The Wonder (Queen of Hearts Saga #2)

“You’re famous,” she stuttered, her lips blue with cold. “And dead!”

The huge man let out a bellow that seemed to rustle the trees around them. “So Wonderland Palace would have you believe. My Yurkei name, the true name you will call me, is Bah-kan, which means the Tall Warrior. I am here to train you.” His eyes traveled over Dinah’s form. “You have my permission to dress.” He set her down roughly.

Dinah staggered over to her red tunic and white feather pants, as light as a whisper when she pulled them over her stinging wet skin. Sir Gorrann climbed out as well, his hands covering his groin as he eyed Bah-kan.

“Stories of your mighty death resound in the halls of the Cards,” he said forcefully. “How is it that you are now a Yurkei warrior, though you bear the highest honors of Wonderland Palace?” His tone was accusing. Traitor.

“Ah, that’s a story for another time. For now, we must go. Mundoo insists that training begin today, for both of you.” He gave Sir Gorrann a hard slap on the shoulder. “It’s good to see another Card, even if it must be a Spade. It’s a wonder you kept her alive. Spades aren’t exactly known for their abilities.”

Sir Gorrann lunged naked toward Bah-kan, who brought down his palm straight against the Spade’s chest without flinching. Sir Gorrann flew back into the stream as if he was thrown there by the gods. He surfaced with a furious look on his face, water streaming from his gray hair. Dinah tried to control it, but laughter was churning its way up her throat and before long she was laughing so hysterically that she was doubled over. Tears reddened her eyes. The whole situation, everything, was so terrible, so strange and confusing, and yet, she could only laugh at Sir Gorrann simmering in the water, looking like a drowned cat. The giant Yurkei warrior standing guard laughed quietly to himself as she quickly pulled her hair into a low bun.

Bah-kan cleared his throat. “I’m glad to give you a laugh, Princess. Your training will commence in a few minutes. Follow this path by the river, turn right at the waterfall and then come to a rest in front of the livestock pen, just below the knee of the crane.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Perhaps you are just as mad as they say, just like your brother. Personally, I can’t wait to find out.” Bah-kan gathered up his weapons and stomped off. Normally this sort of insult would have sent Dinah into a rage, but instead it just made her laugh harder. Eventually, the Spade joined in, laughing while he floated on his back in the stream, his nudity out for the world to see as he spat water into the air. It was a good while before they trekked their way back to the valley floor, dripping wet and laughing the entire way.