Revive (Storm MC #3)

“You hold your head high and live with honesty; you always do the right thing.”

Her words meant a lot to me; I was glad I’d come over today because I’d really needed the boost they’d given me.


I arrived early for work that night. James had played on my mind all afternoon after talking about him this morning, and I needed the calm that being at Indigo gave me. I loved working at the club. Scott and the other Storm guys had welcomed me into their family from the beginning; I’d never be a part of their club, but they looked out for me like a family did.

The only thing against being at Indigo at the moment was Nash. His silence was a clear indicator that he wanted nothing more to do with me, and that hurt. But I’d vowed years ago not to take shit from a man ever again and I was sticking to my guns on that. Not even Nash could make me change my mind.

I sighed as I thought about him. He was sex incarnate and I’d be lying if I said it hadn’t crossed my mind that sex with him would be out of this world. And it wasn’t like he hadn’t tried his best to get me into bed. The thing about Nash was that while he was a well built sex God that every woman wanted a chance at turning into a one woman man, I actually really liked spending time with him. He was intelligent and funny, and I always looked forward to that time right after I finished my shift when I got to sit and unwind with him. We had that easy relationship where nothing was forced and it was just as comfortable to sit in silence as it was to sit and talk about anything and everything. So I’d made the decision a long time ago not to go there with him; I valued our friendship more than I wanted the bliss of a few hours with him and his body.

Harlow interrupted my thoughts. “What are you doing tomorrow at lunch time?”

“Sleeping.” Tomorrow was Saturday and I had the day off. I had the entire weekend off for once and I planned to shut myself away from the world and have some Velvet time.

She grinned and I eyed her suspiciously; Harlow was always plotting and planning stuff and I wondered what she had dreamt up this time. “Nope, you’re coming to Scott’s for lunch. I’ve convinced him to let me take over his kitchen so you can’t say no.”

I groaned. “Really? You’re going to make me get out of bed on my weekend off?”

“Yes, and no complaints. I’ll make you lemon meringue pie.”

“Damn you and your food bribery,” I muttered. Harlow’s food was out of this world and she used it often to get what she wanted. I felt bad for Scott; he was so screwed when she pulled out the big guns.

She grinned again. “Twelve o’clock and don’t be late.” And with that she waltzed out of the room.

I dropped my head into my hands and rued the fact that I couldn’t resist her charms. She was so unlike any of the friends I’d ever had and although it had taken us a little while to warm to each other, I counted her as a close friend now.

“She’s got mad skills at persuasion, hasn’t she?”

I looked up to find Nash standing in the doorway, his intense gaze burning into me. My skin tingled at the way he was looking at me; a feeling I desperately tried to switch off. “Yes, she has,” I agreed. I remained guarded, not knowing what his intention was with this conversation.

He leant against the door frame and crossed his arms over his chest. The intensity in his eyes remained, and a new tension settled in the space between us. Something was going on here; I didn’t know what it was but my body buzzed with anticipation.

“I owe you an apology,” he finally said.

“Yes you do,” I agreed as I fought with the butterflies in my stomach. Where the hell had they come from?

He didn’t say anything, just stood watching me. The look in his eyes was beginning to fluster me; a feeling that was foreign to me. I waited in silence for what he would say next.

Pushing off from the doorframe, he came towards me, the muscles rippling under his fitted black t-shirt. I tried like hell not to look at those muscles, but I doubted there was a woman on earth who could pull that off. His voice dragged my eyes back to his. “I’m sorry for being a bastard to you. Please forgive me because I miss the hell out of you.”

His apology was simple, but the emotion tangled in his words was real. He meant every word he’d just said. I blinked. He’d stunned me; I’d never expected him to come to me with an apology. And certainly not a straight up one like he’d just delivered. The honesty and vulnerability in his words meant more to me than he would ever know.

I needed to lighten the mood so I went with sass. “I’ve missed you too, asshole. Don’t ever pull that shit again, okay?”