Kingdoms And Chaos (King's Dark Tidings #4)

Serunius frowned and looked at her quizzically before turning his narrow-eyed gaze on Rezkin.

The queen chuckled and said, “Serunius is an intelligent man like you, and he would be able to see it if he were not so emotionally involved. He is … possessive.” This last she said with a sultry smile and a wink for her consort. Her gaze roved over the crowd and then returned to Rezkin. “That said, tomorrow, after the midday meal, I intend to claim you, Lord Rezkin.”

“You know I will not accept,” Rezkin said.

She smiled. “You will dine with me. We will have a discussion, and then you will change your mind.”

“Why are you telling me now?”

“You do play an odd game, Lord Rezkin. For a man with so many secrets, you like everything stated in the open. I am giving others the chance to plan their challenges, but you know that. Perhaps some of your own wish to lay claim to you?”

The queen’s gaze landed on Frisha first, so he knew Celise had been reporting on them to someone, if not directly to the queen. Her attention shifted to Yserria next. Yserria did not squirm under the scrutiny this time. She held herself as a warrior although it might have been because she was once again wearing her own clothes. When Yserria did not give any indication that she planned to challenge the claim, Erisial’s gaze slid swiftly over Reaylin and Nanessy.

To Rezkin, she said, “You will meet me in my quarters at midday. Court will commence afterward.”

Erisial abruptly stood and left the hall without a backward glance. The guards began escorting the spectators from the room, and Celise scurried over to their group with a bright smile gracing her pixie face.

She said, “Thank you. I was worried that you might not admit to what happened.”

“Why would I not?”

“For several reasons, I guess. You might not want to upset Queen Erisial, for one. I know why you are here. You want Oledia.”

“I do not want Oledia. I agreed to retrieve her as part of a deal,” Rezkin said.

“Oh, yes, I know. She wants to go with you. Queen Erisial has her locked in her chambers under guard in case you try to steal her away. I think she is more afraid Oledia will claim you so that you will act as her champion against any challengers. You know, because then she would be able to leave with you without Queen Erisial’s permission.”

“I would not accept Oledia’s claim, regardless, and I have no intention of absconding with her without Erisial’s permission. If I intended to do so, I would already have her and be gone from here with all of you none the wiser.”

“She is quite secure—”

“Are you certain she is still in her rooms? It is possible that I am the unwitting distraction and the Adana’Ro have already secreted her away.”

Celise blinked as concern crossed her face.

“In fact, the Adana’Ro may have been responsible for the attack on you. Perhaps it was no coincidence that I happened to be in that corridor when you happened to be assaulted.”

The young woman glanced at his companions as if to see whether he was speaking truth, but only Yserria could understand their words, and she did not appear optimistic.

“But I do not believe that,” he said. “I believe another culprit was responsible for your attack. I believe it was Erisial who goaded Morlin into trying to force a claim, and I do not think she intended for me—or anyone else—to intervene.”

“But, why would she do that?” Celise said.

“I doubt it was personal. She needed to get rid of an advisor. Morlin’s attack would have done enough damage to his house to see to that, especially if he had been able to finish what he started. In addition, she would have made Morlin’s punishment and execution a public spectacle, a show of her strength and an ill-conceived attempt at intimidation aimed at me. It is convenient that the attack occurred on the eve of the arrival of her guests—one of whom she intends to claim.”

Celise clenched her jaw, obviously trying to stymie the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. “She is my mother. Of course, it is personal.”

The hall had cleared so that only their group and Celise stood in its center. Serunius remained listening near the exit through which Erisial had departed. Rezkin glanced back at Frisha who was watching the exchange with concern. Although the others did not know what was being said, they could easily see that Celise was upset. He met Yserria’s hard stare. She looked angry, and her gaze seemed to be challenging him to do something. Apparently, he was going to have to remain involved in this little family feud.

He tilted his head toward Serunius and grinned wolfishly. Then, he unpinned the sigil brooch on his baldric and handed it to the young woman. For Frisha’s benefit, he spoke in Ashaiian.

“If anyone else gives you trouble, I will act as your champion. If anyone causes you harm, I will avenge you, regardless of their station. You need not pay me for the service.”

She held the brooch loosely, as if it might bite her. Since he had switched to Ashaiian, she attempted it as well. “Why you do this for me?”

He grinned again and stared at Serunius as he answered. “To frustrate your mother, of course.”

When they returned to their quarters, Wesson said, “I do not understand. Why are you trying to upset the queen when we need her to give us her daughter?”

“She intends to claim me. I am making it clear that doing so will not be pleasant even if she somehow convinces me to change my mind. Also, Celise is the daughter she does not want, and I have offered myself as her champion; meanwhile, I have not even asked after the daughter for whom I came, the one she loves. She may begin to wonder if I will not take Celise instead. The Adana’Ro only want a daughter of Erisial. I doubt they truly care which one.”

“Then you have made Celise a target,” Wesson said.

“Celise was already a target. She was nearly killed tonight. I have placed her under my protection, which makes her very powerful. Few would dare challenge her for anything. She could even declare her own house without the need for a consort. So long as I am her champion, Erisial cannot afford for Celise to break from her house. If she does not convince Celise to remain, Erisial’s rivals may gain the confidence to challenge her for the throne.”

Nanessy said, “You are forcing Erisial to recognize Celise as her daughter?”

“I am not forcing Erisial to do anything.”

Frisha crossed her arms and said, “There is more to it, isn’t there? The queen said you were playing a game with her consort. What are you up to?”

Rezkin gave her a placating smile. “You are right, Frisha, but now is not the time for this discussion. It is late. Let us sleep.”

“Do you plan to sleep?” Frisha said. “Or are you going to be scurrying about the palace again?”

“No, I intend to remain in that room over there for the remainder of the night.”

Frisha pursed her lips and gave him a stern look. He smiled again, and her scowl deepened.

He said, “Good night, Frisha.” He wished the others the same and then went to his room.

Kel Kade's books