Rogue Wave (Waterfire Saga #2)

And then she saw something that made her fins prickle. Above the heads of the death riders, flags rippled. They were red with a black circle in their centers—the same flags she’d seen in the Lagoon.

“Something’s wrong, Coco,” she whispered. “Whatever you do, keep smiling and keep cheering.”

“Something’s way wrong,” Coco said, nodding toward the royal enclosure.

Serafina followed her gaze. In front of the enclosure, resting on a dais, was Merrow’s golden crown. Behind it were two ornate thrones. The last time Serafina had been here, they’d been occupied by her mother and Emperor Bilaal. This time, her mother’s was empty and Mahdi was sitting in the other one.

His expression was somber. His hands, resting on the arms of his chair, were clenched. He was dressed in the black uniform of the death riders, and wearing a matching sea-silk turban. In the center of it was the magnificent Bramaphur Emerald. Serafina recognized it. Bilaal had worn it. Why wasn’t Mahdi smiling? Why wasn’t he searching the crowd for her?

Sera continued to scan the royal enclosure, hoping for answers. Directly behind Mahdi sat Portia Volnero, resplendently dressed in a gown of gold sea silk. She should have been sitting with the other duchessas of the realm, but was sitting apart in a chair only slightly less ornate than the two thrones. She was smiling serenely. The other duchessas were not.

Sera’s feeling that something was wrong grew stronger.

She needed to talk to Mahdi and find out what was going on. Hoping that no goblin was watching her, and that her voice would be drowned out amidst all the cheering, she closed her eyes, bent her head, and quietly sang a convoca, calling to him. It failed. She took a deep breath and, summoning all her powers, tried again.

Mahdi…Mahdi it’s me! Please answer!

She opened her eyes and looked at him, willing him to hear her. This time, the songspell worked. Mahdi’s eyes widened. He looked around, scanning row after row of faces.

And then Serafina heard his voice. Inside her head.

Sera! Is that you?

Yes! I’m here in the Kolisseo. On your left. Midway up.

She risked a small wave. Mahdi saw her. Even from where she was sitting, she could see his face go white.

Sera, get out of here!

Why? What’s wrong?

Leave the Kolisseo. Hurry!

I can’t! The death riders are blocking the exits.

You’re in serious danger. If they find out…if they see you…

If who finds out? What do you mean?

Before Mahdi could answer, trumpeters blasted a deafening fanfare. The noise broke the convoca.

Vallerio swam to the royal enclosure amidst more cheering. “Miromarans, thank you!” he shouted, holding up his hands for silence. “Thank you for this heartfelt welcome! I am glad to be back among you. You have suffered. You have lost your regina. You have lost your royal city. I am here today to restore them to you.”

Cheers went up again, but they were not enthusiastic enough to please the Kobold. A few seats away, a goblin soldier threatened a family. “Heie, d?rer! F?r du blir goblin kj?tt!” he said. Cheer, fools! Before you become goblin meat!

“I have made peace with our enemies,” Vallerio continued. “I have brought friends from the north to help keep this peace and rebuild our city. But that is not enough. Our realm needs a leader if we are to move past the darkness we have endured into a bright new dawn. We all mourn our beloved Isabella, taken from us too soon. We mourn her daughter, Serafina, killed in the attack on the palace.”

“What?” Serafina whispered. “He thinks I’m dead?”

She started to rise. Goblins or no goblins, she was going to swim to her uncle now and show him that she most certainly was not dead.

Sera, no! He’ll…you, don’t…a voice said inside her head.

It was Mahdi. His words were faint and broken up. She looked at him. He was looking in her direction. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, he shook his head. It was a warning. Sera sat down again.

“I have your new regina here with me today,” Vallerio continued, his voice jubilant. “I have the one who will lead Miromara out of the pain and sorrow of the past and into a brilliant future!”

Vallerio swept his arm toward the opposite side of the Kolisseo. As Serafina watched, a mermaid appeared in the arched doorway there.

Serafina knew her all too well. She knew the ebony hair, the cobalt eyes, the mocking smile.

It was her old enemy.

Lucia Volnero.

GASPS WENT UP from the crowd. Even fear of the brutal goblins couldn’t make the people cheer.

Lucia, stunningly beautiful in a gown the color of midnight, swam into the Kolisseo. As she did, twenty burly mermen, each wearing armor and carrying a shield and a lava torch, followed her. Serafina knew who the mermen were, and what they did.

“My gods, no. She’ll die!” she whispered.

Vallerio spoke. “In accordance with Merrow’s decree, and the laws of this realm, we will ask Alítheia to judge this mermaid fit to occupy the throne of Miromara…” He paused, then added, “…or not.”