Spurn (Walker Saga #2)

Faces crossed through my mind. Lucy, Lallielle, Josian – my family would be devastated. And then lastly, Brace.

I wished that I’d told him how I felt, that although I hated that he’d lied to me, at the end of the day life is short and I didn’t want to die out here and never know what being loved by Brace was like. That he was the one to get me through the tough, lonely nights on Earth, and that I’d wait for an eternity for the perfect kind of love that I thought we’d have.

I held his image close.

For some reason I could feel his warmth, and a renewed sense of energy flowed through me. With a deep breath, I kicked out again, determined not to give up. Despite the fact I loved the inbuilt protection half-Walkers had – that I could keep my thoughts private and that no one could sense my energy – right now it felt mighty inconvenient.

“This seems like a strange place to be having a swim, Abby.”

I wondered for a moment if I was having one of those hallucinations-right-before-death. It spoke of my utter exhaustion that I barely even reacted as Talina hooked me under my arms, and pulled me close for a hug. I slumped into her, my head hanging heavily on her shoulder.

“I’m trying out for the next swim races, long distance,” I slurred.

She just squeezed me tighter. “Thank you for saving us. Raror and Gladriel are also out looking for you. I can’t believe I found you. We need to get you back before your father kills all Spurns for their stupidity, and then drains the ocean to figure out where you went.”

I managed a chuckle. Her words were humorously accurate.

“Can you hold onto my back while I swim us to the Isle?” Her serious features regarded me in concern.

I must have looked a little worse for wear, but I managed a nod.

She helped me hook my arms, not too tightly, around her neck.

She started off slowly, probably to see if I could actually hold on, before her speed increased. Despite my greater height and weight, she seemed to have no problem dragging my butt through the water. I closed my eyes.

I must have drifted off because I was startled as Talina came to an abrupt halt. Shaking off my fatigue, my lids opened slowly. We weren’t at the Isle yet. Water still surrounded us, but there was an obstacle in our path: an anemic-looking blond Walker.

“I would normally say give me the Walker and I won’t kill you. But today I’m not feeling so generous.” His fury ricocheted ripples through the water.

“Seriously, can’t you take a hint? She doesn’t like you, creep. Go back to your own planet and, like, invent a girlfriend. That’s your best chance of locating someone who doesn’t find you toxic.”

Talina shocked me again, channeling her inner Lucy and challenging the crazy man. Beneath my hands I could feel her start to vibrate. Within a matter of seconds we were in the midst of a full storm. The water swirled in great arcs around us, large crashing waves and whirlpools utilizing massive volumes of water.

And then he was gone, swept up in a water spout.

The winds were out of control, strong enough to bundle up the Walker and drag him into the air. But we were safe in the center. Talina was burning hot to touch, I could feel the power as it erupted from her. I was afraid to move or speak, knowing I would disturb her focus.

Eventually, though, I had to help her reel it back in.

“Damn, Talli, you certainly pack some punch there. Tell me why you didn’t destroy Gladriel and her petty words years ago?”

Her head whipped around, and I was staring into pure yellow eyes. For a moment there was nothing in there that resembled my friend, just a cold-blooded creature. I kept my expression calm, waiting, allowing her to examine me, and then slowly my friend bled back into her darkening eyes.

“Abby, did I hurt you?” Her voice was frantic as her once-again-brown eyes scanned me.

“Nope, girl, you saved me again.” I had no idea where the Walker had disappeared to, but he was like a damn yoyo; he’d be back. “But let’s book it out of here. I’m thinking once again we only have a temporary reprieve.”

She nodded and, gripping my arms, threw me over her shoulder. We were off. I thought she’d been going fast before, but I realized I’d been deluded. Now her pace was so rapid we were almost skimming the water.

“So, that’s some pretty amazing power you have there. You seem afraid of it, though.” My tone was as casual as I could manage.

She shifted her shoulders under my arms, I couldn’t tell if it was a shrug or just uncomfortable movement.

“I can’t control them, Abbs. It’s almost as if I black out and they take me over. I have no problem initiating the energy, but then I’m lost.”

I snorted. “Tell me about it. That flow of energy is the most addictive thing I can ever imagine. You feel invincible, and it’s so hard to shut it down. I’m always terrified that the next time I won’t be able to.”

She came to a screeching halt again. I frantically scanned my surroundings, looking for the next obstacle.