The Hidden Relic (Evermen Saga, #2)


PRINCE Tiesto Telmarran, the man who would be High Lord of Raj Halaran, was obviously nervous. Dressed in full ceremonial gear, he wore a brown robe, the raj hada of Halaran — a hand with an eye in the centre — displayed on a torque around his neck. His hair was shaped tall and erect in the formal style, and his aides were clustered around him. Seeing Tiesto in this light, for the first time, Rogan believed that this man could become High Lord.

Closest to Prince Tiesto were Marcus Toscan, the soldier who had been by his side since the beginning, and Salvatore Domingo, a stiffly abrupt loremaster Prince Tiesto had named High Animator.

They were in the manse of a Halrana merchant who was playing the delicate and dangerous game of sycophant to the occupiers, while giving every aid to the resistance. The merchant's house was close by the storehouses of Ralanast's cargo district, which made it the perfect place from which to organise themselves.

"Ah, Blademaster Rogan, how go the preparations?" Prince Tiesto asked.

"Just Rogan," he growled, "and the preparations go as well as can be expected. The men are ready. We are in communication with Lord Marshal Miro. In three days, we put the plan into effect."

There was a soft knock at the door, and everyone in the room exchanged glances. Marcus went to the door and opened it, speaking quickly to someone outside before shutting it again.

"News," Marcus said. "The allied army is just outside the city. From a high vantage our men in the city say they can see the green and brown banner."

The men in the room erupted in cheers, while Prince Tiesto smiled. The High Animator looked as dour as ever.

"This is the best opportunity we will have, Prince Tiesto," Rogan said. "The morale of the men is high, and with news of the army just outside the people of Ralanast will need only a little push for it to turn to a full-scale revolt."

"What about the Halrana Lexicon?" High Animator Salvatore Domingo asked.

Rogan sighed, while even Prince Tiesto looked exasperated.

"It's in Altura, with High Lord Rorelan," Rogan said. How many times had the man asked?

"When will we get it back?"

"When Halaran is safe enough to send it through to you, High Animator," Rogan said. "Or, you could depart Ralanast and go to Sarostar to get it yourself?"

The High Animator harrumphed and walked away, while Marcus stifled a grin.

"He is a skilled man," Prince Tiesto said, "one of the best. He simply cares for his craft."

"I know," Rogan said. "When this is over, I'll apologise."

"Have you heard from the Alturan woman again?" Prince Tiesto asked.

"Amber says she's ready, but I'm still concerned. The prison camp is on the opposite side of the city to the allied army, in a region well-defended by the Tingarans. To reach the camp, we first have to get past the city walls, which are heavily fortified, and then through a series of smaller checkpoints until we reach the farmlands. The camp itself is also fortified, with a steel fence and a nearby encampment of guards."

"Must we stake everything on freeing the camp?" Prince Tiesto said. "Between the allied army and the men under your command…"

"We must," Rogan said with finality. "At least half of my men won't fight unless we free the friends and family being held in the camp. Then there's the rest of the city folk. We're counting on their help, and they'll be as hesitant as the fighters, probably more so."

"Go on," Tiesto said.

"We'll divide into two groups. The first, larger group, led by Your Highness, will lead the revolt here inside the walls of Ralanast. Your objective is to wait for the right moment, and then to let the people know you're here. Shout the message loud and clear, and take out every man in black you can get your hands on. Then you must head for Ralanast's eastern gate, where the second group, led by me, will need to get back into the city with the prisoners."

"Understood," Marcus nodded. "Gather men, open the eastern gate."

"That's right," Rogan said. "A simple plan is a good plan. You know timing's critical, so keep your eyes on your timepieces."

"What about you?" Tiesto asked.

"Obviously I'll need to get my men out of the city. That's going to be difficult. We'll leave in small groups throughout the day. We'll be disguised as farmers and workers, and there'll only be a hundred of us."

"Is that enough?" said Marcus.

"It'll have to be. Each man has been hand-picked — sorry Your Highness, but I've got the best of 'em — and we're actually replacing a hundred real farmers and workers, who will give us their clothing and wait here in the city while we exit in their stead."

Marcus coughed. "It's risky."

"Nothing comes without risk," Rogan said. "These workers we're replacing also have loved ones in the camp. My hundred men will each have a new name, new clothing, a new family, and a new home. Let's just hope our enemies don't notice the deception."

James Maxwell's books