Where Shadows Meet

Ajax was about to have a seizure in the backseat. Matt opened the door, and the dog leaped out. Jumping against Matt’s hip, Ajax licked every part of Caitlin he could reach. She laughed and rubbed his ears. Matt put her down so she could say hello to the dog properly.

“I’ve missed you, Red,” he said, touching her bright hair. He couldn’t lose her.

“My hair’s not red, Daddy.” She looked up at him as she rubbed Ajax’s ears. “It’s titian.”

“And where did you learn that word?” Every day was an adventure with her. He couldn’t miss out on watching her grow up. Hannah didn’t even know her. He took her hand and started toward the house.

“My teacher called it that. Did you come to take me to preschool?”

“Not today. How’s Aunt Gina this morning?”

Caitlin’s face stilled, then the smile vanished. She put her hand over her mouth and whispered through her fingers. “She was crying. Uncle Blake yelled at her.”

Matt curled his fingers into his palm. “It’s grown-up stuff. Nothing for you to worry about. Are you being good?”

Caitlin nodded. “I help her. Yesterday I brought in all the eggs and made my bed.”

“You’re a great help, I’m sure. Stay,” he told the dog. He pushed open the screen door and entered the house. “Gina?”

“In the kitchen.”

Matt patted his daughter on the bottom. “I need a new picture colored for me to put on my bulletin board. Will you do one for me?”

Caitlin’s smile came out again. “Okay.” Her bare feet slapped along the wooden floor, then she disappeared into the living room.

Matt turned the other direction, into the kitchen, where he found his sister seated at the table snapping green beans. She didn’t turn her face toward him, but he caught the glimmer of wetness on her cheeks. “Got any fresh coffee?”

“In the pot.”

He poured a cup of coffee and joined her at the table.

“When is this going to end, Matt? Every time I think it’s over, I find out he’s still seeing her.”

He could have wrung Blake’s neck. “He told you he was having an affair?”

“Yes, he admitted it.” She swiped at her eyes. “I’m just tired of it. I’m going to go see this woman myself. I can’t handle any more lies.”


“As soon as I’m not needed for Caitlin. I hate having her see me upset. When do you think her mother will be gone from town?”

“I don’t know. She isn’t showing any signs of leaving yet. You could go one evening when I’m here with Caitlin.”

“No, I’m being selfish. Your problem is worse than mine. Caitlin belongs to us, not some woman she’s never seen. This can wait a few more days.”

She snapped another bean, and the sound was like the crack widening in Matt’s heart, a crevice that let the terror surge into this throat. He’d do anything to keep his daughter. Anything.

TWO DAYS LATER, a big truck parked in the driveway. The side read FOX & Friends. Hannah wanted to wring her hands. Why had she ever agreed to this? It went against everything she’d been taught and was a symptom of the pride she’d allowed to creep into her life.

“What’s going on?” Sarah peered out the window at the truck as men began unloading video equipment.

“It—it’s a TV show that’s going to interview me.” Hannah wanted to cringe from the judgment in Sarah’s eyes when she explained. “I wrote a book that has sold really well, and I’ve become something of an expert about Amish quilts. A morning TV show wants to get some footage of me here.”

Spots of color appeared on Sarah’s face. “We will stay inside, me and the girls.”

“Of course.” Hannah bolted for the door to avoid her censure. Angie followed. Out on the porch, Hannah leaned against the railing until the crew called her. “I should have canceled this,” she said.

“It will be over soon,” Angie soothed. She took out a notebook and went down to greet the hosts of the show.

But it wasn’t over soon enough for Hannah. Two hours later, she’d been photographed sitting in the buggy, leaning against the barn, standing by the laundry line, and smiling by the ham hanging in the smokehouse. Limp as the overalls flapping in the breeze on the line, she wanted nothing more than to forget the morning ever happened. The crew and hosts were wonderful, but she knew the interview had been wrong for her, for her family.

Once the trucks and cars departed, Hannah wanted to get away. Angie drove her to town, where Hannah pointed out the coffee shop. Plenty of residents would be there. Angie parked the car and they headed inside.

The aroma of coffee beans roasting burned Hannah’s throat as soon as she stepped in the door. She glanced around the room. None of the people sipping lattes and checking e-mail paid her the least attention.

“You sure you want to do this?” Angie whispered. “Do you know any of them?”

Hannah was about to say they were all strangers when a man looked up and their eyes locked. Panic fluttered into her throat, and she took an involuntary step back. Noah Whetstone rose from his chair and came toward her. He wasn’t smiling. She wanted to flee, to hide in the bushes outside the door where she didn’t have to see the betrayal come into his face again.

She watched him approach. He wore a long beard, no mustache, and smooth cheeks, so he’d kept the faith. And he’d taken a wife, another woman, someone who deserved him. The beard was a symbol of his married status. His pants were a little dusty as though he’d already worked awhile at the sawmill this morning. And he likely had. It was after ten.

After what seemed an eternity, he reached her. “Hannah. I heard you were back in town, ja.”

“You—you look well, Noah.” Hannah forced a smile, lifting her chin to look him in the eye. He didn’t have to know her perfect life had crumbled around her like a rotted board. There was no need to let him know she still carried the shame of how she’d treated him.

“And you.” He cleared his throat. “There is room at the table next to mine, if you’d like to sit.” He glanced at Angie. “This is your friend?”

“Oh yes. Angie, this is Noah Whetstone. A—a friend. Angie is my good friend and assistant.”

His gaze held reproach, but he said nothing about their former relationship. “You want coffee? I will get it.”

Angie plopped into the chair as though the air in the place hadn’t just thickened to the consistency of molasses. She said, “I’ll take a mocha.”

“You probably shouldn’t do that, Noah. It might look as though we’re sharing a meal.”

He frowned, then shook his head. “You are still under the ban, ja? But no matter. I will get it. You can sit at the table next to mine and we can still talk though I honor the shunning.”

“I’ll take an iced coffee, then.” Hannah sank onto the chair he’d pointed out. Her hands were shaking. Noah had moved on too. It wasn’t as though she’d ruined his life. Still, it hurt to come face-to-face with her failures. She watched him take out his cell phone and place a call, then put it back. Maybe he was calling the bishop to come confront her.

“You all right?” Angie asked. “You look like you’re about to faint.”

“It was just a shock, seeing him.”

“I gather he’s more than a friend?”

“We were engaged. I hurt him when I ran off with Reece.”

Angie studied the young man standing in line. “You left him for Reece? He’s cute, especially if you could get him to shave off those whiskers.”

“I like the beard,” Hannah said. She’d grown up admiring her father’s.

Noah came back holding two cups of coffee. He set one in front of each of the women, then took his own seat again.

“Thanks.” Hannah took a sip of her coffee. “Who did you marry, Noah?” Hannah knew it would be someone she knew.

“Katie Stoltz. She has been a gut wife.”

Hannah was relieved he’d done so well for himself. “I always liked Katie.” Katie’s dad owned the sawmill where Noah worked. “You’re still at the sawmill then?” She smiled and pointed to the dust on his jacket.

“Ja. Katie’s father retired a year ago.”


“Four.” His smile grew broader.

“Wonderful!” She hoped her envy didn’t show.

“What about you, Hannah? You are happy, ja? Children?”