(Un)wise (Judgement of the Six #3

“I thought the rest looked like the same inconsistencies they’ve been doing since the beginning. Remember how I said it looked like a net? Several have changed directions moving toward a central point,” she frowned. “They are doing that in six areas. We seem to be in the middle of one. The areas are huge though, several states. Big nets to catch little fish.”

“Do we need to move?” Grey’s eyes lacked their usual humor.

Gabby shook her head slowly. “I’m not as worried about their nets as much as I am the one closest to us. About a mile now.”

The Elders shared a look. The waitress came to ask if we needed any refills. Jim asked for a double of whiskey and two kiddie cocktails. Aden gave Jim a cautious smile.

“That’s close, but with the rain, we don’t think they could track us even if they were right outside the door,” Nana said. Thunder boomed to punctuate her point. “Gabby, keep us updated. Sam, grab everyone’s room keys and gather our things in my room. If they reach the parking lot, we’ll all go there.”

Sam stood and left. The waitress delivered the whiskey and kids’ sodas. Jim pushed the sodas to the boys and the whiskey to Michelle. It was then I saw her pale face and worried looks at the boys.

“Nana,” she said. “Call Mary and Gregory. You’re right. It’s safer.”

Nana nodded sadly. I’d wondered when she would send them away and thought her foolish for keeping them with us this long. But I did understand. How could you let go of someone you loved so much?

Michelle took a small sip, and Emmitt commented, “I guess I’m losing another shirt.” It did the trick. Some color came back into her cheeks.

She leaned over and kissed the top of Aden’s head and asked if they could play tic-tac-toe together. He eagerly turned over his placemat.

I could see the exact moment we were out of danger. Gabby took a deep calming breath and removed her hand from Clay’s. “He’s close, but stopped moving,” Gabby said.

“Probably holing up out of the rain,” Clay said. That man’s voice did serious things to a girl’s insides. Gabby caught my stare and grinned at me knowingly.

“If he clears out before check out tomorrow morning, we’ll see if we can book the rooms for another night. It will give Mary and Gregory enough time to reach us,” Nana spoke directly to Emmitt. Michelle continued to play with Aden but took another sip of whiskey at the news.

A few minutes later Sam rejoined us just in time for our food. I dug into my meal and looked forward to staying there another day.

Stuffed from dinner even with Aden’s help with dessert, I willingly followed everyone back to Nana’s room where we all grabbed our things. The Elders agreed it would be best if they spread themselves throughout the rooms in case we needed a quick warning to leave. Grey and Carlos roomed with us, Sam stayed with Gabby, and Nana with Charlene and Thomas since their room adjoined to Michelle and Emmitt’s.

Feeling awkward, I closed myself in the bathroom to get ready for bed. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, then stared at my bag. If we needed to leave in the middle of the night, I wasn’t about to run out into the storm wearing sleep pants. I grabbed some clean clothes and changed. When I emerged, I saw the rest had the same idea—except for Luke. When he saw me, he smiled, pulled off his shirt, and lay back with an arm across my pillow. An open invitation to my favorite spot to sleep.

I crawled into bed and gave into a dreamless night.

The morning brought better news. Grey greeted me with a smile saying, “We’re here for another day.” Then he made the news sweeter saying, “Carlos and I are going back into our own room. It’s a good thing you’re a solid sleeper because he snores.” He looked at Luke who grinned and seemed undisturbed by the news.

We went to breakfast and listened to everyone else’s plans for the day. Michelle wanted to take the kids to a movie —early showing of course—and Nana wanted to shop for some snacks to pack in the cars for everyone. Grey claimed Carlos just wanted to watch cable all day. Carlos’ only reaction to that was a long look at Grey. I had a feeling it was Grey who wanted to watch cable all day. Gabby said she had schoolwork she wanted to focus on for a few hours. I envied her belief that life would continue as normal once we found Peace. I wasn’t about to tell her otherwise.

Sam looked at Luke and me. “What about you two?”

“Nothing that involves driving,” I said.

Sam smiled. “Well, Grey will be here if you need anything,” he said, looking first at Gabby then at me. “I think I’m going to tag along with Winifred.”