the various beeping machines. “I’m hooked up to a lot of stuff.”

“You’ll be fine.” She typed a few notes on her laptop before continuing. “But we should really get the doctor in here to go over everything.” She closed the computer and set it on the counter next to the door. “I’ll go see if I can find her. In the meantime, take my advice and try to relax.”

“I will.” Eva smiled weakly.

“Eva? Oh, thank God!” Lori burst through the door before it closed all the way. “I went to go get some more coffee and…” Her eyes filled with tears. “Oh, it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you’re awake. Everything’s going to be okay.” Exhaustion poured from her voice.

Kristin Cast's books