The Hidden Relic (Evermen Saga, #2)

The tall oval mirror floating above the platform in the centre of the pool slowly changed hue, from gold to red.

Killian looked back at Ella, and his expression said everything. She didn't know what the relic was, but her intuition told her it was some kind of doorway. She didn't know what lay on the other side, but she knew Killian, and she knew from his face that he was a man preparing to die.

Killian walked forward and entered the pool, the only man alive who could do so. He waded through the essence, mindless of its touch on his skin.

"No!" Ella cried. He couldn't leave her. He couldn't!

She tried to go to him but the prince held her back, his grip too strong to break.

Killian mounted the platform and replaced the seals. He turned one final time and looked at Ella.

His last words were to tell her he loved her.

The surface of the mirror rippled like molten gold. Killian's expression was set with determination as he took a breath and then walked through. Ella looked for his body to emerge on the other side of the shimmering curtain.

But he was gone.

Moments later, the sound of the beacon ceased as abruptly as it had started. Evrin's voice could be heard as he reactivated the seals, and the reddened shade of the portal shifted steadily back to silver. Evrin sighed and hung his head.

For a long time there was silence.

The Akari was the first to speak. "You can lower your weapon, bladesinger. I won't fight."

Miro slowly relaxed the arrow he had nocked to his ear.

Ella wanted to go to her brother but there was still too much that she needed to know. Instead she ran around the pool to Evrin. The old man was badly wounded; one of his legs was clearly broken and the other bore a terrible wound that might be infected. His lips were parched and cracked. "Water!" she cried.

Miro threw her a sloshing flask. Ella snatched it out of the air and pressed it to Evrin's lips, waiting until the old man had taken a large gulp before she spoke.

"Where did he go? When will he come back?"

"I'm sorry," Evrin said, appearing to revive in front of her. "He cannot come back."

"No," Ella said. "I don't believe you. How could you let him go if you knew he could never come back? Bring him back." She shook the old man, heedless of Evrin's moans of pain. "I know about your secrets. I know you have powers. Bring him back!"

"Ella," Miro and Prince Ilathor both said in unison. They then looked at each other as if each man was noticing the other for the first time.

"Who are you?" Miro said.

Ella looked up at her brother and Prince Ilathor. It was like a meeting of two black-maned lions, circling as they took each other's measure. Both were tall, but Miro was slightly taller. Both men were lean and broad-shouldered, but Ilathor's shoulders were a little wider. Each wore the right of command like a mantle.

"My name is Prince Ilathor Shanti of Tarn Teharan. I take it you are the brother of Ella?"

"Miro Torresante, Lord Marshal of the allied armies of Altura and Halaran."

Dain Barden picked up his war hammer and leaned on the head. "I remember you, Lord Marshal. We met on the Azure Plains."

"We should get out of here," Ella said, breaking the tension in the room. "Miro, Ilathor, help me with Evrin."

The two warriors lifted the groaning old man between them and carried him out of the chamber.

"Don't even think about it," Ella said, glaring at the Akari and looking pointedly at his war hammer.

Ella followed the Dain down the spiral stairs, but before she left she saw a book on the ground. Its pages were seared at the edges and part of it was missing completely, but it was made of the same metallic fabric as the Lexicons. She bent down and picked it up.

Soon Ella, Miro, Prince Ilathor, and Dain Barden all stood on the pedestal at the foot of the Sentinel.

"Please, put me down here," Evrin said. "Lean me up against the foot. Yes, that's it. Before I speak, there is something I must do."

The old man called out a series of activations, names Ella didn't recognise at all. The circle of runes around the opening in the pedestal flared blue, and there was the sound of stone moving against stone. In an instant the opening was closed, sealed as if it had never been. Only the circle of runes remained.

Now they were safely out of the chamber and Miro and Ilathor held the Akari in check, Ella rounded on Evrin.

"Where did Killian go?" Ella demanded.

"He went to another place, removed in both time and space from this world. I am sorry, but where he has gone you cannot follow," Evrin said sadly.

Ella's mouth set with determination. Killian had given himself so they could be safe from the danger on the other side of the portal. He couldn't be gone forever. He just couldn't.

"I promise you, I will find a way," Ella said.

James Maxwell's books