The Hidden Relic (Evermen Saga, #2)

Sitting across from Killian was one of the Buchalanti, an imposing man named Scherlic, a blue-eyed sailor, weathered by the elements, with a broad build and a thick accent. Not for the first time, Killian wondered if he could trust Sailmaster Scherlic, but everyone said that to the Buchalanti, a deal, once made, was unbreakable, and there was no reason for the freedom-loving sailors of Raj Buchalantas to bear any love for the Primate.

Killian added one more coin to the pile, and still Scherlic waited. Killian had thieved on six separate occasions to get this much gilden together, climbing across roofs, prying open windows and stealing from temple coffers.

"Why do you not take it yourself?" Sailmaster Scherlic asked, seeing Killian's reluctance.

"There are some things I need to do here," Killian said. "Someone I need to find."

Scherlic nodded. "This war has separated many from their loved ones."

Killian thought about Evrin, the mysterious old man he had finally found, only to vanish after the destruction at Stonewater. "Yes," Killian said slowly. "Loved ones."

Killian added one more coin to the pile, and finally Scherlic nodded, taking the pile and pulling it towards him, counting the gold coins into a pouch. "You have my word. We will take it."

Killian lifted the object and placed it on the table between them, quickly pushing it in Scherlic's direction. Killian looked one last time at the Halrana Lexicon, praying it would reach safety, out of the Primate's hands. The rune on its cover glowed softly, still bright from when the strange device Killian had found in the refinery had struck it with a burst of energy.

"Please, take it," Killian said, glancing around the tavern.

He felt torn in two different directions. Killian knew he should take the Halrana Lexicon to Altura himself, and find Ella, but the hunger to find out who he really was burned inside him. He had to get the Lexicon to safety, and then he could find the old man. Only Evrin knew about the strange power he possessed. Not only could Killian survive the touch of essence, but runes drawn on his skin enhanced him in the same way they enhanced a zenblade, or a set of armour. What was he?

"It must go to Altura, to Sarostar, to the Crystal Palace. Give it to the Alturan High Lord and no one else," Killian said.

"You said, young man." Scherlic frowned.

The temptation to go to Altura himself still pulled at Killian. He knew it wasn't because of any altruistic desire to see the Halrana Lexicon to safety. Sailmaster Scherlic here probably stood a better chance at getting it to Altura safely than he did. A pair of green eyes and a soft smile hovered at the edge of his vision, framed by hair the colour of sunlight. Killian pictured a body slim but curved, her fair skin blossoming with youth. Ella.

Sailmaster Scherlic suddenly stood, the pouch jangling at his belt and the Halrana Lexicon now covered with oilcloth in his arms. Salvation was rife with thievery, but Killian knew the Buchalanti had nothing to fear; his brother thieves would stay clear of this one.

Killian watched the Buchalanti leave and realised he now didn't know what his next step should be. What could have happened to Evrin Evenstar? The old man never told him anything. Anything! Killian knew nothing to explain what his body was capable of, or about Evrin's own incredible skills with runemaking.

Killian looked out of the tavern's window and up at the mountain of Stonewater, looming over the town below, still visible in the afternoon light. He thought about the tavern's name, The Light Shines Above, obviously a reference to the Pinnacle.

The Pinnacle was gone now. Killian wondered if the tavern would change its name.

Killian tried to think about what could have happened to Evrin. The old man whose piercing blue eyes matched Killian's own had sent Killian into the templars' home alone. Evrin had said Killian's task was important, the greatest blow that could be made against the Primate's evil. Yet he had sent the younger man in alone, and they had made a plan to meet at the Temple of the Sky in Salvation.

But Evrin Evenstar had never arrived.

When, bruised and battered, Killian had limped down from the mountain, and made his way to their rendezvous, the old man was nowhere to be seen.

What had taken Evrin away? What was more important than Killian's own quest? While Killian was deep in the mountain, fighting for his life against Saryah — the twisted creature that had once been the High Templar, changed by the Primate's elixir — where was Evrin?

Killian ran his hands through the fiery red hair that curled to the base of his neck and glared up at Stonewater. There was something here, he knew. The mountain held the secret.

Killian paid his bill and left the tavern, grimacing at the few coins he received in change. Of course Sailmaster Scherlic had left him to pick up the bill.

Killian squinted up at the mountain, trying to see to the top. The mountain had billowed smoke like a volcano, people said.

Killian suddenly stopped. How could it have? What had caused the light to stop shining?

Killian could climb to the top, following the pilgrim's trail, although there was a chance the trail had been blocked off, and the last people Killian wanted to see were templars. There was an easier way.

James Maxwell's books