Spurn (Walker Saga #2)

His expression alternated between frustration and resignation.

“Red, I know you don’t see yourself clearly, and that’s okay. I see more than you could imagine.” His eyes captured me. “We would always have had this attraction and bond. It’s the way mating works; you wouldn’t be my other half unless we had the foundation of a perfection bond.” His eyes darkened. “But let’s get something straight. I would want you no matter what. You are powerful and smart, and unusual enough that you would have always caught my attention. You intrigue me, entice me and, damn it, Abigail – you are hot. I mean so hot that any man would be insane not to want you.”

His eyes trailed over me, slowly. My knees buckled slightly. But I caught myself.

I managed to take a shuddering breath, and then decided what the hell; you only live once. With a running jump I again threw myself at Brace, wrapping my legs around him. Lucky he was a big man. He caught me no problem and without pause we were kissing. Long, dragging, soul-burning kisses. If his expression earlier had been devouring, he now kissed me as if he needed to consume every part of my soul. With a gasp of breath I pulled back from his mouth. I closed my eyes as he started to press gentle little butterfly kisses all over my face. I could feel his adoration in every touch, every light caress.

Through our bond he glowed, our golden auras flickering brightly. Opening my eyes, I reached down to press the clasp on my necklace, needing to see his marks, needing them joined to mine. He pulled back at that point, halting my hand.

“Not here, sweetheart. We don’t know what will happen, and your father will be in your room killing me quicker than you know.”

As I dropped my hand his lips found mine again. I opened my mouth, taking his tongue boldly, drinking in everything that was Brace. I threaded my fingers through the silky strands of hair at the back of his head. Never lifting his face from mine he directed us toward my bed. As my legs dropped down, the back of my knees hit the edge. He lowered me, pausing to stare as I lay disheveled on my covers.

There was this endless depth of emotion in his eyes. I wanted desperately to seek his thoughts, but I refrained. Instead, I scooted along the cool surface until my back hit the headboard, my eyes staying locked on his face. I would never have enough of his soul-stealing beauty; he was pure perfection.

I almost lost my breath as he pulled his shirt over his head, leaving just his black pants on. I was sensually assaulted by expanses of tanned skin stretched tightly over muscles. He crawled onto the end of the bed like a stalking panther, moving on all fours until he reached me. I shuddered in some air. Just watching him approach was enough to have ripples spreading through my body.

Lifting one hand, he cupped my face. I lay back and he followed over the top of me. But instead of it making me feel claustrophobic, crowded by his huge body, I felt small and feminine. I reached up to wrap my hands around his muscled arms, pulling him down so I could cushion his weight. I loved the feel of his body pressed against my own, but for some reason I couldn’t keep still. My lower body continued to shift and move over the bed. There were just too many sensations.

“You are going to kill me,” he said, pulling back slightly.

Our heavy breathing intermingled.

“You seem awfully confident in my self-control. Don’t test me too much; we’re still under your father’s roof.”

“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” I said, running my hands along his strong back. I needed him closer.

“Red,” he held himself up so he could stare into my face, “no matter what happens over the next few months, finding you has been the best part of my very long life.”

His melted chocolate eyes were serious. He’d stopped kissing me; he wanted me to focus. I attempted to pry more information from his mind, but he had the bond shut down.

“You aren’t going anywhere,” I finally said – the only scenario I would allow to cross my mind. “I’ve made the decision to keep you. So you’re just going to have to stick around.”

“You’ve decided to keep me.” He grinned. “I like that.”

He pressed his lips to mine again, our kisses more intense than before. I groaned as unfelt sensations shot through me. Why had I wasted so much time not kissing him? I continued to run my hands over his soft skin. I couldn’t stop myself from touching him; it was addictive. I paused briefly as I noticed some slight puckering ridges along his chest; I’d never seen any scars.