Amber Smoke

“I am not to be mocked. You will not like me when I am angry,” Alek rumbled.

“The Hulk!” Red shouted and clapped her hands. “Do another one. Do another one. I’m great at this game. I don’t even ever have to take shots when we play, but I do anyway.”

“You turn anything into a drinking game,” Brown said.

“It’s my hidden talent. It’s why all the guys invite me to their parties. I’m super creative about games and stuff.”

“Right, I’m sure that’s why they’re all calling you. Your creativity.”

“Call? I don’t talk to them on the phone. All they have to do is text me or send me a message on Facebook.”

“You’re totally one half of what’s wrong with our generation, and why my mom says that I’m better off not getting married.” Blonde pouted.

“Enough!” Alek shouted. “Talking with you is maddening! It’s a wonder how this realm has survived! Why anyone would wish to attach themselves to your sex for a lifetime is something I cannot comprehend.”

Brown’s mouth flopped open, and the other three erupted into giggles.

“Drama. You’re definitely majoring in drama, right? No wonder we’ve never seen you before. We don’t get to that side of campus much,” Black said.

Blonde shrugged. “The gays get all the good ones.”

“But you definitely have your character down. Way to commit,” Red cheered.

The three guys stopped their game of catch and jogged over. They stood in a circle between Alek and the girls. The largest one spoke first. “Is there a problem over here?”

“This jerk just yelled at us because we didn’t tell him where his girlfriend is,” Brown said.

“I don’t feel like he yelled. He’s just passionate,” Red said.

Anger bubbled inside of Alek, and his body tensed as he fought to control the volume of his voice. “Where is Eva? I demand to know.”

“Demand?” the bearded guy in the back asked. “Harsh word, isn’t it bro?”

“Any other demands, brah?” The one in front puffed his chest.

“Jason, relax,” Black said calmly. “He’s in some kind of theater class, and he’s just practicing his role or whatever.”

“Drama douche or not, no one speaks to me with that lack of respect,” Jason said.

Alek’s patience was gone, and he struggled to contain his frustration. “You will give me the information I seek.”

“Or what? You gonna recite some Shakespeare fuckin’ where art thou bullshit at me? You’ve got nothin’ you roided out motherfucker.” Jason spat on the ground between his twitching feet.

“Someone’s feeling froggy,” Brown mocked.

“Stay out of this, April. Actually, why don’t you gather your stuff and all head back to the house? I don’t want any of you to have to watch what I might do.”

“Don’t send them away!” Alek yelled. “They need to tell me where I can find Eva!”

“Dude, you’d better hope she’s at the hospital, because that’s where you’re headed.”

Alek paused, looked at the man standing in front of him flexing the muscles in his chest. Alek had seen this before, and he tamped down his excitement but couldn’t conceal a smirk. “Are you planning for a battle?”

“Battle? It’s gonna be worse than that. I’m gonna fucking murder you.”

Alek accepted the challenge and charged at the babbling mortal. He wrapped his fingers around his throat and held him in the air. The boy’s face turned red and his eyes stretched wide. Spit flew out of his mouth as he gurgled apologies. Alek shook him and chuckled as his body danced limply. The girls screamed and ran behind the remaining two young men.

“Your realm is filled with meaningless chatter. My purpose is far greater than yours. You will answer me and be on your way.” He let go and Jason flopped to the grass, coughing and gasping for air. “Now, where can I find Eva?”

“Hey, you! Freeze right there!” Two men in black shirts raced across the field in a golf cart.

“It’s campo,” Blonde squealed. “That’s a good thing, right? Now they’ll arrest him or whatever.”

“No, they’ll give us all tickets and hold our transcripts,” Jason said, his voice scratchy. “Fucking campus police rent-a-cops. Run, but not to the house. If we get another ticket the fraternity will get suspended.”

The girls took off with the two guys only paces behind them.

“You’re lucky, bro. I was just getting started,” Jason shouted as he chased after the group.

The golf cart bounced closer, and Alek followed the mortals’ example. He weaved between the campus’ many buildings until the whir of the golf cart faded. “What is worth saving in this realm?” he mumbled.


Kristin Cast's books