Iron and Magic (The Iron Covenant #1)

Stoyan stepped out of the fog and sliced at the mrogs. The beasts screeched, raking at him with their claws. The centurion carved at them with methodical precision, sinking his blade into flesh. Blood poured.

Hugh ignored the snarls, concentrating on the troop movement. The eastern force reformed into a rectangle, eight soldiers wide, five rows deep.

Stoyan climbed the ladder and landed next to him, splattered with blood.

The western formation swung north, closing in on the other gate. The eastern formation advanced. He didn’t expect the split. No matter. He could adjust.

The archers fired from the rooftops at the eastern formation. As one, the soldiers snapped their shields up and to the front, covering themselves like a turtle. A testudo.

The arrows glanced off the shields. On the Wells Fargo rooftop, Renata Rover barked out a short command. “Stop firing. Save your arrows.”

“A shield wall,” Stoyan said softly. “You were right. East or West?”

“East,” Hugh told him.

Stoyan nodded, slid down the ladder, and disappeared into the firehouse.

“They’re planning to hit us from both gates,” Bishop said. “Like pincers.”

“Yes, they are.”

The shield wall crawled forward.

In the west, the second testudo approached the gate.

The western gate exploded into flames. The wood went up instantly, as if it were tissue paper thrown into a bonfire. The metal holding the thick boards together melted. Their magic packed a hell of a wallop.

Bishop swore.

The eastern gate went up in a flash of crimson fire.

So that was the end game. Burn them from both ends, pushing the defenders toward the center of town, where they would be crushed between two walls of steel. One flaw in that plan. The mrog soldiers still thought they were facing farmers.

The remnants of the western gate collapsed onto the street, breaking apart. The testudo moved forward, through the fire, boots grinding the embers into the pavement. The shield wall crawled forward and stopped. Someone barked a guttural command and the rectangular formation split, revealing the commander and two officers flanking him. He towered over them by at least half a foot.

Big bastard.

The officers sucked in a lungful of air and spat torrents of fire at the Dollar General and the bank across the street.

They spat napalm-grade fire. Perfect. Just perfect.

“There he is,” Oscar said.

Elara took a step forward. A gaunt shape crouched atop the pump station at the edge of the lake. A vampire. She felt no others in the area.

They hadn’t warded the pump station. They should have. It was set up in a hurry, and now they paid the price for it. The undead could’ve killed Oscar. The older mechanic was supposed to keep an eye on the pump station. That was a death she could’ve prevented. She would kill the undead and correct the oversight before Hugh came back.

The undead watched her with glowing red eyes. In the twilight, its grotesque form looked even more eerie. It sat on top of the pump station, emanating magic that felt like a fetid smear, like someone had taken a rotting piece of greasy meat and rubbed it all over the station’s roof.

“You have some nerve,” she said.

The undead straightened. His mouth stretched open and a clear male voice came through. “Ms. Harper. I’ve come to discuss business.”

“You and I have no business to discuss. And it’s Mrs. Mrs. d’Ambray.”

“But I think we do. My name is Landon Nez. I have a proposition for you.”

Oscar raised his crossbow. “Would you like me to shoot him?”

Even the best navigators only had a range of several miles. That meant Nez was close. Nez came “in person.” There was no good reason for him to be here unless he was planning something. She had to find out what it was.

“Oscar,” she said. “Give us some privacy.”

Oscar backed away about fifty yards. That was as far as he would be willing to go.

“We both know that this marriage is a sham,” Nez said. “I understand why you agreed to it. At the time it must’ve seemed like the right strategic move. But now you’ve had a chance to live with d’Ambray under the same roof. The man is violent and unstable.”

Nez paused. She didn’t say anything. If you kept quiet, the other person usually kept talking to fill the silence.

“I’ve known him a lot longer than you have. D’Ambray has one purpose and one purpose only: to destroy. When Roland wanted to take over a location, he would use Hugh as a bulldozer to level the existing power structure. By the time d’Ambray was done and Roland entered, the people hailed him as a savior.”

“Does your employer know how you talk about him to outsiders?”

“I’m giving you the courtesy of frank exchange, Ms. Harper. D’Ambray cannot build; he can only wreck. He has been doing it longer than you’ve been alive.”

Hugh had built the Iron Dogs. She had watched him work with them every day. But rushing to Hugh’s defense wasn’t in her best interests. Not if she wanted to keep Nez talking.

“The man isn’t without guile,” Nez continued. “He can be shrewd and hard to kill, but in the end, he always reverts to his true nature. Do you know what he was doing before he came to you with his marriage proposal? He was drinking himself to death. He bounced from one hellhole to the next, earning just enough to get drunk. I personally have seen him stagger out of a bar reeking of urine and vomit and fall asleep in a ditch. With nothing left to demolish, he dedicated his talents to destroying himself.”

And yet, you fear him enough to personally keep an eye on him.

“D’Ambray is an animal. If you allow him to nest under your roof, he will eventually destroy everything you’ve built.”

“Is there an offer on the table or are we just discussing my husband’s finer points?”

The vampire shifted. “Abandon d’Ambray to his fate and I will leave Baile in peace.”

She laughed. “Just like that? You’ve been trying to run us off this land for months and now suddenly you changed your mind?”

“Hugh d’Ambray is a higher priority target. I’m willing to let go of your castle if it means I get d’Ambray.”

“Why do you want my castle?”

“That’s not important. I’m offering you a way to keep your people safe from me at a price you not only can afford but would welcome. I suggest you take it.”

“And I would trust you why?”

“Unlike d’Ambray, I’m a man of my word. Of course, I’m willing to formalize this arrangement via contract. A peace treaty of sorts, if you will.”

“And how do I know this peace treaty is binding? Nothing prevents you from attacking us the moment you find it convenient.”

“Fair point. In addition to the formal agreement, I’m offering an additional incentive. The town of Aberdine has overextended itself. They borrowed, quite heavily, to build their wall and clinic and they’ve put up their municipal land as collateral. I’ve bought their debt. In simple terms, I own Aberdine. I’m willing to sell it to you for a nominal sum. Let’s say, a dollar.”

What else did he buy? “What am I supposed to do with Aberdine?”

“Oh come on now, Ms. Harper. No need to demur. The town has been problematic for you and they control the only access to the ley line passable by truck. All of your shipping goes through them. You can hold the threat of bankruptcy over their heads and have the town council be your willing slaves. You can turn the town into a cash cow and collect the loan payments, which come with significant interest. You can move your people into Aberdine and expand. You can force them to move and turn the main street into a parking lot. It is entirely up to you. Whichever course you choose, Aberdine will no longer be a problem.”

She would do none of it. “It’s a tempting offer.”

“It is.”

“However, I married d’Ambray. You’re asking me to go back on my word.”

The vampire smiled. The sight was enough to give most people nightmares. “It would hardly be the first time for you.”

Bastard. “Still, there are contracts. What happens if I say no?”

“I’ll assault Baile directly and kill every living thing I find in its walls.”

He said it so casually, as if it had already happened.