All In (The Naturals, #3)

“She doesn’t want you there, Townsend,” Dean said tersely. Lia didn’t want Dean there, either. It was killing him not to go after her, but as protective as he was, Dean would only push Lia so far.

“Luckily for us,” Michael replied airily, “I’ve never met a bad idea I did not immediately embrace like the dearest of friends.” He went into his room, and when he came out, he was putting on a casual blazer, looking every inch the trust-fund kid. “I believe Lia when she says that she will make me regret going after her,” he told Dean. “But it just so happens regrets are a specialty of mine.”

Michael buttoned the top button on his jacket and waltzed out the door.

“Michael and Lia have been physically involved no fewer than seven times.” Sloane seemed to think volunteering that information might prove helpful.

Dean’s jaw tightened slightly.

“Don’t,” I told him. “She’s safer with him than she is alone.”

Whatever Lia had been feeling when she walked out the door, Michael would have seen it. And my gut was telling me that he’d felt it, too. Of all of us, Michael and Lia were the most similar to each other. It was why they’d been drawn together when he’d first come to the program, and why, as a couple, they’d never worked long-term.

“Would you feel better if you knew where they were going?” Sloane asked. Dean didn’t reply, but Sloane texted Lia anyway. I wasn’t surprised when she got a reply. Lia was the one who’d told me we were at issue capacity. She wouldn’t ignore Sloane—not in a city where Sloane had spent most of her life being ignored by her own flesh and blood.

“So?” Dean said. “Where are they going?”

Sloane walked over to the window and stared out—through the spiral. “The Desert Rose.”

It was forty-five minutes between the time Michael walked out the door and the time Judd walked in. Agent Sterling followed. Briggs entered last. He came to stand in the middle of the suite, staring at the papers covering the floor.

“Explain.” Briggs resorting to one-word commands was never a good thing.

“Based on Sloane’s projections, we’re looking at nine victims every three years for a period of at least sixty years, with a different signature underlying each set.” Dean kept it brief, his voice remarkably dispassionate, given the content of what he was saying. “The cases are spread out geographically, no repeating jurisdictions. The methods of killing go in a predictable order, and that order mirrors our UNSUB’s first four kills. We believe we’re dealing with a fairly large group, most likely one with a cult-like mentality.”

“Our UNSUB isn’t a part of the cult,” I continued. “This isn’t a group that advertises its existence, and that’s exactly what the additional elements of our UNSUB’s signature—the numbers on the wrists, the fact that the Fibonacci sequence determines not only the dates on which he kills but also the exact location—effectively do.”

“He’s better than they are.” Sloane wasn’t profiling. She was stating what was, to her mind, a fact. “Anyone can kill on certain dates. This…” She gestured to the papers carefully arranged on the floor. “It’s simplistic. That?” She turned toward the map on the window, the spiral. “The calculations, the planning, making sure the right thing happens in the right place at the right time.” Sloane sounded almost apologetic as she continued, “That’s perfection.”

You’re better than they are. That’s the point.

“We knew the numbers written on the victims’ wrists were a message,” I said. “We knew they mattered. We knew it wasn’t just our attention he wanted.”

It’s theirs.

“That’s it.” Judd’s voice was rough. “You’re done.” He couldn’t order Agent Sterling off this case. That was outside of his purview. But the rest of us weren’t. He was the final word on our involvement in any investigation. “All of you,” he addressed those words to Dean, Sloane, and me. “It’s my decision. It’s my call. And I say we’re done.”

“Judd—” Sterling’s voice was calm, but I thought I could hear a note of desperation underneath.

“No, Ronnie.” Judd turned his back on her, staring at Sloane’s window, his entire body bow-string tight. “I want Nightshade. Always have. And if there’s a larger group involved in what happened to Scarlett, I damn well want them, too. But I won’t risk a single one of these kids.” The idea of walking away was killing Judd, but he refused to waver. “You’ve got what you need from them,” he told Sterling and Briggs. “You know where the UNSUB is going to strike. You know when. You know how. Hell, you even know why.”

I could make out a hint of Judd’s reflection in the window. Enough to see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed.

“It’s my call,” Judd said again. “And I say that if you’ve got anything else you need a consult on, you can damn well ship it to Quantico. We’re leaving. Today.”

Jennifer Lynn Barnes's books