Lilac Girls

The thought of contacting orphan asylums in search of Paul and Rena’s child sent me back to bed. Despite the fact that he had once claimed otherwise, it seemed there was room in Paul’s life for a child after all. Why should I put myself out to find her? Paul hadn’t exactly considered my feelings through all of this. I may have been taken in once, but I’d learned my lesson. There were plenty of private detectives making a living searching for lost loved ones. Many who’d do a better job than I.

By the time evening fell in the apartment, I’d decided. Paul and Rena were on their own.


The next morning I woke up hungry, my belly only full of regret. It was shocking how easily my life had become derailed. The French word dépaysement ran through my head—the sense of disorientation one feels upon having an immense change forced upon oneself. Mother had done a yeoman’s job of dusting, but all at once, the apartment looked especially unkempt, the windows in need of washing, the telephone cord impossibly tangled. Mother’s solution to my situation was to force-feed me eggs as if I were a foie gras goose. Midway through her oeufs pochés, I shared my situation.

“Did you hear my little chat with Rena?”

“Only bits. She seems like a dear thing.”

“I suppose. But she’s not giving Paul up.”

“That’s a pickle.”

“Not really. Isn’t it obvious? He still loves her.”

Mother cracked another egg into the boiling water. “How would you know? You don’t answer the phone. Paul leaned on the doorbell for an hour last night, poor thing.”

“Five minutes, Mother. Don’t exaggerate.”

“It’s too bad, really. Under different circumstances, you and Rena could have been good pals.”

“I have enough friends, Mother, thank you.”

“Well, you can’t just turn your back on the whole thing, dear.”

“I’ll never have a child of my own.”

“But that doesn’t mean it’s right to abandon theirs. Before you know it, you’ll be wondering—”

“Summarize, Mother. You think I should find that child.”

She slipped another egg into my bowl. “Well, it’s the Christian thing to do.”

“I’m not feeling very Christian this morning, I’m afraid.”

“Well, splash some cold water on your face. That will help.”

Why was Mother’s solution to every problem a splash of cold water? Already a day with her in the apartment felt like an eternity. How would I last the week? Soon her Paris friends would be stopping by. Would I have to suffer their pitying looks?

EVENTUALLY I CAME TO MY SENSES and set about finding the child if for no other reason than to put it all behind me. And to escape the apartment, for Mother was staging a tribute to T. S. Eliot—The Paris Years—and the guests had been instructed to come in costume. Among the visitants would be some of Mother’s men friends, no doubt. Though I’d not been able to keep even one male admirer, within weeks of coming to Paris, Mother had attracted a bevy of male devotees, mostly bereted older Frenchmen and American expats. They sat in our living room sipping tea, watching Mother be Mother, and were happy to be in her orbit.

Finding an unnamed child in postwar France was not an easy process, and I arrived, at the end of my rope, after many stops, at Orphelinat Saint-Philippe in Meudon. It was one of the orphanages I’d sent comfort packages to from the consulate and now one of many clearinghouses for the war’s displaced children, collected from safe houses, boarding schools, and crumbling chateaux all over France, mostly in the south. It stood southwest of Paris in an imposing old stone mansion, complete with its own Romanesque church. The location rivaled Mount Olympus, set high on a hill, head in the clouds that day.

I darted through the warm rain, having forgone an umbrella, and navigated the mossy steps. I tried not to think about what would happen if I found the child. It would be the official end of our relationship, despite everything Paul and I once had. Apparently he was in love with Rena after all. At least enough to father her child.

The orphanage’s front office was packed with people on missions similar to mine. Those wise enough to bring umbrellas held them at their sides like wet bats, for there was no stand at the door. A phone rang unanswered, and cardboard boxes were piled up in the corners. Stacks of white diapers sat on the desk, like layered mille-feuille pastries, diaper pins scattered about.

The crowd parted and a man pushed his way in carrying a wailing infant wrapped in linen. He made it to the desk and held out the infant as if it were a live bomb.

“An old granny just handed me this.”

The proprietress behind the desk took the child. She was a hawklike woman dressed in black, her only embellishment an exquisite collar that looked like Queen Anne’s lace. She placed the bundle on the desk and unwrapped layers of linen. She looked up, a mauve crescent beneath each eye.

“This is a boy. We take only girls.”

The man was already on his way out the door.

“Guillaume!” she called as she reswaddled the baby, quicker than a deli man wraps a sandwich, and a man came at a trot, took the child, and spirited it away.

A young woman approached the desk. “Madame—”

Madame raised one finger without even looking up from her paperwork. “Wait your turn. The children are at lunch. No one sees them until three.”

Drips of water from the leaky ceiling fell on the desk blotter, leaving darker green amoebas growing there.

“Pardon me, Madame,” I said. “I am looking for a child.”

She scanned the list on her clipboard. “Fill out the form,” she said.

I edged closer. “I have a special case.”

“You are the fifth special case today.”

“My name is Caroline Ferriday. I worked with Mme Bertillion. Sent comfort boxes for the children. From the French Consulate in New York.”

The woman looked up, tipped her head to one side. “You sent the boxes? The children cherish the clothing. Exquisitely done.”

“In fact, I sent that Ovaltine over there as well.” I indicated an empty cardboard box.

“Thank you, Mademoiselle, but we sold that for next to nothing. The children complained it tasted like bird’s nest and wouldn’t drink it, I’m afraid. We need money, Miss Ferriday, not Ovaltine.”

I took from the desk a tin can containing withered tulips, tossed the flowers into the wastebasket, and placed the can on the blotter to contain the drip.

“I know you are terribly busy, Madame, but I am looking for a child.”

Madame eyed me. “Your child?”

“No, the parents were deported and are just now getting on their feet.”

“I am sorry, but I can only deliver a child to the parent or blood relative. Two forms of identification required.”

“I am just trying to locate the child. Her parents will collect her.”

“Come with me,” Madame said.

She grabbed her clipboard and a towering pile of nested tin bowls, and I followed her up wide stone steps. As we walked, Madame placed a tin bowl here and there as she found more drips.

“Any chance I can meet Mme Bertillion?” I asked.

“I am Mme Bertillion.”

How was that possible?

“You wrote such lovely letters,” I said.

“Some people are better on paper,” Madame said with a tired shrug. Had she slept at all the night before? “What is the child’s name?”

“I’m not sure, Madame. It was all done in a hurry. The mother was deported on the birthday.”

“Which was?”

“April 1, 1941. Easter Sunday.”

“Nazis deported people on Easter? Shocking those good men were not in church.”

“Could you check your records?”

“You are looking at my records, Mademoiselle.” She held up the clipboard, a sheaf of paper thick as a telephone book clamped there, ragged and marked with cross-outs and burgundy Olympic rings of wine stains. “We are a collection point for children from all over Europe. This will be a difficult search.”

We walked into a high-ceilinged room filled with cots, each with a pillow and folded blanket at the foot.

Martha Hall Kelly's books