Going Deep (Alpha Ops #5)

He leaned forward just enough to get his mouth by her ear. “Good. I don’t want to stop.”

His teeth closed on her ear lobe, sending lightning streaking along her nerves. It was hard to breathe after that. How did he do this to her, short-circuit her brain with so little effort? They were naked, yes, but barely touching, and it was growing more difficult to even see him as steam obscured her vision, droplets condensing on her eyelashes. Conn looked down at her, his eyes darkened to slate blue, his hair clinging to his forehead as he backed her up a step, then another, across the floor to the tiled bench running the short length of the rectangle. She bumped into it, then sat down, no longer wondering how he did what he did, slipping into the flow as easily as water slid down the glass panels.

The new position put his cock, hard and straining upward, at face level. Automatically she reached for it, looking forward to going down on him, but to her surprise he kept moving and got down on his knees on the tile, edging forward until he could plant his hands on either side of her hips. Conveniently, the move parted her legs. A ripple of sensation eddied through her sex as she stared into his eyes.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hi,” she replied.

He lowered his head. Expecting a kiss she parted her lips, but he surprised her again by stopping with his plush mouth just above hers, with each inhale giving her fleeting contact that disappeared with each exhale. The contact was brief, sweet, tantalizing. She pushed her head forward just enough to satisfy temptation, and felt his hand close in her hair, pulling her back.

“Not yet,” he said.

To her trained ear, his smile came through in his voice, but she could feel it against her lips as his hand flattened against the tile again. Desperate for more, she licked her mouth, scraped her upper teeth over her lower lip, trying to draw the taste of him into her mouth. He licked her lip, fleeting, hot. She whimpered, wriggled a little, feeling her nakedness and emptiness deep inside her body.

“You like to tease,” she said.

“I like to take my time. Enjoy it.” He kissed her then, quick and soft, no tongue, just the pressure of lips against lips. “I like to have.” Shaping the words moved his mouth against hers, a different form of contact. She inhaled his breath, the intimacy of the air drawing from his lungs into hers, an intimacy she’d not considered before.

Just like the intimacy of having. She caught his jaw in her hand and leaned back just enough to get a good look in his eyes. He was so close she couldn’t look into both eyes at once, but had to flick back and forth between them. Her mind was racing at the same speed. “Having” mattered to Conn. It mattered to everyone, of course, but it went deep into Conn McCormick’s soul. “Because so much of what you do is fast,” she said. “Drag racing. Eating on the run in your car. Going from call to call.”

His hand stilled on her hip. She peered into his eyes,

Tell me more, Conn. You can tell me. I swear I’ll keep your heart safe.

For a moment he looked like he regretted speaking the words. “Guess so,” he said, minimizing the implications of what he’d said.

She brushed her thumb over his impossible mouth, felt his tongue briefly touch the pad. “You can have me,” she said.

Under normal circumstances the language was old-fashioned, a euphemism for sex, for casual, for fucking. But she meant it in a different way, offering herself to him the way she used to build rapport with an audience at a personal show, starting with something softer, slow tempo, drawing them in without the crutch of an upbeat, driving song, a top-ten hit, a recognizable number. Back when she put herself out there through her music rather than “performed.”

For a flash of time Conn’s eyes widened, just long enough for her to see the expression, then see it change, then wonder if she’d seen it at all. But her heart skittered in her chest. She’d seen it. Her body told her that, more truthfully than words.

She was still cupping his jaw, her body language holding him ever so slightly at bay. Suiting actions to words, she slid her hand down his throat, then drew her thumb over his collarbone to the hollow in his shoulder. It was her turn to nip his earlobe.

“You can have me, as slow as you want,” she whispered, and watched him shiver.

Anne Calhoun's books