The Boy Who Drew Monsters

By the time the Jeep pulled into the driveway, the scene was set. Holly had positioned herself next to their son and crossed her arms, affecting nonchalance.

Blooms of red dotted Tim’s cheeks as he came in from the cold, smacking the meat of his arms and stomping his feet. “Brrr…” He shivered and chattered his teeth with great exaggeration like windup choppers. Jack squealed with delight.

“Where have you been?” Holly asked.

He unwound the scarf from his neck as he crossed the room to greet her with a kiss, the taste of liquor on his lips. “Sorry that took so long.”

“Have you been drinking?”

“Mr. Jip, isn’t it getting time for bed?” He checked his watch and mussed the boy’s hair. Squirming out of reach, Jack burrowed deeper beneath the afghan and snuggled closer to his mother. “Just one,” Tim said to her. “You know Fred and Nell. They are so grateful that we’ve agreed to take Nick off their hands. Second honeymoon, what do you think of that? What have the two of you been up to?”

She considered letting the moment pass, but could not resist. “There was a noise. Outside.”

“What sort of noise?” He seemed nonplussed by her demeanor. “Jip, seriously, time to hit the sack.”

Irritation floated in her voice. “At first it was just a random knock, I thought something falling over, but then it went on, bang-bang-bang. Striking the siding like gunshot. And you weren’t here to go check, so I had to hop out of the bathtub sopping wet to see what was the matter. And then I thought there was someone in the house when Jack was all alone. I swear there was something else inside.” With a sneer, she added, “While you were out, sipping Scotch with Fred and Nell Weller.”

With a bow of his head, he showed his contrition.

“Honestly, Tim, I was out creeping around in the dark like some teenager in a slasher movie. Lord knows what’s waiting behind the corner—”

“So what did you find?”

“Nothing,” she said. “I have no idea what was making those noises.”

Jack’s head popped out from beneath the blanket. “Trying to get in.”

Tim snatched away the blanket. “Seriously, bud, let’s go. Say good night to your mother.”

The boy stood, snapped to attention. “G’night.” He saluted and marched upstairs. Even after all these years, she was still disappointed that he did not kiss her before going to bed. She could not remember the last time he had kissed her good night.

After Tim apologized once again, they did not discuss it any further. Without evidence was there a crime? She had Christmas cards to write, and he did penance by folding a load of laundry. In the background, Jack made his slow retreat to bed, stalling in the bathroom before the mirror, brushing his teeth with meticulous care, undressing in slow motion, and then quickly donning pajamas against the cold. His light went out at half-past nine, but his parents knew to give him another thirty minutes to fall asleep.

The house grew still and quiet. Holly sneezed in the kitchen, and Tim said gesundheit from the bedroom upstairs. When she came to bed, she found him already beneath the covers, staring at the curtains drawn across the window on his side. She turned off the light and slipped in beside him. “Something on your mind?”

He rolled over to face her and laid his hand upon her hip. “I’m truly sorry. You know, Jip could be right, could have been something trying to get in. Fred Weller was telling me that people have been spotting coyotes in the area. First thing tomorrow, I’ll do a thorough check around the premises—”

“You’re forgiven,” she said. Silly man. They both knew he would forget by morning. In the pitch dark, she reached out to find his face, laid her palm against his cheek, and waited to feel his smile. He kissed her and fingered his way to the hem of her nightgown and slid the thin fabric to bare her skin. She raised no objections to his touch, but moments later, when he climbed upon her, she breathed out the softest of sighs.
