Highland Guard (Murray Family #20)

“I fetched that ledger ye asked for, Clyde,” said Biddy, barely releasing her grip on him to pull the book from her pocket and hand it over.

Annys had to clamp her hand over her mouth to smother a gasp of shock. That was the book in which David had kept his accounting of all he had given to Sir Adam’s family over the years. He had told her that he had also begun to keep a record of all that he knew or did not know about Nigel’s death. She had to wonder which matter Adam was most interested in.

Clyde hugged Biddy and gave her a kiss. Annys listened as he told the foolish woman what a beauty and a joy she was. That soon they would live well because he was Sir Adam’s second and she would be his woman. She would be but one step down from whatever lady Sir Adam chose as a wife once he was laird of Glencullaich.

“I dinnae ken if I can do that again, Clyde,” she said when he started to speak of trying again to get Benet. “They are watching the lad verra closely now. Someone e’en follows him to the garderobe now. And a knight sleeps in his bedchamber. And I think someone is closing up all the ways I use to slip out to you.”

“Do the best ye can, my love. Our path to the laird’s chair will clear quickly if the brat isnae standing in the way.”

Annys clenched her hands into tight fists, wishing she was a sword-wielding knight. She would cut them all down where they stood and smile as she did so. Benet was but a child and they spoke as if he meant no more to them than some pebble they needed to shake from their shoes.

“How fares the knight? The one wounded when they took the boy back.”

“Sir Harcourt is out of his bed, healing weel. He walks with a stick though.”

Even from where she crouched, Annys could see that that news displeased Clyde.

“I tried what ye asked but only Joan tends to his meals.”

“Keep trying, love. The woman cannae keep that up for long since she must answer the demands of her ladyship.”

The way Biddy nodded told Annys the woman thought that the truth. She began to wonder if Biddy had ever really seen what it was like where she lived. If she had, she would never believe what this man was saying.

There was more kissing and Annys decided it was a good time for her to make her escape. She started to wriggle her way back, never taking her eyes off Biddy, her lover, and the men with him. The lack-witted Biddy was completely enraptured by the man. Annys prayed she did not look at Harcourt with that slack-jawed adoration.

“How I wish we had more time to spend together, my love, but I need to get away from here before I am seen. Our time is coming soon. I will send word when it is time for ye to do that last favor for us.”

“It willnae be easy for me to slip away to make certain all the ways inside the keep are open to you, Clyde. I may nay be able to get to them all.”

“Do your best. It could be what saves my life in the coming battle.” He gave her a pat on the backside and pulled up the dark hood Biddy had worn to hide herself from any possibly prying eyes.

“Oh, Clyde, I wish we could be together now. Tonight.”

“Soon, my love. Soon. Just a little more patience is all I ask. Now, back ye go.” He gave Biddy a little nudge in the direction of the bolt-hole she had used.

Annys realized she was now between Biddy and her way back into the keep. It was tempting to just get up and run but she hoped to get away unseen, small though her chances were. She scrambled back to the bolt-hole but even as she reached out to open it, Clyde looked her way.

Chapter Eleven

Fear cut through Annys like shards of ice. The man who had seen her was drawing his sword and three others were stepping out of the shadows, also arming themselves. Biddy squealed in fright and ran toward the keep. It was a long run back to Glencullaich, she thought even as she hiked up her skirts and began to run, heartily cursing Biddy and the men now chasing her for robbing her of the chance to take the shorter path back home.

“Dinnae kill her,” yelled out one of the men. “Sir Adam will be wanting to get his hands on her.”

Sir Adam could just keep on wanting, Annys thought. She had no intention of falling into that man’s hands. Her heart pounded as she ran, fighting to keep herself moving fast enough not to lose the small lead she had on Adam’s men. They might not be planning to kill her but Sir Adam wanted her dead. She had no doubt about that.