I Know Lucy

“Yes.” She nodded again.

“Do you think Patrick will fall in love with me and kiss me for real once the musical’s over?”

Maria giggled. “Most definitely.”

Lucy chuckled at the sound of Maria’s sweet laughter. The girl was like the chocolate chips in a cookie. All sweet surprises encased in a golden soul. They had become best friends within a week of starting Palms Middle School together.

Now, at the age of thirteen, they both felt like the world was their oyster. They would be starting high school together soon and Lucy couldn’t wait.

At that moment, life was perfect.

Chapter 3


March 2014

As usual the cafeteria was crowded. I took my tray and followed Elliot out to where AJ and Liesl were sitting. Now that we were finally seniors we more often than not scored the table on the edge of the quad. It was the best spot in our opinion. Near the grass and shaded by the edge of a big oak tree, it was far enough away from the chaos, but near enough to watch the student body trundle past. We’d seen some interesting things in our four years at Monte Vista High.

Danville was a small pocket of a town near San Francisco. I moved here when I was eight. My grandfather died leaving my dad this really healthy inheritance and they decided they wanted to try a small town for a while. So they picked one of the wealthiest towns in California. I’m not sure if that’s why Mom had always loved Danville or not, but when they both scored teaching jobs here, we packed our Sacramento bags and headed closer to the coast. I really love it. It’s a cool town and I’d made cool friends. I’m not saying I didn’t want to spread my wings and see some more of the world, but as far as childhood’s go, I think it’s safe to admit that I’d had a pretty sweet ride and I was grateful for it.

I slid my tray onto the table and took a seat, tucking my bag behind my feet.

“So, which one’s the new flame?” AJ arched his eyebrow. It popped up above his thick-rimmed, rectangular glass. He was wearing his bright orange pair today. So AJ. The guy’s fashion sense was off the charts.

I unwrapped my sandwich, giving him a droll look before firing a warning shot at Elliot.

“What!” He threw his hands up. “I haven’t had a chance to tell them yet.”

“It was Jaeda actually.” Liesl’s smile was all sweet like.

Damn it, that grin could win any guy over. I snorted out a chuckle and picked up my sandwich.

Liesl was one of the most beautiful girls I’d ever met. She was long and lean with dark floating hair and deep brown eyes. Her model looks turned most heads - guys and girls. But the best thing about her was…she didn’t notice any of them. She was the nicest, sweetest human being on the planet and she proved it on a daily basis.

“So?” AJ kicked me under the table. “Which one?”

Knowing they wouldn’t let up until I gave in, I swiveled my head and scanned the area for her. “She’s not here.” I turned back and took a large bite of my ham and cheese sandwich, hoping to stall any conversation for a minute.

“There she is.” Elliot pointed over my head and we all turned, very unsubtly, to take a look.

Thankfully Dani was looking the other way so couldn’t see us all gawking at her. Her thin frame eased through the traffic, her straw colored hair catching on the breeze, a few wisps tickling her delicate nose. She had an apple in her hand and as she turned in our direction, I quickly spun around.

She headed past us without looking our way. I nearly called out for her to join us, but somehow I knew she’d politely refuse.

I watched her walk over the green grass and head for an isolated tree. I would have kept studying her if AJ hadn’t kicked me again.

“Would you quit it?” I kicked him back.

He gave me his big, cheesy grin. The one that made his round cheeks score with deep dimples. “What is it with you and skinny waifs anyway?”

I frowned, pointing at Liesl. “What are you talking about? You’re dating one.”

Wrapping his large arm around his slight girlfriend, he gave me a pointed look. “Liesl Ekland is not a waif. She is a gift from heaven. An angel in human form, sent to dwell among us.”

We all rolled our eyes as AJ began his standard speech about the love of his life.

“Oh no, he’s not doing the Liesl speech, is he?” Jaeda dumped her bag on the table as Liesl elbowed her boyfriend with a blush.

“Angus, stop it.”

Elliot and I snickered. AJ hated being called Angus. As a kid, he used to demolish anyone who even muttered it, but Liesl loved the name. She thought it was adorable and refused to call him anything else. He let her, because he was totally in love with her, but Elliot and I couldn’t stop the snickers every time we heard it.

He cut his lengthy ode to Liesl short and then turned the heat right back to me.

“As I was saying…” He cleared his throat. “What’s with the goofy look on your face? You’re not going down this path again, are ya?”

“What path? You guys, it’s just curiosity.”

Melissa Pearl's books