Kingdoms And Chaos (King's Dark Tidings #4)

“Yes, Rezkin,” Malcius said angrily. “Why are you giving Yserria expensive jewelry?”

Rezkin close the box, returned it to the trunk, and then turned to Yserria to explain. “Matrianera Gereldina was the head of a powerful house during the last reign. The torque was stolen by her consort, who used it to pay the Adana’Ro to kill her, but Gereldina found out about the plan and killed him and his male children, both her own and those from a previous matria. The Adana’Ro killed Gereldina anyway and kept the torque as payment. You will let it be known that the torque was a gift from me, which serves two purposes. Bestowing knighthood on you demonstrated that I value your skill and accomplishments, but gifting you this torque shows that I value you as a woman. Appearances are important to the Leréshi. A worthy male will make his appreciation known by gifting luxuries to his woman.”

“But she is not your woman,” Malcius exclaimed rather too quickly. He appeared discomfited when everyone turned to stare at him. He shook his head and added, “I mean Frisha …”

“Is not my woman either, Malcius, nor will she ever be. The betrothal was canceled. You need to accept that.”

“What?” Reaylin, Nanessy, and Yserria all cried at once.

Rezkin was surprised by the group outburst. He said, “I thought someone would have mentioned it, since everyone is so eager to discuss my marital status.”

Yserria cleared her throat. “Y-You said there were two reasons for the torque?”

“Yes, the second being that the Leréshi will know I acquired it from the Adana’Ro. Queen Erisial is aware that her daughter desires to join them, and she will likely make the connection. It gives my cause legitimacy.”

“What if the Adana’Ro take exception to your stealing it?” said Wesson.

Rezkin shrugged. “If they did not wish for me to take the torque, they would have done a better job of holding on to it.”

Wesson said, “You were not there for long, and I do not imagine they allowed you to roam around looking for things to steal. How did you find this treasure?”

Rezkin shook his head as he went to his desk. “It was not difficult. The great mother was wearing it.”

“The great mother?” said Wesson.

Rezkin looked up at him. “Their leader.”

Yserria tugged at the torque. “You stole this from the neck of the leader of the Adana’Ro?” She tugged at it again, but it would not budge.

Rezkin told her, “Stop pulling at it, or you will hurt yourself. It is enchanted not to come off unless removed by the person who clasped it shut.”

“But you removed it from the great mother,” Wesson observed as he stood to examine the torque. “And you would have to have done it quickly, or she would have noticed.”

“She was rather distracted,” Rezkin replied.

Malcius seemed even more frustrated when he said, “I recall that you were nude. Why were you so close to the woman, and how was she distracted?”

“Lord Malcius!” Mage Threll exclaimed. He appeared slightly abashed, until she looked at Rezkin and said, “Where did you hide it?”

A whistle, followed by shouts from on deck, signaled that the ship was about to be boarded. A smaller vessel had been escorting theirs since entering Leréshi waters. As soon as both were docked, a woman and two men boarded Stargazer without invitation, a privilege that was apparently reserved for female captains. The men were slight of build and wore loose, beige pants that tied at the ankles beneath matching smocks that fell to their knees. Their hair was shorn close to the scalp, and each held stacks of papers and a writing tablet.

The woman was a minister of the docks, tasked with inspecting foreign vessels and their cargo. She appeared to be in her late twenties and had straight, brown hair tied back into a tail that hung past her waist. Her eyes and lips were enhanced with powders and paint, and she had multiple rings piercing each ear. She wore a dark brown sleeveless overcoat that was fitted to her curves and crossed her chest to tie at one muscular shoulder. Her voluminous black pants gathered at the knee, leaving her lower legs bare down to her hard-soled slippers. The silky red sash that encircled her hips was tied at the side with the loose end hanging halfway down her thigh. At that moment, she also wore a scowl for the captain.

“I am telling you, it is a passenger vessel,” said Captain Estadd.

The woman glanced around the deck at the recently added weapons and modified rails and said, “It looks like a military vessel to me.”

Shezar approached, dressed in his formal black and green regalia. He smiled and genuflected as was appropriate for a man when addressing a woman of station. “Minister, may I have the privilege of introducing myself and this vessel’s occupants?”

The woman looked him up and down and smiled appreciatively. “You appear to be a worthy male. You may speak.”

Retaining his smile, he bowed again. “This is Stargazer, flagship of the Royal Navy of the Kingdom of Cael. I am Striker Shezar in service to the King of Cael, True King of Ashai. My liege desires a meeting with Queen Erisial.”

The woman scanned the deck again. “I have never heard of the Kingdom of Cael. Your king does not seem to travel with the usual flair. Has he no women to speak for him?”

Shezar continued to smile. “He has many women, Minister. They tend to him now. I will inform Royal Knight Yserria that you wish to speak with her.”

She looked at him skeptically. “Your king has knighted a woman?”

“Yes,” Shezar said. “She is worthy.”

Yserria stalked out of the cabin on cue, also wearing her formal uniform, with the addition of the priceless torque. She stopped in front of Shezar and the minister and looked down her nose at the shorter woman.

“Of course, I am worthy,” she said. “Was there any doubt?”

“No, Knight Yserria,” the woman said, shaking her head vigorously. “I was just surprised. I had not heard of a woman being knighted in any of the kingdoms.”

Yserria turned and saluted Shezar with a fist over her heart and said, “Thank you, Striker Shezar, for allowing me the privilege of this duty.”

Shezar tilted his head and departed without a backward glance.

The minister glanced between Yserria and the striker’s retreating form. “He is your superior?”

“Yes,” said Yserria.

The woman’s face soured, and she huffed. “Why has he delegated this task to one of lower station?”

Yserria switched to Leréshi and replied, “Because you desired to speak with a woman.”

The minister blinked. “You are Leréshi?”

Yserria slapped a fist over the emblem embroidered onto her tabard and said, “I am Caelian.”

The woman glance around skeptically and said, “Alright, I will send a message to see if the queen desires a meeting with your king.”

Striker Shezar stalked out of the cabin flanked by Mage Threll and Reaylin on either side. Reaylin carried her weapons and was dressed in armor, but her tabard looked like modified healers robes. The center was grey with silver lining, while the sides were black with a green lightning bolt stitched onto the breast.

Looking back at Yserria, the minister said, “The women in your kingdom are encouraged to learn the sword? Even the healers?”

Yserria grinned. “Cael is a warrior kingdom.”

“I see,” the other woman said. Her gaze flicked to the striker, and she called, “Striker Shezar, you should dine with me. You may visit my home.” She smiled devilishly and added, “It is located only a few streets from the docks.”

Shezar turned and bowed. “I am honored by the invitation, Minister, but I cannot accept. I am assigned to the security of the ship.”

She sauntered over to him and ran a finger along his jaw. “If we were not bound by the rules of the dock, I would not give you the choice. I will make it worth your while.”

Kel Kade's books