Spurn (Walker Saga #2)

She shook her head. “No, I will never leave you here with Gladriel.”

He shook his head, regaining his composure. “Right, you can’t leave. I know the marks are there, but we have no way to verify any of the other information.”

Raror faced me again. “We need to convene before the council to discuss this; Ladre would not be happy for you to just stroll in here and take Talina away.”

I was about to protest when an emerald-haired Spurn entered the room. He was carrying a smaller version of the shell mirror I’d used upstairs. As Talina stared at her new reflection, I realized Gladriel had not moved. She was still seated, and had now commenced eating her portion of the meal that she’d neglected earlier.

My jaw tightened and my hands clenched into fists. Bitch. I gave Talina a few moments to observe and feel the thrill of her marks before I slammed my locket shut. My anger flowed over. I wanted Gladriel to care for Talina, to show her just a minute portion of love and kindness. I must have been flashing back to growing up under the heartless Olden’s ‘care’, because suddenly I was taking this treatment very personally.

Could Gladriel not see the damage she was doing, the damage she had done to Talina? Fury continued to build inside me, and my energy started to respond. I felt the burning heat.

Closing my eyes, I struggled internally, but it quickly reached the point where I couldn’t contain the mass of energy pulsing within me demanding to be released. Where had it all come from? A minute ago, I’d felt empty.

Eventually, I had no choice but to let free my emotions, my pain and anger, my need for Gladriel to see what a sea-bitch she was. It forced itself from me in a burst of light. I closed my eyes, and instead of fighting the pull of power I encouraged the release. Relief flooded through me and I reveled in the power as it flowed. My head fell back, I arched my neck, floating in endless waves of energy.


Words started to penetrate the field of power I was releasing.

Lucy screamed at me, “Abby, shut it down, whatever you’re doing.”

Strong hands gripped my arms, and I dropped my chin and my eyes flew open.

Brace held one side and Lucas the other. Between them they blocked some of the visible stream of silver light emanating from me. With a strangled breath I started the difficult struggle to slam the lid back on the power. After a moment I realized that half my trouble was the addictive nature of the power. It felt good; I felt strong and invincible. I knew that I needed to let that feeling go. Like a junkie, I eventually weaned myself off it, and as the light abated the room fell silent.

I looked around. Brace and Lucas still held my arms, but no one moved. Everyone appeared to be in the same trance-like state, as if they had been frozen in their last movements, staring off into space.

Panic consumed me. What had I done to them?

Brace shifted then. Shaking his head, he stared down into my shocked face.

“What have you done, Red?” He echoed my thoughts. For the first time he seemed disarmed, as if he did not have control of this situation. “What was that energy-release all about? I just saw some of your life.” He shook his head again.

“What?” I whispered, my voice low and tight. “I don’t see anything?”

“What were you trying to achieve when you released your energy?” He reached over to nudge Lucas.

The tall blond shifted but otherwise didn’t respond.

I let the words fall over each other in panic. “I was annoyed at what a cow Gladriel is. She treats her kids like crap. I wanted her to see the damage she’s done. How horrible it is to grow up without love ... family.”

I shifted my gaze. My heart rate settled as Samuel and Lucas started to stir. They blinked their eyes twice, although the room remained silent.

I turned back to Brace. “Since I don’t actually know about Talina’s life, I must have projected my own.”

“This isn’t a power that I’m aware of.” Brace looked calm, which was awesome. His calmness would keep me from freaking the hell out. “But it’s a little remarkable. The scene was so real. I caught a brief glimpse of you as a young girl; you were asleep.”

I glanced about. “Do you think everyone is seeing the same thing?” I didn’t like my personal life being broadcast.

“It’s like Lalli,” Brace said all of a sudden, before locking me in his gaze. “This is a take on Lalli’s power of dreaming. You’re simply able to project dream scenes out in the open, while people are awake.” He laughed, in a short derisive manner. “That’s a very strong power, Abby. A little scary.”

I agreed. What I had just done was completely debilitating. I could take out each one without them having the smallest chance to defend themselves.

“Why are you not still under the projection?” I asked him, without any real hope he’d answer.