The Hidden Relic (Evermen Saga, #2)

"That's all I need to know, Your Highness." She smiled at him.

"Your people will also be free, Ella. The men of this Black Army attack your homeland daily, and I am told Altura may not be able to hold. With Petrya liberated, Altura may be able to break free of the encirclement. The Alturan commander's southern flank will be safe, and his strength in the east will grow." The prince looked into Ella's eyes. "I have only met one Alturan, but she taught me about her people, and I now feel I must do what I can to help them."

Ella looked down at the table. "I thank you for my people, Your Highness."

"There is more," the prince said. "I need you to understand, for it was you who first told me about these lands in a way that I could understand. I now realise it is my duty to do what I can to help the multitudes of the world. Petrya is just the beginning. With the Tingaran Empire broken someone will need to pick up the pieces before the world falls apart. I intend to take this army to Seranthia. I will kill this Primate and display his head for all to see, and put this world back on track." He paused, his eyes intent, before suddenly breaking off. "Now," Prince Ilathor smiled, "I have done it again. I apologise if my thoughts are on the struggle ahead. Let us speak of other matters." He took a sip of wine. "Please, tell me… who is Ella?"

"Well, the Alturan leader you spoke of…" Ella said. "He's my brother."

The prince's smile broadened. "And so I finally learn about Ella. Please," he topped up her glass, "tell me more about yourself. Tell me of your family, and your youth, and this incredible talent for lore you possess."

Ella spoke at length, surprised when the prince's probing questions drew more and more information out of her. She found herself telling him things she had thought she'd locked up deep inside, but there were still facets of her life she held back. Killian was never mentioned, nor was Brandon Goodwin, the old soldier who raised her. They both seemed far away now; distant memories.

At some point food arrived, spiced lamb with roasted yellow and orange vegetables, served with a nutty substance comprised of tiny balls of grain. The flavour was intense and sweet, and left a tingling in Ella's mouth when she was done.

They finished the meal with fresh fruit and cool water, before Ella once again found herself at the window, standing side by side with the prince, gazing out at the moon's glow on the misty lake.

"It is good to have you by my side once more," Ilathor said.

"I thought you had invited me here to have dinner with your men," Ella said, looking up at him.

He laughed. "And why would I want to share you with them?"

Ella smiled. Her breath caught as the prince stepped closer to her.

"Your lodgings… are you comfortable?" he said.

Ella looked down to break the prince's gaze, uncomfortable yet excited at the way Ilathor was looking at her. "Yes, I'm fine."

Ilathor stepped closer still and lifted Ella's chin to look into her eyes. Ella felt vulnerable, even as part of her wanted to surrender.

"I… I'd best be going."

"That is a shame," Ilathor said, smiling. "The night is young."

She felt his hand on her hip, feeling the smooth material, running his hand up to her slim waist. Prince Ilathor leaned down, his lips parted.

Ella moved towards him, and they kissed.

His beard was surprisingly soft, and the pressure of his embrace was firm, but gentle. Ella could feel him pushing at her back, and she gave in, moving in closer to him as the insistence of his lips against hers grew in intensity.

She felt his tongue hesitantly probe into her mouth, and when hers came to meet it she felt an electric thrill run up her spine as they touched. Ella didn't care about anything else, she wanted him then, with a sensation that started below her belly and tingled through her chest, to her hardening nipples, and the wonderful feeling of his lips on her mouth.

Ella broke the kiss, for a moment only, staring up at his dark, brooding eyes. Prince Ilathor smiled, his fingers stroking the soft hairs at the back of her neck, sending another thrill through her body. His hand moved up, outside the front of her dress, to the underside of her breast.

"It brings me joy to have you here," he said.

Ella looked down at the silver chain around her neck. Even as her body burned from the prince's touch, she felt events were moving too quickly.

"I'm tired from travel," she said, stepping back, but smiling to take any sting out of her words. "I should go to my bed. Good night, Your Highness."

"Good night," the prince said, bowing as he placed his hand over his heart.

Ella turned and walked away, feeling his eyes on her back as she closed the door behind her.


James Maxwell's books