The Hidden Relic (Evermen Saga, #2)

The poorly-built frame splintered instantly. Killian's momentum took him forwards, so that he tumbled out of the door and onto the ground, rolling and then picking himself up as best he could.

Killian looked around him. He knew what he was doing was suicide, but if he could take one or two of the sadistic guards with him, it would be worth it.

Strangely, the guards hadn't come at the noise of Killian bursting through the doorway. Where were they?

Killian ducked his head as the sound of a thunderous boom came from everywhere at once.

Killian saw thousands of huddled prisoners come to their feet uncertainly, wondering what was going on.

Killian saw a guard looking around with sword bared. His back was turned away, so it was a simple matter for Killian to come forward and wrap his chain around the guard's neck. He pulled and counted; the guard kicked once, twice. Killian let the guard's body slide to the ground.

There was another explosion, and this time Killian saw an accompanying flash of light. Guards were battling someone, and with each blast an armoured man went down.

The prisoners called out to one another, adding to the commotion. Killian looked down and found the strangled guard's sword. He didn't know much about sword fighting, but its presence felt comforting in his hand.

Some prisoners had formed a group and were battling a guard, swamping him with sheer numbers. Killian saw the guard go down and a tall man in rags grabbed the sword, waving it in the air.

Killian wanted to help them but he couldn't seem to run fast enough. He hobbled forward, in the direction of the gates, and it seemed everyone else had the same idea.

"This way!" Killian called to those who still stood by uncertainly. "It's either now or never, come on!"

Guards formed a line between the prisoners and the closed gates. Killian looked on in awe as a wavering figure suddenly appeared and a beam of light tore a hole in a guard's side, sending a gush of blood spurting out before the guard crumpled to the ground. The shimmering form appeared at another place, and still another guard went down as a bolt of energy opened a wound in his throat.

A soldier ran up to Killian, swinging his sword. Killian ducked and felt it whistle over his head, before swinging his own sword in a clumsy arc at the guard's chest. The guard blocked and the jar that went through Killian's wrist was so great he dropped his blade. Killian swung the stake on the end of its chain, catching the guard under his left eye and tearing open his cheek. When the guard screamed in pain and placed his hand on the left side of his face, Killian swung again, smashing the heavy piece of wood into his opponent's temple. The guard went down.

The shadow appeared again. This time a bolt of pure energy came out of its middle, tearing a fist-sized hole in a guard's stomach. Another guard swung at the figure with his sword but some kind of electrical discharge sparked across the blade, turning the soldier's sword hand into a blackened mess. As the guard screamed in pain and dropped his blade the ragged prisoner with the sword ran forward and slashed twice at the guard's neck and chest.

The hairs rose on Killian's neck as he heard the sound of chanting, and a blinding light suddenly appeared a dozen paces from where the guards stood. Another bolt came from the shining figure to take another soldier through the forehead.

The guards broke. One of them hurried to the gates to activate the release mechanism while his fellows urged him on. As the gates started to part, the guards poured through the widening gap as they fled. The prisoners stormed forward, screaming and shouting and pummelling the guards with anything they could lay their hands on.

Killian tried to run with them but he took two steps and then fell down as his legs tripped on his chains. He raised himself onto his hands and knees and looked up.

The shining figure stood in front of him. It reminded Killian of nothing so much as Saryah, the evil creature he had faced in Stonewater. Whatever it was, it filled him with terror.

The shape's hand held a wand that sparked and flickered as waves of energy sizzled from its base to its tip.

Killian heard some words of magic spoken by a surprisingly female voice, and out of the shimmer a person slowly materialised; a young woman in a green dress.

"It's you," Ella said with surprise.

Killian gaped, for a moment unable to speak. How could she be here?

"I'm back in the hut, aren't I?" Killian said. "I'm dreaming. You're the last person I ever expected to see here. But please, don't wake me up."

Ella looked just as surprised as he was. She stood staring at him in shock until Killian wondered if she was going to speak at all.

"Well?" Killian said.

"Well what?"

"Are you going to get me out of these chains?"

"Soon." Ella smiled. "It's nice to finally have you as my prisoner, rather than the other way around."


James Maxwell's books