Why Not Tonight (Happily Inc. #3)

He sucked on her lower lip before kissing her again even deeper than before. At the same time, he tugged on the hem of her shirt. Instinctively, she raised her arms so he could pull it off. Once it was gone, he ran his warm hands up and down her back before unfastening her bra and tugging it free of her body.

She barely had time to register her partial nakedness before his hands cupped her full breasts and began to massage them. Pleasure shot through her, making her whimper. It had been about a zillion years since she’d been with a man. Having that man be Ronan only intensified the experience.

He drew back enough to stare at her bare breasts. His eyes dilated and he swore softly, then dropped his head so he could take one of her hard nipples in his mouth. There was no elegant licking, nothing that tender. Instead he sucked hard, then used his teeth to lightly abrade her aroused flesh.

Her body’s reaction was fast and to the point. Heat burned from her breast to her groin, leaving her barely able to stand. She groaned and cupped his head, encouraging him to do the same on her other breast.

“Just like that,” she whispered, unable to stop herself from talking. “Like that, Ronan. Harder!”

He followed directions perfectly, going back and forth, sucking and nipping until she started to feel pressure build between her legs. Good pressure, the kind that told her she was alive and well and going to have an orgasm very shortly.

Without warning, he pulled back and dropped to his knees. He unfastened her jeans as she toed out of her loafers. Seconds later, her jeans and panties were on the floor and he was easing her back onto the entryway table.

The lamp wobbled. He set it on the floor, used his fingers to part the very center of her, then placed his tongue on her clit. For a second, that was it, just the pressure. Then he began to move. First back and forth, then in a circle that went around and over, again and again, until she was nothing but a quivering nerve begging to be satisfied.

The sensations were as intense as they were wonderful. She parted her legs as far as she could and hung on to the table to keep herself balanced in her half sitting, half standing position. Ronan didn’t move any faster, but he pressed harder, pushing her closer and closer.

They were in her foyer, a voice whispered. She was naked and he had yet to take off a stitch. She should be ashamed of—

“I want this,” she said aloud, silencing the voices.

Ronan chuckled. “Me, too,” he said before pressing his tongue against her again. He moved just a little faster, pressed a little harder. It was too good, too much for her to resist. She tried to hold back, to keep it lasting just a little longer, but it was—

“Now,” she breathed as the first wave hit. “Like that. Exactly like that. Oh, Ronan, I can’t stop...” She sucked in a breath, then let it out, only instead of air, there was something very close to a scream as her body surrendered and she came and came and came.

Her orgasm went on for hours. Or maybe a minute, but it felt like hours in the best way possible. Ronan stayed with her, making sure she got to the end. When she finally stilled, he stood, pulled her to her feet and hustled her down the hall to her bedroom.

She was kind of in a daze and only vaguely aware of what he was doing, so it was a bit of a shock when she turned and saw he was already naked and reaching in his pocket for a condom.

While she knew she should be impressed that he’d, ah, come prepared, she was more interested in how he looked naked. He was muscled and masculine, broad-shouldered and fully aroused. At the sight of his erection, she felt a little zing of anticipation.

She stretched out on the bed and held open her arms. “You can just go for it, if you want.”

His gaze locked with hers. She read his desperate hunger and knew she’d said exactly the right thing. She smiled.

“I mean that.”

“Thank God.”

He put on the condom, then joined her on the bed. After settling between her knees, he eased himself inside of her. She raised her hips to take all of him, then sighed as he began to move.

Yes, she thought happily. This was exactly right. Familiar pressure began. Slow and low, but there. She shifted a little to change the angle, hoping to get over the edge again.

“Natalie, touch your breasts.”

Her eyes popped open and she found him watching her. What? Touch her...


She’d always been kind of big on top and knew that some guys liked that, but she’d never thought that Ronan was a breast guy. She felt a little shy, but figured he’d made her scream, so she owed him.

She cupped her breasts in her hands and watched as his gaze settled on her chest. He continued to move in and out, going just a little faster. She moved her hands slightly, then squeezed her nipples. He groaned, which was fun, but she also felt a little jolt deep inside. What?

She did it again, harder this time. The jolt was bigger, deeper, and she suddenly got a whole lot closer. What had started as a show for him became a lot more interesting. She stroked her breasts, played with her nipples and found herself on the verge.

“You’re killing me,” he muttered.

She wrapped her legs around his hips. “I’m there, Ronan. Seriously, like two fast strokes and I—”

He groaned, seemed to gather himself, then shoved into her hard and fast, pushing her over the edge. She grabbed his hips, pulling him in as far as she could, then lost herself in her release. He continued to thrust in and out for a couple more seconds, then stilled as he came.


RONAN HADN’T DARED to imagine what it would be like to be with Natalie, which turned out to be a good thing. There was no way his imagination was up to the task. She was sexy and beautiful and curvy and about the hottest woman he’d ever seen, let alone made love with. She was uninhibited in a way he never would have guessed, and when she had her orgasm, it was the most incredible thing ever.

As they began to breathe normally and their heart rates slowed from hummingbird levels, his mind cleared just enough for him to think about how much he wanted her again. He wondered if it were possible to get enough.

She snuggled close and sighed. “Wow. Just wow.”


“Oh, please. You know it was good. Do you need me to say the words? The screams weren’t enough?”

“The screams were pretty good. And a bit of a surprise.”

“For me, too.”

He wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you.”

“And wow?”

He kissed her nose and smiled. “Big wow.”

She looked at him. “So, you’re a breast man. I never would have guessed.”

His gaze dropped to her chest. “I’ve never been into one specific body part before, but you have the most stunning breasts I’ve ever seen.”

They were large and perfectly shaped. Or maybe it was her nipples or maybe it was just because they were hers. He had a vision of her on top, bouncing along as she rode him, and he went instantly hard. Fortunately they’d pulled up the sheet and she didn’t notice. It was one thing to be enthused, but another to be desperate.

She glanced at the clock. “Okay, so here’s the thing. I didn’t get dinner and I’m starving. The Chinese place is open for another twenty minutes. Do you want me to call in an order for the two of us?”

Or do you want to go?

She didn’t ask that part of the question, but he could read it in the faint worry in her eyes. In the two years he’d known Natalie, he’d never heard her talk about a guy. He had a feeling she didn’t play the field and wasn’t into one-night stands. Something he should have thought of before, because he didn’t have a clue as to what he was doing—or wanted—except he knew he didn’t want to go home. Not yet.

“Chinese sounds great.”

She scrambled out of bed. “I have the number in my cell phone. Anything you don’t like?”

She wasn’t wearing anything and made no attempt to cover herself. He studied her curves, her full breasts and belly, her legs, and knew he had to have her again. She was lush and feminine and totally sexual.


“Get your favorites. I’m sure I’ll like them, too.”


She walked out of the room, giving him a view of her perfect ass. He swore softly, then began to dress. Once dinner was over, he promised himself, they were going to do it and she was for sure going to be on top.