Leave Me Love (Call Me Cat Trilogy, #2)

"No. I need to know about a room you rented." I took out my phone and showed him a picture of Bridgette. "This girl rented a room under the name of Catelyn Travis."

He peered closely at the picture, squinting and pulling my hand so that the phone was an inch from his eyes. "Ah, yuh. Didn't recognize her ‘til that P.I. came by. Sure, she got a room. Paid for a month in cash. Can't turn down that, now can I? Don't get much business ‘round here since that fancy Hilton popped up."

I had no doubt that was not the major detractor to his business, but I held my tongue. "Can we see the room, please?" I showed him my ID. "I'm actually Catelyn."

He scratched his chin, considering. "Well, seeing’s how the room's in your name. Figure I gotta let ya, don't I? Room's locked up tight. Ain't seen no one there. After that P.I. told me about the girl I had to call the cops, you know. Since everyone is looking for her. But seeing’s how the room's in your name, like I said, then figure I can give you a peeksee ‘til they get here. Can't harm me for that, right? With your name and all."

"No, they can't harm you for that," I assured him.

Knowing the police had been called made me nervous. I had no doubt Detective Gray would be showing up on his proverbial white horse to slay the dragon and save the girl. With me, unfortunately, in the role of the dragon.

When he opened the room for us, the first thing I noticed was the smell. An old, wet, moldy smell that I was sure predated Bridgette's rental of this place. The second thing I noticed were the pictures.

Hundreds of them, everywhere. All of Bridgette and Ash in innocuous poses.

Ash sucked in his breath and the old man chuckled. "That man be you, sir. Looks like you got caught between two beautiful women. Worse places to be, I figure. Worse places, indeed."

I turned to the man. "Can you give us a moment?"

"Sure thing. I'll be in the office if you need me. This one’s a good one. That guy Hawkeye is just too much," he said, referring to his M*A*S*H episode.

Ash closed the door behind him and we stared at the pictures, not wanting to touch anything and contaminate it with our prints. "What is this?" I asked. “I don't understand.”

"I don't either." Ash circled the room, stepping over trash on the floor to examine the different photos. "Bridgette and I didn't spend that much time together. Whoever took these worked hard to catch every moment I was ever around her."

I looked at the clothes and bags on the bed. "Ash, some of this is my stuff, things Bridgette bought me when she dragged me shopping. The rest looks new, but it's all in my size and style."

Before we could ponder what that might mean, Detective Gray walked in, weapon drawn. I backed into Ash, who caught me around the waist and held me. Other officers crowded into the room, making me feel claustrophobic and anxious.

"Watch them. Don't let them leave." Gray pointed at us, and an officer nodded.

Ash stepped in front of me. "This isn't Catelyn's room, Detective. I hired a private investigator to help find Bridgette. He discovered she rented this room out under Catelyn's name. The owner confirmed it. Then the owner called you."

Gray chewed on his lip. "Wait in the hallway."

Ash escorted me outside and we sat on the porch near the door, a burly officer standing beside us with his hand on his holster.

I put my head between my legs, breathing slowly as Ash rubbed my back. I pulled an anti-anxiety pill out of my purse and popped it without water.

I lost track of time. When Gray finally came out, he had a self-satisfied expression on his face. "Catelyn Travis, you're under arrest for the kidnapping and disappearance of Bridgette Beaumont. You have the right to remain silent…"

The handcuffs gripped my wrists and Ash stood, looking helpless, jaw set in an angry line. "Don't say anything. Maxwell will meet you at the police station. Don't say a word until he gets there. I love you." He kissed me on the lips. "I love you and I will protect you."

Chapter Twenty Three

Fear and Betrayal

"WE KNOW YOU forced her to buy you expensive gifts, clothes, purses. Give you cash. You made her check out the room for you." Detective Gray sat across from me. My chair was uncomfortable. The room was empty except for a large mirror on the wall.

I said nothing, clenching my fists.

Gray continued, "We found your fingerprints all over the place."

"Impossible." I clasped a hand to my mouth. Shit. Don't say anything. Don’t say anything.

He grinned. "Look, I get it. Your best friend was seeing your boyfriend behind your back. You had to follow them, take a few photos to make sure. Cheating is a hard thing to deal with—trust me, I know. I mean, what a bitch. She was screwing your guy one minute, visiting you in the hospital the next. Playing BFF the whole time. I mean, the fucking bitch needed to be taught a lesson, right?"

I didn't respond. They couldn't have any fingerprints. They wouldn't have had enough time to test for any, right?